Show L B AUSTIN OF saginaw NEXT HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL matter of his appointment in hands of superintendent allason and doctor joyce from saturdays standard tho principal business that came up for consideration at the of the board of education held yesterday afternoon was the election of a prin capal for the high school to succeed dr thomas during the time that has elapsed since it was learned that dr thomas would not be here next year a number of men have been considered tor the position but none seemed available attar considerable discussion during which it was considered that another endeavor be made to secure mr wll of the school son a former principal the members of the board decided that it was doubtful it mr aileon would accept the position as the matter had to be decided at once and that it would be better to settle the matter the application of L B austin of saginaw naw michigan was then discussed as he seemed to be the most available candidate yesterday allison was in communication with mr austin and the latter informed him that he would alk to have the matter decided at once tafe only reason tor the board not malting the appointment yesterday was that while the board tact that they would have to pay a larger salary they could not quite reach mr figures it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of dr joyce and superintendent in allison who have been authorized zed to mr austin 1600 mr austin will be communicated with at onoe and it is expected that he will accept the position the finance committee reported that the lien which had been authorized had been secured and paid into the treasury an overdraft was reported by the treasurer of mr gwillam reported that repairs were needed at many of tha schools and that the total amount required for the work would be less than 1000 the board voted to make the repairs he also reported that work on the central and the mound fort schools was progressing rapidly and that the work at the latter school would be completed next week dr joyce reported that the teachers were slowly signing the roll lor next year and that there were yet several vacancies to be filled superintendent allison submitted his annual statistical report which showed an attendance of pupils of this number 2373 are garls and boys almost an even break architect J A smith submitted an estimate showing 1033 to be duo P L isaacson for material furnished tor the central school the bill was ordered paid the then adjourned for one week WORK OH CITY ROADS the roads and sidewalks in the city are rapidly being improved A laja force of men under the supervision of contractor oneil is curbing guttering and paving in all sections of the town twenty third street from wall to madison has been macadamized guttering and curbing work has been completed and the are now being paved washington from second street to thirty fourth has been guttered and curbed and in the busi ness section paved sidewalks on grant from twenty fifth to thirteenth street have bees paved ind from twenty second tc thirteenth on the same street gutter ing and curbing work Is completed other work that has recently been or Is now being completed is curbing and guttering from twenty sixth tc twenty eighth on adams to jackson on twenty fifth twenty sixth tron washington to jeff twenty eighth from washington to jeff and on un coin from twenty third to thirtieth new sewer districts have been arsat ed in the farst and fifth wards con tracts tor their construction will b let tomorrow when the contemplated improve ments are completed ogden will have as good roads and sidewalks as ans city in utah FUNERAL arrangements of MRS GEORGE DRAKE mrs geo drake whose death wai announced thursday leaves a husband all her children except mrs johi page who lives in ion a and all grand children grandma drake goes to rest leav ing a record full of noble deeds and t pure unselfish life as a monument t her family and friends in the year 1860 mrs drake wa made a member of the church of jesu christ of latter day saints and antl her demise was a faithful member mrs drake was english by birth an in 1852 in company with her husband crossed the ocean and came to amei lea where they settled in iowa in 1877 mrs drake came to utah where she has resided since she wag first counselor 0 the re alet society of mound fort she was a midwife mid wife of rare ability having practiced forty nine years am in hundreds of cases she hag attended atten dei she has not lost a patient grandma drake was always knori to go among tho sick and distress whenever the call came regardless 0 herself and in hundreds of families 0 poor people she administered to taci wants and made them happy she la survived by a husband an seven children mrs john pago 0 iowa mrs J R brown mrs SR draft mrs F 8 woodcock mrs J w cooney mrs J J eells and mrs As ael farr also twenty flight grandc hll dren and five great grandchildren at tho time ot death she was 8 years C months and 20 days old funeral will he held at mound for assembly ball tuesday july 25 re mains may bo viewed at residence 01 east twelfth street barrs farrs lane u to 1 HERR MUELLER DEAD salonica european turkey july 2 herr the austro civil agent who has been the reform in macedonia died today |