Show given an escort of battleships and cruisers of two squadrons french ship to attend the ceremonies at ARRIVAL ANNOUNCED washington july department today received a telegram from rear admiral evans commanding the north atlantic fleet announcing the arrival this morning of his squadron of battleships tle ships and rear admiral sigs leo with his fleet of cruisers bear beg the body of john paul jones in hampton roads the first division of th battleships anchor cd in Har opton roads the second division and rear admiral Sigs bees division sailed for annapolis this fleet will anchor below annapolis tonight and appear off annapolis tomorrow morning at 10 norfolk va july 22 the body 0 admiral john paul jones recently found in paris as the result of a search inspired and conducted under the direct charge of general horace porter former united states ambassador to france passed in the virginia capes today on the united states cruiser brooklyn under rear admiral sigsbee the brooklyn having as contort across the atlantic from france the cruisers galveston tacoma and chattanooga off this coast the fleet was met by he battleship squadron of the north atlantic fleet in two divisions tha first leiba under the command of rear ad biral evans and tha second commanded by rear admiral davis the three squadrons approached the capes together the vessels under command of rear admiral evans leading and the davis and sigsbee squadrons closely following upon the vessels reaching cape henry admiral evans squadron composed of the battleship maine as flagship the battleships missouri kentucky and kearsarge passed into lover chesapeake bay at risen came the sigsbee squadron in he following order the flagship brooklyn the cruisers galveston tacoma and chattanooga following these were the vessels ot hear admiral davis squadron which entered the lower bay in this order the battleships alabama illinois i iowa the exact hour ot toe passing in of the sigsbee vessels was 7 20 and ibe squadron proceeded immediately afterwards the sigsbee and davis squadrons proceeded immediately up chesapeake bay bringing the body of admiral jones toward annapolis md its last resting place while the vessels of ad maral brans squadron said farewell i TO the other fleets and proceeded to old point comfort va en route io lamberts point ft here the battleships nill coal it is understood here that n chesapeake bay the body of admiral jones will be transferred from the cruiser brooklyn and placed aboard one of the lighthouse tenders which will bear it to annapolis tor final interment on ahe united states naval reservation at that place vessels of the sigsbee arid davis squadrons will continue to an to take part in the ceren onles incident to the reception of the body the ceremonies also will be part ici rated in by the french cruiser jurlen ve la Gra viers which was detached from the french north atlantic squadron and sent to chesapeake bay to represent france at the ceremonies attending the arrival and interment of jones body at annapolis the french cruiser which has been at baltimore since her arrival in these baters will leave that city today to join the american vessels bound toward annapolis after the ceremonies at annapolis me french will return to martinique ti where a new list of officers and men will be found awaiting her irom france relieving the present of cers and crew who will then return blome BULGARIA MURDERERS attack villages killing the entire population s salonica july 22 A report here baya that a large bulgarian fand attacked the villages ot baltin and Grade shultz in the i marinov district murdering the entire population indiscriminately and that i ie carnage did not end until this u the number of victims Is f not known troops proceeded to an village in the district and find 8 that the population had fled burn 1 I the village the inhabitants of aich were suspected of having mur catia thirty turks near doiran I 1 SCHWAB DENIES nat he paid a fancy price for fads i and fancies new york july 22 an account of 1 statement that charles M schwab W been induced to give for a opy of fads and fancies assistant attorney called on mr calab who declared that the state nt wab untrue and that the only ney he had given was as tho ance of one subscription this he tu he had done very willingly THAT LOAN kew york july 22 most of the mystery remaining abou the oan which the trust corn amny had standing on its books to joint account of ex president alax and ex comptroller thomas D dan of the equitable society when W made his on has been removed baya the junes the in dorser of the note se ains the loan was the paper ae te a well known member of the equitable society who recently disposer of his holdings of former comptroller jordan carried the check to the office of the trust company and payment was nominally for the trustee account the times intimates that tho check was signed by the man who endorsed tho note |