Show SALT LAKE HEWS ON THE EXCHANGE in the mining exchange yesterday there were sold shares of stock for which made it one of the fat days of the week uncle sam con was the only stock that was kept up to the high standard of wednesday this was sent to 40 12 1 2 with the sale of ajax sold 1400 holding the price up between 14 12 1 2 and 15 carasa sold 1000 at 18 12 1 2 and lower mammoth closed around 39 selling may day dropped to 7 12 1 2 when 1200 shares were chipped off the block silver shield sold at 21 new york dribbled down to 53 cents 2400 shares selling on the open hoard dalya was drawn on tor shares at swansea turned over shares at SO cents and yankee consolidated responded to the call for shares at 39 cents PROSPECTS IN HUMBOLDT attorney general it A breeden has returned from a trip into humboldt county evada where be went several days ago to look over his interests 1 I was delighted with what J saw he said and feel certain that some day in the near future there will be a great camp there the land Is apparently all mineralized and from the reports of the best mineralogists who have been there the country Is as finely mineralized as any part of the ahola country values run high and all the country needs Is development NUGGETS fateen tons of high grade ore has been taken out of the properties being operated by the payroll mining and smelling smelting Sm elting company near at george and the smelter will be erected on the property this fall mechanical engineer george K fisher of the united states mining and smelling smelting Sm elting company has gone out to the companas comp anys properties in california to watch the progress of the work on the new smelling smelting sm elting plant that is being built C D hanks who has been operating in the american fork canyon district came in from camp yesterday and reported more activity in the canyon at the present time than at any period during the past twenty years the pioneer sampler received yesterday two cars of ore from alta two cars from bangham and one car from nevada taylor brunton received two cars from two cars from bingham and two cars from nevada the mammoth in the district has sent out another car of copper ore from the leaders leasers lea sers which was taken out above the 1000 foot level the mammoth plant is now the full complement of men and in a few days nil be sending out the regular shipments this will help to increase the showing made by the district A new compressor has been purchased by the management of the ontario mine and 1000 feet of six inch pipe was also added to the that was sent to the mine yesterday morning it became necessary to get this equipment in order that the men working in tunnel could penetrate tho caves beyond the station STATE NEWS OFFICERS ARE ARRIVING all preparations are being arranged for land drawing provo july 20 george C flunk inspector of special agents general land office washington D C who Is in the city arranging for the opening of the uintah reservation expresses himself as being well pleased with the building tor registration offices and with the efforts ladeby the city officials commercial club and citizens generally to care for the people who will be here to register and looks upon the location tor registration offices at provo vernal price and grand junction as very convenient for all who may desire A register he states that it Is not the policy of the government to have these offices in large cities for the reason that in all large cities there are many people who will register without any intention whatever of taking up land and that class of applicants tb government la not desirous of registering tho claim that old soldiers would be benefited by a registration office in salt bajt city does not seem well taken be causs they can and they are the only persona who can register through an agent they also have an advantage in filing on the land at the vernal baad laad office in this that they can file a declaratory cl statement which gives them sixty days in which to select the land they desire to enter while other applicants cants ennst file on the land on the data designated for them to do so land commissioner richards will be here with a corps of clerks before the ast 1st of august and while tho registration is going on till the will exercise a general supervision over all the registration offices the drawing will ba conducted here commencing on the with commissioner richards and two local citizens as a committee in charge the names of the persons registered at tho several reg offices will all be forwarded asre in envelopes and after being thoroughly mixed in a box will bo drawn by boys selected or this work the numbers will be mailed to persons entitled to them it they so desire and as tha order of registration has nothing to do with the of drawing aind the order in which the numbers is drawn lq what determines the order in which the holders may select land there Is no particular advantage in registering early as last person registered is just as likely to be the in the drawing as otherwise the first fifty names drawn will bo required to malo their filing at the land oskco in vernal on august 28 the second fifty on the the third fifty and so on till all who desire to file under the privilege obtained under the drawing have done so for days when the remaining land it any win be thrown open to the general public except that those who have drawn numbers and failed to enter land under their will not be permitted to enter any of the land on the reservation the order of entry at the land office of the fifty each day will be in in the order of their numbers but if the holder of the number is not present when his number is called the number will be held till the othar numbers for that day tire called when it will be called again and the holder given another chance it he is not there his chance Is lost an impression exists among some people that there will be charges made for registering and that a certain amount will have to bo paid when the drawing is made this Is erroneous rone ous there is no charge tor registering except that the notary public who nils out a blank furnished by the government to which the applicant for registration subscribes under oath before registering will charge 26 cents for administering this oath and filling out the blank then the next charge is filing fee in the land office where entry is made which is the same as a homestead filing fee 16 or 17 then when the requirements as to residence improvements etc are filled and the proves up and receives his patent from the government he Is required to pay for tha land at the rate of an acre which amount goes to the indians ATTACK OF HEART FAILURE Co alville july 19 john C chairman of the board of county commissioners ners to his bed an attack of beart failure this morning mr was attending to some work near his home when the trouble seized him abid he fell to the ground unconscious fortunately some one saw him fall and ho was carried into his houss and medical aid summoned this evening he Is slightly improved and no serious results arc anticipated the funeral services of the late thomas ball were held this afternoon in the stake tabernacle president taylora badr ward E pack and other consoling and appropriate prop remarks the casket was cohered with beautiful floral and many people turned out to do honor to the memory of this sterling man two deputy water commissioners commissi onera havo been appointed to patrol the streams and prevent waste or excessive use of water william robinson a long almo resident of Co alville and well known throughout this county Is lying at the point of death VERNAL READY FOR INFLUX prove july 20 A gentleman who is acquainted with the uintah reservation and who has lust returned from vernal says that the latter place is now a lively town the saloons have instituted improvements in order to be ready for the influx of people expected for the opening and have removed the pool and billiard tables and paraphernalia and other subdued forms of amusement and replaced them with faro tables and other devices tor getting quick action on the coin of the visitors these places all run wide open and are doing a good business although thero beje not when he loft more than about five hundred strangers in town however people are constantly arriving now by team from colorado and other parts of ac country he is of the opinion that vernal will find it a hard matter to care for tho strangers and that there is danger of provisions being scarce on account of the town being so far from railroads speaking of the reservation lands he says that those who homestead land and have not enough money to live on tor a year or two especially men with families alq liable to suffer great inconvenience it not distress the lands that will be open for entry after the indian allotments are eliminated ara principally lands which will require a great amount of labor and means to get under irrigation and aven when irrigation projects are under way it will take time nothing can of course be raised on the land this year and in many cases water cannot be obtained in time for crops next year I 1 and until such time as crops can be raised the settler will have to buy his supplies with money already on hand or earned while he Is waiting to obtain returns from the land work by which money may be obtained except such work as may be offered on canals and work incidental to the settlement of tha country will have to be obtained outside of the ashley valley and wall necessitate the settler going away a great distance to obtain it the ashley valley the only settled country in the vicinity of the reservation while it Is a very prosperous section of the state has only small opportunities to offer in the way of employment for those who will aade to depend upon work tor their subsistence till the land becomes productive duc tive and the gentleman whose are given looks for many eases of hardship and disappointment tov those who have come from a distance with their families and with but a small amount of money to make a homa for themselves on the the secret of happy vigorous simply keeping bowels the stomach the liver and kidneys strong and active burdock blood bitters does it los angeles calif july 21 M T hancock millionaire plow aurer died at 1245 this morning from received in an automobile ac |