Show AFTER THE WAR T what will japan do with her armies after he war Is being asked as the signs of peace appear there are a million men in the field when they come home to return to the fields of industrial activity there will be evev crowding and upsetting of present conditions dit ions so that one of japans greatest problems in connection with the kar is to provide an opportunity tor her citizen soldiers to obtain a livelihood when peace has been concluded and all of dapah sturdy soldiery except those who are needed for a standing army have been disbanded if will tax all resource of the clever cabinet to properly manage internal affairs for these men must find employment and yet the industries already existing a ill not find need for them that was tor a brist time the condition in this country when so minor a conflict as our war with spain was just over many ot the discharged finding it exceedingly difficult to obtain employment it Is practically agreed we think that the only reason why widespread distress due to lack of employment did not follow our own civil war was because he building of railroads into the had fortunately just opened a neyr and crying for development and greatly in need of intelligent labor within japan any such fortunate event as the of new country would seem abe unlikely afi believe the japanese statesmen TH k hope to find expansion in the direction and although the open be preserved in that territory the little brown men will have aa advantage owing to the control they will exercise over he affairs of government abe island of sakhalin Sak halin now in possession of the japanese will be held as one of the prizes of the war it may afford an excellent field for japanese energy and provide homes for the surplus population then there Is korea where the Mi people are virtually in pow eri that country la capable of extensive development in either direction the japanese can turn for new channels of trade and industrial du activity BABY incubators AT PORTLAND the ba cy incubators at the portland exposition are atti acting all the interest that their value deserves A few years ago all these babies would have died by this scientific triumph nearly al these little ones will live That fact alone Is a passport to public appreciation and the public by its delight is conferring a compliment upon science has after all done a great deal to destroy life and by the pcr fcc ilon of the baby incubator it has dono something to make amends it is of course medical science that must wear the laurels tor BO remark abla an invention and special branch of knowledge Is already EO fortunate as to need no additional proof of its beneficence il ia safe to say that the baby incubators will attract more attention than the one or two sad and solitary voices that are now being raised for the destruction of immature or do formed infants although these come from tho ranks of the medical profession they arc unable to inflict any discredit upon the doctors of choso whoso position Is too high to be tainted by such association american physicians arc not likely to forget that their mission is in all cases the preservation of life what ever pitiable form that life may temporarily pora rily take it is to their honor that there arc so very few among them who will impudently arrogate to themselves the power to forecast the ultimate value of that life to tho I 1 community it is usual to argue with those who advocate willful murder nor Is it perhaps i necessary to remind an educated american public that some of the greatest minds that this world has ever known have been born into immature stunted or i deformed bodies tha demand for the medical murder of babies has however become audible and it ought to be discouraged like other forms of criminal NORWAY AT ATTENTION norway regards itself as the strong man armed full ready for any eventuality but not ferocious peasant and politician aro la the same frame ot mind the calm demeanor of the people is to be admired their determination is none the loss because in this revolution they do bot become excited by the questionable influence of platform ora tory or make the chance of war an excuse for boastful rioting the crisis is a momentous one for even a bruell country such as it its population rather than its area is taken into account A king truly loved has been deposed but so far there have been few who would wish the monarchy to be exchanged for a republic at ano bamo time it be correct to bay that patriotism in tho form of pro batrla morl is stronger than that of for god and king thus the count rys peril rath er than the change of the monarch is the greater rallying cry and abo feeling has been accentuated by fihs ihs too constant aloofness of king oscar from his second kingdom after all it Is not easy tor a man to occupy two thrones however great a potentate he may be and so tho cancelling of a contract not be burstin a revolution has been accomplished the bins looked towards his swedish subjects and the norwegians Norwegia ns frankly recognized that at the last though in the earlier preliminaries they felt that he had been imprudent in consulting only swedish advisers king oscar had no alternative but to show himself a partisan tho regret on the part of his borso people has been genuine and profound they had a regard for his versatile ability and considered hia age demanding a greater respect from them but political changes often overmaster their own authors except a few of alie extreme radicals tha nation demands a bernadotti Bernadot tc and they are confronted by tho knowledge that the king despite airy rumors has never definitely pronounced against such a proposal let a king still reign let him still be of the royal family but let him be their own king heeding them alone but there is a further situation more ugly in the outset but not likely to be less easily settled for their own separate safety sweden and norway must become reconciled tho older kingdom has played unfairly with her colleague for thirteen years specious promises have been put forward to bo terminated only by an unwarrantable negative norway has the larger mercantile marine therefore has paid the heavier tax towards the consular service which has been almost entirely represented by sweden in a sentence norway flings this retort we are not a province of sweden direct will not mean a very great increase but we shall have at least this satisfaction that our countrymen will reap the prizes thus offered the statement was expressed firmly but without and nations now parley within circle of their cabinets as to the prospect of war who could have been witness to the scene inside or de the Stor thing on june jtb and have believed from the quiet demeanor ot the crowd that the death warrant of q dual monarchy had been signed who but today travels by the lonely villages as well as by the more thickly populated towns and is not an entire stranger to the facts can doubt the one resolution of the people at the naval ports such as horten up the Christ lama fjord the grey hued men of war have been seen fo some weeks past with full steam up and no leave granted two new cruisers have been bought from the japanese who are now content with their russian prizes and two more are said to be ready at their disposal the fjords that delight so many annually are ready for mines even it it were possible for ship to thread its way through their intricate straits undoubtedly the nar fleet is the superior and whilst it would be impossible to harass sweden from obtaining supplies oversea it could always convoy merchant vessels to its western ports without grave peril on the land side there is the same preparation seven forts command the chief passes over the mountainous backbone that separates the chief kingdoms and each one of them is fully manned but the thought of war is a canard unless other countries from dark designs of their own use dishonest methods to foment the present rouble THE HIERARCH ty the Is a terrible monster when placed under a magnifying glass rimmed with gold here Is the los angeles times which has lately b een in close communion with certain salt lakers giving space to the following ridiculous editor lar utterances te rances there are reformers and reformers one type shrieks and frets and wears its voice and nerves away settling the question as to whether a man shall drink a glass of boar as he sits on a chair or whether he must assume a more or less perpendicular position in which be shall feel tho full benefit of the icy beverage and while this important question Is being settled utah reeks with a corruption which if let alone will poil on at its bounces the life of this whole nation our civilization la occidental its cornerstone corner stone Is european not asiatic greece and rome worked out the basis on which a truo civil bo built one wife to one man and an undivided mother lova and father love to every child there la the source at which mormonism Is poisoning our national life there is the gigantic evil choso whoso reptile bead the reformers in the days of old would havo crushed beyond healing the cornerstone corner stone of our political life Is a purely and really representative government this Is not a mob democracy it Is a representative republic that is the ideal framed by the fathers have we jealously preserved that ideal and wrought it out in practical form the answer must be negative in this our day mormon ism poisoning the source of our nat ural life and gigantic trusts stifling so tar as they can the commerce of the country and strangling the industries 0 the people n this great age of bush ness activity are represented hy tho united senate not aha grea vy mass of honest intelligent patriotic country loving A here are reformers reform eis worthy our manhood worthy our intelligence worthy our courage worthy of us as true americans to win back the united stata senate and make it truly of the people to turn out of that body the men who sit in that august assembly by the favor of the lecherous and lying hierarchy at salt lake and by virtue ot the votes purchased with corporation gold will require twenty consecutive years of patriotic effort and it will be worth alfet costs americans foe america shall we answer hero to that roll call the times is an excellent paper and it was our opinion the editor general was too broad to tako up the hatreds of a few men and upon those statements write an article so misleading as the above the may have its faults but tho remedy Is not to bo applied and a cure effected in a day for several years utah has been working out a solution of its internal problems and gradually commercialism bringing close contact has been eliminating all that in the past was objectionable but there is no such alarming conditions existing in this state as conveyed in the times articles the gentiles of utah arc not excited nor yet apprehensive as to the future they are pleased with the advancement van cement since statehood and they know that without an unnaturally stimulated estrangement of the two elements laboring for the up building of utah there must come a period of absolute confidence and a true americanism abao even the reproach of 1 those finical gentlemen who are always sniffing the air the gentiles of utah do not want to be ruled by the or what is worse by an immoral and unprincipled adventurer of the type 0 one ot tho agitators now li beling the good name of the people of utah we ask the los angeles times if there is no menace to the home in that city quite so invidious and destructive as avowed polygamy Is there no immorality in california to compare with shortcomings even as pictured by the times will the times giva us an answer free from hypocrisy ATTACK ADDS STRENGTH another libel suit has been brought against the standard this time by a man who was charged with rape the standard Is serene notwithstanding this campaign 0 legal attack in its duty to the public of exposing wrongdoing from a public officers shortcomings to that of a crime against virtue and society the standard is undismayed whether the aggrieved bring action for or 30 cents we feel absolutely confident of having done nothing contrary to the highest standard of journalistic ethics and right conduct in which the most opulent are open to our criticism it we deem them censurable and the weakest be it even a babe able to command our protection there was a time when the libel suits against the standard aggregated that was when pa fsr had performed the herculean task of breaking up a gang that had made public trust a private snap the only reply that could be made to the tearless attacks ol 01 the standard was the filing of pretentious legal papers calling tor damages of thousands ot dollars when the cases were heard the standard stood out more prominent than ever exonerated and commended what then took place will be we know repeated PROGRESS speaking of the electrical progress of the last twenty years electricity says it can be well remembered by some how a plumbing system was attached to the early jumbo dynamos this waa tho oaly effective way of keeping them cool scientific knowledge was so rare that oven the mechanical ch crystallization 0 the things best known stood on the lagged edge of failure arc lamps lamps dynamos and motors were purely experimental in character sparking at the brushes was considered a healthy sign and the continuous though uneven light of an arc lamp a distinct victory retrospection shows how much things have changed since then it points out the advance in the fields that mark the most intense displays of progress and energy it shows how the incandescent lamp has reached a elgh of perfection tho arc lamp a degree of regulation that leaves no criticism the motor an efficiency fici ency that has established it la the majority of commercial and industrial projects ator all time and the dynamo a position in the nations development that makes its utilization indispensable pen sable the last Is but a sign of what is to come larger and larger ach year the generator has grown until now its size is becoming that of a behemoth the kilowatts capacity is being increased at so rapid a rate that little doubt now remains of what the future will yield the electric light and powe elation of a decade hence will be equipped with the moat modern of appliances not the least of these will bo generators ot a capacity that will those now in use valid objections to great size in this case can not exist great gen otter every advantage in tho consideration of largo power enter fo T this reason the shops have tasks before them that will alter aba architectural and electrical concep alons of our engineers as few things in this last period of our progress THE prevention OF SUNSTROKE to keep cool and prevent sunstroke ire matters which must naturally in lerest all suffering mortals in these limes we cannot alter conditions of heat or humidity but we may perhaps in a measure adapt ourselves our selve to them aside from avoiding as much as possible the direct rays of the burning sun tho greatest difficulty rests in maintaining proper skin obviously the more chance the skin has of disposing ot excretory products and of maintaining a proper evaporation of perspiration the atter will the surface be protected external heat nature indicates this by increasing the activity of the sweat glands during warm weather it is one of her most effective methods of protection against sunstroke the moment this function is arrested there is danger the victim of heat prostration always has a dry hot skin it has been shown by scientific experiment that during the body parts with three times as much of its internal heat as when the surface is comparatively dry it need not be said that clothing has very much to do with the comfort and safety of the individual under the varied conditions of temperature in hot weather the great point is to protect the |