Show TAX LEVIE FOR CITY AT SPECIAL SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT total levy will be fop all pur weeks payrolls allowed through the combined efforts ot carr davedson Dav ldson and chambers a quorum was at last secured for the special meeting of the city council and the body was called to order at those present were carr cragg davedson Dav ldson chambers nye and paine after reading of the call for the special meeting the street department payroll tor the last to weeks was called up read and allowed the items wore as follows streets sprinkling sanitary department 2150 engineering special total A resolution was then introduced by mr craig fixing the tax levy tor the year 1906 the levy for all city purposes Is as follows for contingent expenses for streets and sidewalks tor bewer purposes 7 10 tor library 3 10 making a total of 01 levy tor all purposes under th head of special business a was read from councilman williams offering a resolution that two rock crusher jaws be purchased for the city rock crusher the resolution was adopted and the crusher jaws ordered purchased on motion of mr nye the meeting then adjourned to meet on tuesday night PRAISE AH the members of the state board of equalization on the occasion of their visit before the board of county commissioners ners in june were not apparent ly satisfied with the returns in certain lines on property values made by As lesgor dix of weber county for 1905 an evident disposition was manifest to have certain property values increased the board thereupon authorized stanford to investigate the matter and ho called to ahli assistance treasurer alma D chambers the effect of the good showing made hag brought the following reply from the state board of equalization hon joseph stanford chairman board of county commissioners OR dan utah dear sir we beg leave to acknowledge letters from you with ref arence to the assessment of your county and the data furnished showing the increase per year for some years pact we also bleb to state that we have received the very comprehensive data upon the same matter by our respect cd and loved colleague the late judge dee which more fully sets forth and amplifies the showing made by you we thank you for your interest in this matter and for the information given with regards we are truly youre STATE BOARD OF equalization J J THOMAS secretary |