Show water flowing into the mines at peacock galena kan july 21 the flood conditions along spring river valley north of this city are more serious than ever most of last night spring river came up at the rate of a foot an hour and today is still rising much mining land has been flooded and aln ing operations have been suspended the st louis and san francisco railroad bridge west of this city Is six inches out of line and has been abandoned today service was blocked both east and west of galena at noon today a message from peacock valley a little mining camp situated east of badger and on higher ground stated that the water had just commenced running into the mines there people all along the river valley through the indian territory have been warned of impending danger it Is feared that there will be loss of life the flood district is close to the indian territory line one death reported joplin mo the flood waters of spring river reached the big dam at lowell kan today and with all the flood gates open the water raised within two feet of the top of the dam the gauge showed twenty two feet of wafer halt a mile above the dam the water broke out of the banks and flooded a little village with three feet of water the wagon bridge across the river at lowell was washed away and the bridge of the st louis and san francisco railway is expected to go at any time good telephone service along the river provided an opportunity port unity to warn people residing in the lowlands and they sought safety on higher lands so far only one death has been reported that of calvin rudy of carthage whose body has not yet been found it is estimated that damage will amount to to crops and lives halt a million dollars LABORERS STRUCK ON CANAL panama july 20 in april last as stated in these dispatches at the time all the contract jamaican laborers working at the aqueduct struck alleging insufficient food as the cause their american foreman called for the protection of tho panama police who were attacked by the laborers and badly beaten armed police subsequently established reestablished re order and punished the laborers it Is alleged more severely than was necessary claud mallet the british consul at panama protested to the government which ordered an investigation in the meantime the minister of foreign affairs had to bocas del toro and a reply gone to tho consul was sent by the under secretary for foreign affairs the reply was couched in somewhat strong terms which consul resented on the return of the minister he recalled the communication and addressed another to the consul consul mallet recalled his first note and an incident which nearly caused strained relations between panama and great britain was closed ECLIPSE OF SUN expedition americans have reached their destination ti valencia spain july 21 the gators were horrified to see bodies and human fragments hurled high in the air and scattered over the surrounding water the outburst was accompanied by a roar as of thunder and a shock which rocked vessels nearby in an instant the air was filled with shrieks and bellows of pain from the wounded which could be heard ashore and with flying fragments of human beings and pieces of the ships superstructure the next moment the bleeding sailors were fighting crippled in the water against death in only a less sudden form than that from which tasy had escaped while row boats sail boats launches and tugs were being driven to the rescue as fast as arms wind and steam could force them A ferry boat which was passing near by turned and hastened to render assistance her own deck crowded with frightened men and women who saw the havoc wrought in the twinkling of an eye the mast horrible sight met thoas who approached in the water were blackened faces ed states cruiser minneapolis having on board rear admiral colby N chester superintendent of the united states naval observatory and the other members of the american expedition which will observe the eclipse of the sun here august arrived at delgrado Del grao from gibraltar the cruiser which was accompanied by the supply steamer caesar having on board instruments and materials tor the observation station which is to be erected ashore exchanged salutes with the land batteries the american officers later exchanged visits with the local authorities TRAVEL TO THE FAIR thousands are on the trains bound for portland portland ore july re at the office of ai D charlton Cb arlton assistant general passenger agent of the northern pacific show there are over persons dally traveling on trains of that road to the fair between st paul and portland the company has been delivering travelers at the yellowstone park at the rate of 1200 a day and many of these remain several days with others stopping over at butte helena and other places so the total holding lewis and ciach tickets including tourists on trains and others sojourning sojo briefly on the way will nm close to MILITIA GIVE NO EXCUSE for being defeated by the english marksmen new york july 21 Members of the seventh regiment rifle team who went to england to compete with the westminster volunteers on the bisley ranges and who returned on the steamer baltic offer no excuse tor their defeat at the hands of the british marksmen beyond stating belief that the latter had an advantage on tho long ranges in the bar sights used on their rifles however none of the team was cast down by the de teat and all were enthusiastic over the treatment they received A return match will take place next year over the creedmoor Creed moor range on long island BOYCOTT AGAINST AMERICANS even the standard oil product Is under ban shanghai july 21 the boycott of american goods Is now working but it has been agreed that the completion of all running contracts for supplies will be allowed meantime all the chinese shops refuse to sell american goods including standard oil all schools and colleges in this section have decided to discard all american books HONORS FOR THE JAPS komura to have twenty rooms in fifth avenue hotel new york july 21 arrangements for the accommodation of the russian and japanese peace envoys during their sidy in new york city have been completed twenty of the choicest rooms in one fifth avenue hotel have been engaged for baron komura and his suite tho russian envoys will be cared for at another hostelry nearby on the same ahvenus no definite plans tor any form of entertainment in honor of the japanese envoy who has just started east from seattle will be made until the party arrives and baron komura Is consulted with the exception of some small entertainments being planned by a fow of baron komurka Komu raa intimate friends among them baron kaneko who was a class mate of his at harvard it la not thought likely that the party will accept any social invitations until after the conclusion of the conference at portsmouth GERMAN SQUADRON SALUTED copenhagen july first german squadron commanded by admiral von kos ter arrived here today and exchanged salutes with the forts and the danish squadron struggling handicapped by injuries others on deck were covered with blood and grime some dead some wounded frightfully others working to rescue comrades who were yet below either dead or dying the smaller boats turned their attention to those in the water taking them to the wharves as fast as a few had been taken aboard the small craft at the wharves preparations were spee olly made tor taking care of the injured in what by this time was seen to bo a disaster of awful proportions ambulances were telephoned for every express wagon driver who could bo reached by telephone was summoned physicians were notified and hospitals informed within halt an hour from the amo of aba explosion carriages buggies automobiles and street cars were bearing burdens of victims toward tha hospitals the sight which met the eyes of hundreds along the streets was never to be forgotten wagons with a dozen wounded men were not rara one had eight or reeling against the sides holding in their laps the heads of comrades |