Show government he says will not resign office london july 24 the government has no intention of resigning in consequence of thursdays vote this was the gist of premier balbour Bal tour eagerly anticipated statement in tha house of commons hols though it had been generally lecog that such would be the decision of the premier there was feverish eagerness on all sides to hear the ess act terras of his statement the house was literally packed every gallery available to the peers and the commons was crowded and there had not been such an attendance of members during the life of the present parliament mr balbour Bal tour who was heartily cheered hy his supporters on arising tried the patience of his berrera somewhat by a long disquisition on bow former administrations had ignored defeat similar to that on thursday he declared that such incidents had 1 never been regarded as ground for resignation or dissolution and an bounced that the government did not purpose to resign or dissolve parliament because of thursdays occurrence i the premier considered that tt would be a grave evil it the tenure of ministers was made dependent on such votes as that of thursday he hoped the practice would not prevail of al rj lowing a government united in itself and possessing the confidence ot tho majority 0 the house to abandon ilg post merely in consequence of such a j vote the debate in the house of corn mons was unexpectedly ended and tho motion for adjournment carried with out division mr balfour sat down without refer ring to the remaining business of session and sir henry campbell ban 3 ner roan the liberal leader abely asked for an opportunity to als J cuss the premiers statement ithe op position he said did not propose to proceed with sir edward greys proposed vote of censure which obviously waa superseded by tho occurrence 0 thursday they wanted to discuss tho 1 conduct of the government regarding the events of last week john redmond the leader of tha irish nationalists took a similar alno and the heated tone of both leaders indicated that the government will have to face the most determined appo aaion during the remainder of the ses slon ultimately by arrangement with mr balfour the chief government whip sir alexander acland hood formally moved the adjournment and sir henry campbeli bannerman opened the debate with a stirring attack on tho government mi redmond followed and in a few fervid phrases characterized the premiers action as contemptible the opposition he declared ought to band together and make the continued life of this government impossible speaking for the nationalists mr redmond promised the government that they would neither ask nor give quarters but would fight day and night so as to mahe short work of this government of shreds and patches S MORE YELLOW FEVER fireman taken off a before its departure new york july 24 before the steamer Segur anca sailed for the north saturday says a new york herald dispatch from panama a fireman was discovered buffering li from yellow fever he was at taken ashore and the ship was fumigated the latest report gives two new cases ot the fever one of choso stricken died |