Show head of the harem kept his nerve A london july 22 a m the turkish censorship is evidently suppressing fhe regarding the at tempt on the life of the sultan for press dispatches from constantinople have reached london A dispatch received by fhe turkish embassy says As the sultan was leaving tho mosque at the conclusion of the ceremony of the a bomb burst in the yard divine providence miraculously preserved his majesty who displayed his usual self possession and courage himself driving the phaeton his majesty returned to the palace graciously bowing aa it nothing had happened A number of persons were killed or injured the whole population Is indignant at the infamous and dastardly deed FIRST BOMB EXPLOSION constantinople friday evening july 21 the authorities are jealously guarding all the details of tu tile attempt on the life of the sultan adough the outrage occurred at 1 p m the fact that the sultans life bad been in danger did not cwm generally known until night when it aroused widespread excitement as it was the first bomb explosion of this character that ever occurred in constantinople the majority of those killed or ini inured were soldiers who were lining the road near the mosque the authorities ties are greatly disturbed and un le to explain how the would be clec proceeded through tho cordon of troops which always bare the roads leading to the mosque as soon as the sultan leaves the palace BOMB FELL SHORT constantinople friday july 21 via sofia bulgaria july 22 the bomb which was intended to blow up the sultan fell short and exploded about thirty yards from his majesty the latter was at the time on the top step of the flight leading from the inos que A panic immediately seized the and the court dignitaries rushed up and implored abdul haild to remain in the mosque YELLOW FEVER IN NEW ORLEANS new orleans july 22 doctors Rold and moore of the board of health mobile have ar rived here on the invitation of the louisiana board of health to investigate two cases presenting symptoms of yellow feysa and gave it as their opinion that it was yellow fever with the result that the mobile board of health immediately established n quarantine against passengers and household goods houston tex july sa ssta health officer tabor has issued orders to all roada having lines between new orleans and texas positively prohibiting tb e entrance of any person from nw orleans into texas f j the sultan however insisted on proceeding and ats carriage with a calmness not attributable 0 o him d picking P ule reins drove himself to the palace amid the cheers of the admiring officials the explosion was heard as tar as the pera quarter besides the soldiers in the vicinity several horses were killed carriages were smashed into matchwood and the windows 0 the pavilion reserved cpr the diplomatic corps wera broken tho force of the explosion also damaged the clock tower in the court yard of the immediately after the sultan had departed a detachment of cavalry dashed down the street parallel with the mordue and from where the bomb was thrown in hopes of finding the author of the attempt who however has not yet been discovered smashed windows constantinople july 22 the bomb thrown by the man who attempted to assassinate the sultan yesterday smashed tho windows of the pavilion reserved tor the diplomatic corps which contained among others U grant smith second secretary of the american legation here who was accompanied by captain smiley of the united states army no one was hurt m tha pavilion with the ex ceron of a few attendants who received scratches from flying glass NEBRASKA HAS FREE PICTURE SHOW resources of state interestingly shown by bolograph Blo graph lecture portland july 32 the state of nebraska which has an interesting display in the palace of agriculture and horticulture at the lewis and dark exposition has adopted a novel method of exploiting its resources by means of free bolograph blo graph lectures the lectures are interesting and the pictures are distinct and wonderfully true lo 10 life the lecture room Is filled at every performance the scenes are of the everyday sort and their charm Is due to this tact different pictures are thrown on the screen at different hours of the day and most of them depict farm scenes for example a of pictures shows the methods of harvesting alfalfa which now occupies acres in debraska ye braska the opening picture shows a young man standing waist high in alfalfa succeeding moving pictures show a procession of mowers cutting down the grass then follow a saries of moving pictures which show how a phalanx of rakes gathers the hay into long windrows wind rows the operation of stacking the alfalfa by means of a big stacking machine Is pictured also AA team hauls a sec tion of a window to the and a second team pushes the hay onto ibe outstretched arms of the stacker this operation Is known as bucking it on when the hay has b ee u ed on the arms with their burden are ele bated to tha top of the stack and the load dumped onto the men place it with patch borka the moving pictures were taken in an actual hay field and represent everyday operations in the harvesting of alfalfa several dogs are seen in the pictures running in and out among the machines and their presence adds to the realism other are shown in the same ife as the aleafa alfafa harvesting time pictures besides the moving pictures there are a number of beautiful lantern slide views an old sod house one of the first to be built in nebraska in the early days when the country was young is shown in contrast with a modern farmhouse buchas fine crops have made d possible fo the nebraska tanners to build there are too street scenes in omaha and other cities and one picture shows a shaft erected to the memory fajt sergeant john floyd the only member of the lewis and dark expedition who died en route to the pacific ocean some interesting moving pictures of a parade during the omaha exposition are part of the program in these the late president mckinley bareheaded and bowing right and left to tha cheer ipg crowds is the most conspicuous figure tho pictures are explained by a lecturer who tells of nebraska and its possibilities in a straightforward straight forward manner without attempt at oratorical i effect T TREASURER KELLYS CASE s governor hoch says there can be no compromise topeka kas july 22 state treas kelly says that he will havn his bond prepared in a short time and that it will be part personal and part surety r asked if he had been requested to vacate his office yet by the governor and if so what would he do he remarked run like a ot course no sir I 1 purpose not to resign under ore I 1 will die only in the last ditch but treasurer kellys friends have taken up a campaign to hava him resign and avoid a war with the gov arnor some of the executive council who do not to split with the governor are most active in this durec alon governor hoch today said that treasurer kelly waa cither innocent or guilty there could be no halt way business and no compromise he said he might call a meeting of tha executive council tor monday but so far bo had not done so RAISIN browers OPERATE COOPERATE CO fresno cal july 22 at a meeting of the california raisin growers company a joint stock concern which has succeeded the old operative cooperative co association cia tion the proposition submitted by the directors of forming a joint stock company with tho big packers was in by a vote of to each vote representing one acre there are about acres subscribed to the company the new joint concern la to be known as the central california raisin packing company the packers are to get 5 a ton tor selling the crop and are assured of tons the estimated acreage of raisins in the slate Is LATEST poem eulogistic of work of lord milner london july 22 tho times this morning publishes a new poem by rudyard kipling entitled the pro consuls devoted to a eulogy of the work of lord billner the former brit leh high commissioner in nouh africa following is a specimen verse they that dig foundations deep fit for realms to rise upon honor do they reap of their generation any ampre mountains gain stature till we reaca the |