Show millionaire killed in streets of los angeles los angeles july 20 M T han cock the well known millionaire plow inventor and manufacturer Is dead as the result of an automobile accident late tonight in which also bis wife son and daughter were seriously injured hancock himself sustained two fractures of the skull and concussion of the brain he died at the receiving hospital without recovering consciousness f the party in a large machine were traveling forty miles an hour on south main street near forty eighth street when the machine collided with a buggy the car swerved to tho curbstone and crashed into a telephone pole demolishing it and hurling the occupants to the street following are the injured mrs M T hancock cut and seriously bruised eugenia hancock left arm broken concussion of the brain M T hancock jr severely cut and bruised J saul dairyman scalp wound and internal injuries saul was the driver of the buggy into which the automobile dashed ho was thrown from his vehicle to tha street and severely hurt M T hancock jr a sixteen year old boy was driving the machine at the time of the accident with him in the front seat was bis younger brother newton hancock who was the only member of the party to escape unhurt in the rear seat was Hanco clr his wife and daughter all were hurled to the pavement by the terrific impact of the machine against the curbing and tele phoe pole and several of them were rendered unconscious the machine was wrecked hancock was known here as one of the most ic klesi automobile drivers in the city he had been in the police court on different occasions for driving his machine in excess of the speed limit and on one occasion a few months ago was fined tor fast driving he paid his fine at the alma with a check which he insisted should bear the inscription across its face for driving an automobile sixty miles an hour in the city of los angeles but strikers meet with a poor reception chicago july 21 teamster strikers who last night gave up their long struggle against the employers broko ranks today in a stampede for work the barns of the strike affected firmi were besieged by men who have been idle for months and whose places have been filled by nonunion non union men the employers in many cases announced that there were vacancies for only a tow ot more than men who quit not more than 1400 or 1500 will be reinstated during the nest few days the coal teamsters and truck drivers did not join in the rush tor re employment today the order of the teamsters joint council which authorized the surrender was for all men on strike to ask for re instatement this morning bogli tho truck drivers and the coal teamsters balked at this and planned to hold meetings tonight and fight it out until they can go back to work alko union men however abo boycott against the business houses has been lifted officially oy me action of the council and it Is expected thero will be no more sympathetic strikes of teamsters nearly every one of the strikers at the department stores felled applications for reinstatement in many ases the men were put to bately ia tely at one store a number of to en who obeyed the order to strike stood in line today and signed applications forfeiting to wear buttons of their union exposed the express companies which fought their battle virtually alone and apart from the others are not to take back any of thear former employed emp loyes police protection will not be withdrawn for a few dagg at least as clashes beleen nonunion non union and union men are feared when the latter return to work san francisco july 20 to the report that the main line of tha southern pacific to new orleans was n danger from ane waters of the salton sea general manager F E cal aln said today that the colorado s rapidly falling and consequently tha volume of water flowing into he intake and around the canal month Is lessen ng |