Show exonerated AND STORIES LACK confirmation one of the step daughters said mr richards was good to her and other children take back what they said from mondays standard on july lah the standard and examiner published tho following statements jn connection with a on the arrest of T G richards richards said to be a bad man it tho stories told by the neighbors of the man meaning plaintiff aro hue there Is no language strong enough with chich to condemn the man sanco the arrest of mr richards numerous stories have come to light regarding the actions of mr richards one story alleges that some time ago another stepdaughter step daughter of mr richards miss viola lewis was in a serious condition and that richards was responsible since that almo the girl has not lived at home but has with relatives at brigham city another story alleges that last week mr richards had occasion to punish his email stepson step son and that he took the boy between his legs and held hlin alle he cut his tongue after that he forced the boy to remain under a bed on one occasion when the attempted rape Is alleged to have taken place a person jhb ought to know states that the young girl was forced by her mother to obey her step fath er meaning the plaintiff and that in the morning the bed clothes told a terrible story since the above was published the standard publishing co has made further investigation and finds that such stories actually existed in the neighborhood of T G richards home but lack confirmation from any excepting the children of the richards family and they in turn deny the statements and from the investigation made the standard and examiner are convinced that the stories above republished are so lacking in confirmation and so improbable that in view of all be circumstances cum stances including the dismissal of the case by the county attorney and the contradictory statements the standard and examiner hereby retract and recall any and all publications appearing in said papers at any time concerning T G richards and his stepchildren and exceedingly regret that were made the victims of such poorly founded statements or rumors we exonerate mr RichardS fand so far as we are concerned mr stands exonerated we trust public wll accord him that same standing the story concerning miss viola lewis appears to be without any foundation whatever except the statement of her sister th young lady has been interviewed and she says that actor noy skeen has forbidden her to talk or say anything about the case of her stepfather step father but she did say the ru mors her were false and that papa waa good to her this paper believes the story concerning miss viola lew Is to be absolutely false and Q recall and retract fac jent made connecting her in any vay with the arrest and charges against T G richards |