Show complete figures of casualties on the bennington Ben hington san diego july 24 shocking and pathetic as have been the occurrences accompanying and following the explosion on the united states gunboat bennington in san diego harbor ahe story of the frightful ao aident has reached the point where the strain of suspense may give way to the relief of knowing that the ex tent of the disaster has been de ened the most important development of today Is the certainty that no member of the crew ol 01 the bennington remains unaccounted for and that no grew some find awaits the exploration of the depth of the hold now being emptied of water the summary of the situation early this morning was n fifty four identified dead four dead forty six wounded one missing ninety uninjured one deserter this brings the total up to that of the number of officers and crew inquiries of the reporter of the associated socia ted press on board the dennington this morning resulted in the location of the last man whose name appeared in the list of missing C A mumper who la found to be alive and uninjured moreover this mornings investigation has resulted in definitely establishing the identity of the four men classed as unidentified dead these are C nelson C S carter i P strang R jogles A visit to the hospitals where the injured survivors are being cared tor gives a hopeful aspect to the present situation compared with what it waa yesterday there are seven poor fellows whose fate may be said to hang in the balance and one of them at this hour shows a decided tendency toward recovery those in a critical condition are W V kennedy george hallett C H A mettles S makate L A arlese walter martin of these walter martin this moru ine was at a critical point with ism nera ture at A turn tor the better with reduced temperature fol lowed the dressing of als wounds the one now most seriously Is L A who today shows pneumonia symptoms martin may recover but any of the others may die at any hour GOVERNOR CARTERS MISSION Roosevel ts assurances of Is to get support bay july 24 governor carter oyster hawaii was a caller on president of roosevelt today he came to the states tor the express purpose united the president a statement to presenting of difficulties he encountered as of of hawaii since hia appointment governor governor sanford B to succeed carter has bad trouble dole with governor both the citizens and the officials of the territory desire was not carters governor to resign hie official duties BO much obtain from the president assurances aa to that his administration shall su rances of the national government support have the ern ment ON THE LAKE july 24 on new york in central park haa the large lake authorities to the city compelled the aaa of boats there orders assert that policemen at night carlt years investigations two during the last asea of deaths of of several young girls after boats had been overturned disclosed indications of hoodlums having rocked the boats efforts to compel order on the water were met with abuse after which the boating parties would row away A stop was finally put to the renting of boats after dark after two swans and fourteen fine ducks were found beaten to death with oars militiaman FATALLY INJURED was being tossed in air on a blanket portland july 24 louis spangler a private in company A 0 N G of baker city was so severely injured while being tossed yesterday at the company camp near the lewis and dark fair grounds that ho will probably die one of his comrades who were holding the blanket accidentally let go and weight was sufficient so to depress the blanket that he hit the ground his head struck a root projecting from the ground and he sustained what is believed to be a fatal injury to the base of the brain up to a late hour he had not regained consciousness the company was on its way from the regimental encampment at seaside and had secured permission to remain over in portland a few days after the other companies had departed in order to see the exposition MILITARY CONVICTS ESCAPE one of the most desperate Ds outbreaks ever attempted spokane wash july 23 five military convicts escaped from the guard house at fort wryght saturday night all of them were men sent into the fort to serve sentences for desertion posts the names of the men are frank burton joseph carroll james herman W lamp and harry linden they are supposed to have spent the night in spokane but no trace of them was found today the outbreak was one of the most daring ever attempted at fort with the whole post out of doors enjoying the cool evening air and from six to ten guards in an adjoining room the five desperate men sawed their way through two iron bars three quarters of an inch thick and escaped through a window |