Show ORGANIZE AMERICAN BOYCOTT washington july 20 the department of state has received a report from samuel R gracey american consul at buchau china on the meeting held by chinese merchants at shanghai on may ath to discuss the amerl can exclusion laws and the chinese boycott of american goods the society most active in this question was the jen ching man mirror literary society of shanghai more than two hundred people attended and adopted resolutions declaring that they would stop consuming or ordering american goods that the privileges given to the hehling He hsing company tor building a railway should be withdrawn and that tho chinese merchant found to deal secretly in american goods not only would be fined but boycotted A thorough investigation of the sale of american goods and especially of american kerosene oil and american clothes was called for and the support of impartial american newspapers and missionaries in the efforts to remove the exclusion laws was urged the printed proceedings of the meet ing have been spread widely throughout all classes of chinese society boycott not serious san francisco july 20 john E wilkle chief of the united states secret service who arrived here today from the orient saya the chinese boycott of american goods is not so aerl ous a matter as has been reported he investigated the boycott in shanghai and hong kong and reached the conclusion that it will not greatly effect american |