Show GATE RECEIPTS AT RACES WERE ATTACHED julian H youngs financial difficulties came to a climax last failure to secure enough business pressing financial obligations and failure to pay the rental agreed upon in the two years lease that julian H had on glenwood park and the saucer track resulted n the lease being abrogated at a meeting of the board of directors of the glenwood park company held yesterday at which mr young mas present those who have been familiar with the conditions existing have for some time expected that mr young could not long continue to lose money and so the announcement of the abrogation of the lease was not unexpected late yesterday it was doubted that the bicycle races scheduled tor last night would be run the riders absolutely sol refused to appear unless the money for the prizes were in some way secured finally a compromise was effected whereby A G horn was installed in the box office as the representative senta tive of the riders with authority to take from the receipts the amount of the prizes but fate in the form of the becker brewing company sheriff bailey and deputy sheriff sebring ruled otherwise and the riders did not secure their money for an attachment was placed on the receipts by the brewing company and they were paid over to tha county officers under protest As an earnest of the protest mr horn this morning filed in the municipal clerks office a suit for the amount collected by the officers and for punitive damages against the becker brewing company sheriff bailey and deputy sheriff sebring co defendants the abrogation of the leas does not mean that glenwood park or the saucer track Is to be closed this morning manager heagren of the salt lake track was in consultation with the directors of the park and it was decided that the races will be held as usual in the future the directors appointed william binford as manager of the park and track and in full charge of the resort following mr youngs retirement from the management of the park it Is expected that he will relinquish hi interests in his theaters in ogden and salt lake C P cashing has secured the theaters through chattel mortgages which he holds and after some improvements they will open which will be some time next month |