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Show 1raternal I SOCIETIES I The Woman's Benefit Association of tho Maccabees, Silver Review No. 1 meots overy first and third Friday eveningB at 8 o'clock, and every second sec-ond and fourth Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock in tho Woodmen Hall, Fraternity block, 2820 Washington avenue. av-enue. Visiting members cordially Invited In-vited to attend. Anna Holden, L. C; L. Jennie Prout, R. K.f 2455 Van Buren Bu-ren avenue. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1605 meets on every Tuesday evening in W. O. "W. hall, Fraternity building. Washington avenue. Visiting Archers are cordially cordial-ly invited to meet with us. E. M. Reld, foreman. J. A. Junk, corre-spondent, corre-spondent, 3202 Washington avenue. Queen City Robekah Lodge No. 4, I. O O. F., meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members invited. Mlu-nlo Mlu-nlo Child, N. G.; Annlne Carlson, Re-cording Re-cording Secretary. The American Masonic Federation Ogden Lodgo No. 81, 2414 1-2 Washington Wash-ington aenue, will meet every Monday Mon-day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothels broth-els cordially Invited to attend. W. H. Toller, R. W. M., A. E. Lansing, secretary, 436 Thirtieth street. Royal Highlanders Ogden Castle No. 625 meets in the new I. O. O. F. hall; Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton Ave., every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders High-landers cordially invited. Alford Burgl, 111. Pro.; William Muller, Sec-Treas. Royal Neighbors of America meetB every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall, Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors invited. Ell.. Mitchell, O. R., 247 2lBt street. Lillian Newton, Recorder 27th and QQuincy. MASONIC Queen Esther chapter No. 4, O. E. S regular meetings held at Masonic hall on Washington Ave., between 25th and 26th Sts., the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially invited to attond Nevada Cook, W. M.; Callie E. Cave, Secretary. Ogden Lodgo No. 2, Knights of Pythias, Py-thias, meets every Monday evening at S o'clock in Castle Hall of the Pythian building 2361 Grant avenue Visiting Knights welcome. S. D Rideout. C. C. George B Hart, K. R. S., Edgar A. Ford, M. F., 2340 Grant Ave. Ogden Lodge No. 6, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meets in I. O. O. F. hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting Vis-iting brothers cordially Invited to be present. Ben Moloff, N. G.; Henry Kissel, Secretary. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modorn Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Wednesday Wednes-day night in the I. O. O. F. hall. Fraternity Fra-ternity block. Out of town members cordially Invited to meet with us. H. J. Copock, Consul; J. R, Hlnchcliff, Clerk. " Order of Owls, Ogden Nest, Ne. 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evonlng in their own hall (the old Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brothor Owls are invited to attena the Nest meetings W. D. Watson, President; C. A. Knowlden, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. Weber Camp No 74, moots in the W. O. W. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening st 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially cor-dially Invited to attend. J. L. Kelli her, C. C, W. M. Plggott, Clerk, P. O. Box 4S8. Fraternal Order of Eaglos, Ogdeu Aerie No. 118, F. O. E., meots every Wednesday evening at Eagles' hall, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are Invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club roomB open at 11 a, m. Geo. F. Roach, W. President; Presi-dent; E. R Geiger, Secretary; Drs. H. B Forbes and Paul Ingebretsen, Aerie Physicians. Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle No. 581, meets every "Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new Woodman Hall, Fraternity Bldg., Washington Ave., visiting Neighbors Invited. Dues will be collected on the 5th of each month at Mlsch Drug Storo. Addle A. Follows, Fol-lows, G. N., 126 Poplar avenue, phone 12S5-R. Marie Crltes, Clerk, 2731 Monroe Ave. phono 1913-R. |