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Show 1 111 Pierce's for Every Meal I ffl! ii The list of Pierce Pure Products show that there are foods suited for 1 l.fli ! 8-0 I any anc every meal they are suitec or tie home, cafe, restaurant, 1 Iff ' 2lB S hotel, dining car, camp or for a picnic party. There is nothing more 1 111 5P3 1 delicious than a dish of Pierce's Pork and Beans, The tomato sauce I Irl' '291 gives that additional appetizing flavor. You'll find that the other I Irfi ' flnHI 1 Pierce Products are equally attractive, just what you want, j fill .ssssssssfe PIERCE'S PORK AND BEANS j 1 Wm I ftfJII3S PIERCE'S TOMATO CATSUP I 1 1 HI I (tfJH pierce's sauerkraut I ; !! S j J!Mlm J PIERCE'S TOMATO SOUP I I'l HI f&iwim PIERCE'S HOMINY I iij HHl if gj"roji PIERCE'S TOMATOES AND I rJi 3 ttxfl 1 raB3SKMe5w J Always Good, Always Pure, Always Ready 41 EEI I ar iLTOEDiwauwimwJW J ,. . . ,.,.. 1 U! JtiH I JKUJTHJB JJ Delicious, Appetizing, Satisfying '1 HUil 1 Ng JT R f-3 ust Right for Any Meal I hBB 3 ' That's the Record for Pierce's Products. I 'I HK3I I Since 1 888 the Pierce's Pure Products have been packed in Ogden. tall I These goods have a reputation that extends over the entire west. They I iff Hi i have become known as the standard of canned goods. This reputation m I J1 IflBS I as een achieved because there has always been the greatest care in m' ilEcIl 5 the packing of these goodies, the preparation of them. They are sent I MR flBnnl I to your home with the backing of the company, as being in perfect I (Hi jjjJyyl I condition, wholesome and pure. H m tmm 1 Sanitarily Packed, Everlastingly; Backed 1 1 Pn I " "Ogden, Since 1888" - I ill JUJ i I ifl $2.50--The Utah Hat--$2.50 I lH I HAND MADE ! I TWO-FIFTY I GS 1 HARRY THE HATTER 1 f I flflhPi I "CLEAN UP YOUR OLD GRAY BONNET. I Bi1"! 1 PUT THE NEW Ribbons ON IT' i 1 Irflf I 1 I mmm I Buy ifie Cement flat 1 cement mt stands 1 lll! fF I 1 e is Best by Jest 1 - 1 W lvWl li S. I Rpfl I ggk. II & : 1 fey m S IliJI KraPliliI I I HH I 9PDW I fiv :i I 1r I II : I Jfehr5W& I 110IJ1I 1 MADEIN 1 H Ik : I mttm m If W 1 1 I ogden. I H ' B I I I (Union Made) 1 H S I I The Rock Cement I fmoke a Victor and know I H g I Trade Mark I I luxury of smoking. 1 H 'WmB I Sold by every dealei Th's GiS is made of the I H 9 Made by the fn Ogden I be3t Havana tobacco and I D ll I I s P616 in workman- I ml d&lm V(rihm 1 Union Portland I T poxa 1 H K I vUlClll I UI Udllll yt wt smoker cannot fail to ap- 1 1 Bl Cement Co. 1 Cement Company I rpyeciate; . 1 v K I " len' Utah-" 1 Gen ffice: 0gden' Ut 1 CLOSE, Mgr. 1 in IS 1 I I 20S st I PERFECTION I I That is the trade name of our Ham, Lard and Bason. I It expresses the exact nature of the goods, these food I Products are "Perfection." They are made from the I choicest Utah Pork. You will like them place your 1 order during Utah Products Week. 4 1 j Ideal Shortening j is a lard substitute. Compare this Ideal Shortening I with other similar goods. Then compare the prices: Three pounds for 40c Five pounds for 65c I Ten pounds for $1.25 I We are not only manufacturers and wholesalers but in 1 our retail story we carry a I Complete Line of Utah Made Goods I We have "everything to eat and then some." Our I Everclear Tea, so delicious, is becoming famous it - sells for 60 cents a pound, is worth a dollar. Just call up Phone 412 or 413 and leave your order. I Our delivery service is prompt. pncyinr t - t ati tms-tz IlULlliiJLJjUkiTlJJkJ vd I Some Facts Ahoui H Ogdon has the largest packing plant between the Ml. L m jouri river and the Pacific coast, the Ogden Packing' & Provision company. I B . t Four gigantic sugar factories are owned by one Ogden l H company, the Amalgamated Sugar company, and thq H stockholders of this company have been instrumental la J H upbuilding other sugar plants. - I H The largest and best factory of its kind In the west, for H tho. manufacture of pickles and similar products, lB tha -t H Goddard Piokle & Preserve company factory in Ogden. ' f H Establishment of tho American Can company plant in- H Ogden places the city "on the map" as having the only Hi can factory between Chicago 's suburbs and California. Ita ' B products are all sold In Utah, to Utah canners. H In 1888 the cannery business was established in OgdeiS 5 H when tho production of Pierce's Pure Products was start- HI ed. The establishment, grown to many times its original ' H size, is now owned by tho Utah Canning company, with, L 3 H L. Pierco as president. I Ogden financiers havq made heavy investment in thq J H coal mining Industries of Utah and Wyoming and are to- N day doing much of the development work in that direction with the result that Utah has comparatively cheap fuel and s plenty of it, both for manufacturing purposes, for rail,1) H roads and for general heating. m H Utah ranks fifth among the states as to the canning i& J H dustry. Nearly all of tho canneries of Utah are located 1 H in Webor county or near its (border line. ) Mi H Shipments of food products are made from Ogden coa c H ptantly to 37 states of tho un ion while the markets of Ang. ft jfl tralia, of Panama, of New Zealand, of Alaska and of Hu ; H wail aro being opened to tho local manufacturers. a Ifl Tho only cereal food facto ry between Nebraska Citr, ,t H Nebraska, and the Pacific coast will soon (be operating in 3 B Ogden, tho Utah Coreal Food company. This plant willbe .3 H the largest of its kind between the coast and the Missis- il H sippi river. H WM John Scowcroft & Sons company operato in Ogden tld ' 1 B immense Nevcr-Rip overall plant, also making other work ;I H clothes and shirts. Tho same company operates a manu I H facturlng department in connection with its grocery, bust '1 H ncss. ' H i ,1 Mountain Brand Haml J When yU CUt ff a slice f that MOUNTAIN BRAND Ham notice jH jk tfj$ how tender. how fine the meat. MOUNTAIN BRAND Ham is made ill SSjf yfl$r irom. the western grainfed porker that is the reason the meat is so tffl J JJPmBr .VT. tender. You will find there is a taste to the ham, too, that is different. Wt SO Special care has been taking in curing the meat. Federal inspection f f jffi yW of MOUNTAIN BRAND Meats also gives the assurance that the jj rak( product is in perfect condition. mmM 1 Ogden Packing & Provision Co. H 5 "gttriafflt'i irn 1 in fin 1 1 1 t n nil fffl Utah's Best Chocolates i I Are Made In Ogden ;, I r I v SUIT YOUR TASTE, FROM THE FOLLOWING BRANDS H I Fashion Ctiocolates 25c and 50c I p RVPF I Utahna Chocolates ZScandOr I te highest class I ' MBHHMHHMliiii; I CHOCOLATES I Our Purity Chocolates . . 35c, 60c and $ 1 I prefe$rred$1-50THEBOX f I My Lady Love Chocolates . . 40c, 75c" I a Swd?BScOLATES ( I "b I FOR $1.25. I Made in America g I I I MADE BY THE PAY ROLL BUILDERS OF OGDEN. j J The Shupc-Williams Candy Co. J m (Si Hl TQtIUHHDHtliliiirniHTiTrmUlHHiinrB mS If Hi I III I1IIIIM Imllllnflntl IhriflfFTntnTuflTTfl M - & 3 4'4w tl pen's Industries E I JfcbydniUns of fruits and v pgotables. a new proceflB that I ifcn improvement oei the old methods of evaporation, is 1 fnanufactunns step taken by the Everfresh Food Pro- 1 flgfe company, controlling the largo now plant In Ogden I fcvo in Oregon This proceos Is declared to solve the 1 Wfcjvroblcm of both tho army and the navy for this I Jjtahbas more Knitting -factories than anv other west- I ntate, one of the largest of thesethe Utah Knitting I pan' plant betng established in Ogden. 1 fli 1 llfcdcn is the center of the western Portland cement I iess, with tto companies established here Tho Union 1 Wand Cement company has Its large plant at Devil's e. Its general offices in Ogden The Ogden Portland 1 Ifcent company, operating aothci large plant, directs this 1 mm s opciatlon nca: Brigham from genoral offices I tf eastern Oregon lumber business Is to a largo ox- I .handled by Ogden men, the result of the Eccles inter- I Wlnadlng that field at Baker, Oie. Genoral offices ocatcd here and much of tho milling and distributive JM. done from this city. Headquarters of the Superi or Honey companj , the larg I ulnianufactory of its kind, is located in Ogden, v,ith one I apt at Fne Points. R I Jrer oOO food products arc cither manufactured or I SHced in Ogden. n I tod products manufacories of Weber county aro the H Ltest buyers of farmer's crops in the district, absorb- I more than 50 per cent of the ield from the land Some he remainder is consumed localh, with much lc?s than I ler cent of the crops bhipped from the city In tho raw ' . 1 jden's industries have grown from 12 to 16 per cent H ng the past two 3 ears, giving that much increase in H oils, in payments to tho farmoTs and in general de- H ping from factories. mufactunng of druggists' supplies in Ogden is earned I Ktensiiely by tho Ogden Pharmacal company, Mur- H rlardy company and smaller establishments H e largest general candy manufactory in the state, HI ic-Williams Cand3' factory, is located in Ogden II j Make Them Talk About Your Party I It's a lot of trouble to get up a tasty dinner or lunch- 1 eon for a large number of guests and when it is over fl I you find it has cost you considerably more than you Q I figured on and you are disappointed because some of fl I the dishes you had planned did not pan out right, We Cater I to parties of all sizes. We give you high class service 1 I at low cost. Just tell us what you want and how far 1 P you want to go and leave the rest to us. We will feed I I your guests for less money than it would cost you to , I I do it yourself and you are saved the work and worry. I The Punch I There's an art in making punch. It must have the I I delicious twang that pleases the taste. Our punch has won a reputation among the Ogden social set. Try it I at your next party. I WE CAN SATISFY YOU. jr I Brown lee Cream Co. 2456 LINCOLN AVE., PHONES 315-316. I it 1 BNjJHSEt Afi T 3 " w- & -' I R 1 liiir infii s 'ust ie same as i mky.j , fzjMtj Putting Money I 1 Ask IN THE BANK I T" If you buy "NEVER-RIP" OVERALLS, y I () you support Home Industry and Union Labor. I E Next time you want overalls insist on I I Cao Scowcroff s "NEVER-RIPS." I M LCC THEY WEAR GOOD FIT GOOD (AND A NEW PAIR IF I W THEY RIP). K np MADE IN ALL SIZES EVEN FOR THE KIDDIES TO BE 1 M 1 ilfinn HAD AT ALL GOOD DEALERS. H?- I iBS' . . M W I IVhere Many Food Products Are Made i m I I ' " flHHHHIHB I In the finest food products plant, east or west, Goddard's 24 kinds of foods are pre- I II PPANI IT pared and packed. One of these is the famous Goddard Peanut Butter. Utah peo- H I pie have no reason for buying peanut butter that is made in far-away states, for they H 1 RUTTER can secure a better grade, at a saving, by buying this local product. Peanut Butter, Hj UJ i t v eSpeciaiiy tke Goddard Peanut Butter, is especially attractive and appetizing at this H ; season. Just try it. When you send your o rder to the grocer, have him send a small H 'i glass of this delicious Peanut Butter. Your order will b e increased in size the next time. That is only one of the . E j Goddard's 24 kincli. You'll like them all. H I JGoddardPickle&PreserveCo. I I 1 -TWO FACTORIES OWNED BY OGDEN MEN il I Ei IBS M I Sugar Made at Home I 1 Sugar making is the greatest manufacturing I LJJ ' H I industry of the intermountain country. The 3 H building 'and operation of sugar factories in ittfj :H I Utah and Idaho has resulted in the distribution 1 WM , I of millions of dollars each year among the 1 0 IH I farmers, the workmen, the railroad employes I gM H I and other residents of the two states. Utah I llS ''I I profits every month because of the sugar indus- 1 is! ' H try. Sugar that is made "at home" is absolutely 1 WM il I pure, 100 per cent good. It is also cheaper than IIS H 1 the foreign kind. It is made in clean, sunlit, 1 9l H I fresh-air factories. Its purity has made Table I Us H I and Preserving Sugar a favorite of the west. 1 fplj H I Use it for jelly making, for cooking, for candy 1 9 H I making, for preserving fruit, for the table. I WU H I When you order, and it is cheaper by the sack, 1 fffBf H I be sure to specify j pj! I IT LI J w P ill 'I I m JSP 9 IH Orpheum Caedy Co. W I I ORPHEUM THEATER BUILDING i H I MANUFACTURERS OF I SJ H I High-Grade Gandi&s and i Dl H iGe Cream H I I , MADE FRESH EVERY DAY. Wak H i CALL US, PHONE 1941-J. Mm I ' I jQk I Brooms I Made In Ogden II . Tillotson & Sons IS I Phonel684-R. I S j M " jlrkJr""j,Mff , MMMMI ffWhgff49FfTfflTBB 1fcraTg,8iMMiBMri ' 1 1 1 fin. a CMMMgjjMJBJMBBjjBBBMBBMgMMBBjaBBBM |