Show chinese japanese and italians are to be hired washington july 21 the first attempt to secure laborers in large numbers for work in connection with the construction of the panama canal will be made tomorrow when bids will be asked by W leon acting chief of the office of the panama canal commission tor 2000 each of chinese japanese and italian laborers those who compete for furnishing these laborers will be required to bids first as to the amount per day tor which the laborers of a certain nationality will work and also bids stating the amount the government will be required to pay to get ie laborers on the isthmus of panama in this latter item will be included practically in the case of chinese an amount of money to be advanced to the families of the for maintenance until the wage earners can remit for this purpose from tasir earnings the amount 0 the transportation por tation and necessary incidental bunds to defray the expenses of the journey it is not the purposes of the commission to make a contract with any bidder for labor which will preclude the government making direct and individual appointments with each of the laborers furnished this precaution is taken to avoid any semblance or possibility lity of involuntary servitude un dr the plan proposed the contractor land his laborers on the isthmus these laborers will then personally apply tor appointment stating the amount for which they will wk on this application appointments will be made out the same as in the case of every other employed cf the canal commission information in the possession ot the commission in an informal manner indicates that the price asked tor the laborers will vary from 75 cents to a day the contractors who are successful in their bids will figure their profits in their estimates for getting the laborers to the isthmus added to which may be individual contracts for boarding the laborers aar ter their arrival there they ojill not be permitted to in any way be intermediaries me diaries between laborers and the government the bids will be opened august 15 and bidders willbe given detailed information by the commission regarding the form in which they are to be made |