Show work on panama will go right ahead says chief new york july 20 john F stevens the newly appointed chief engineer of the panama canal sailed today for panama on the steamship mexico chairman of the canal commission accompanied mr stevens mr will assume control of operations immediately upon arriving at the isthmus neither mr nor mr stevens have visited the isthmus before and both said they would prefer to await until ater before talking of conditions down iverc they said something of tho work they proposed to do to assure he success of the mr said ho heard many complaints regarding conditions on the isthmus but had paid no attention to them there are men down there who have a just complaint and that is that hey have nothing to do but work they have no amusements and no friends men two thousand miles miles from home and under these conditions get homesick of course what they want is amusement healthy games and outdoor exercise in order 0 o remedy this we will establish a separate department and we expect to establish club houses across the island i mr stevens and I 1 saw the president and talked over the canal plana n a general way of course the kind of canal to be built is yet to be decided upon I 1 should say that it would tako ten or twelve years to construct a sea level canal and about alvo years 0 build a lock canal mr said that arrangements bave been made to carry on the work without interruption whatever should mr stevens resign as chief engineer mr stevens said that he was going to the canal zone with an open mind and would make the best 0 conditions as he finds them speaking of the possibilities of achl asse labor being employed he said 1 I have tried the chinese in this country and found them good I 1 will try experiments until we get the best und of labor PROM SEAT OF WAR officers and men sadi confident of ultimate victory yunshu pass july 20 6 p m since i month ago nhsn the army was un wr tha impression that it was about 0 advance the commanders have been duct annoyed by talk of but tha of M witte as senior bace plenipotentiary appears to have convinced the commanders of the governments ern ments determination the russian army rests as usual with cavalry flanks enveloping the japanese who remain within defenses the correspondent of the associated press has made a tour through mud and heat paralleling the japanese position for a distance 0 75 mues their fortifications on first line changten on the railroad and are growing dally and the indications are mat it would cost a third or halt of the russian army to take them while their second position of equal strength Is eleven miles farther back on the hills north of kalygan Kal yuan considerable confidence Is evidenced in the strength and size of the artis sian position and an example of the military spirit of the superior officers is indicated in the following declaration to the correspondent of the associated press by one of the leading commanders 1 I have machine guns and also strong artillery I 1 have received many men from russia all companies are men strong and all the men are to attack though the situation is wery bad in russia the army will advance here regardless of the disorders at home it will tight one two or three years because the end musj be in victory the army does not the peace of the government which has never had a war so difficult as this but in spite of all difficulties victory it must bs the army has demonstrated during the past three months the hostility indicated by such utterances as the foregoing which are characteristic of thi entire superior command the civil and red cross organizations are working and a slight increase in their facilities will enable them to care for those suffering from summer which is now tho sote malady it Is believed that the danger of an epidemic Is great on the japanese side because the region occupied by the japanese army contains so many corpses buried in shallow graves tho russian army Is operating on clean ground MORE RUSSIANS CAPTURED landed on sakhalin Sak halin from a wrecked steamer boklo july 20 admiral dewa re ports that a russian lieutenant and three marines formerly belonging to the battleship kalz Sou varon flagship of vice admiral recently landed from a boat at a point on the island of sakhalin Sak halin and were taken prisoners according to their stater ment they were ordered to navigate tha british steamer Oldham la io vladivostok they set fire to an 4 abandoned the Oldham la june 17 an officer of marines with seventeen men took to a boat and made for korsakoff but they have not since been heard of tha captured lieutenant left the same spot july in se ach of the missing party of russians and fell into the hands of the japanese two more russian officers and fourteen marines remain where the was burned they had provisions for six weeks WELCOME JEROME RELEASED threw invader of his home to a headlong death chicago july 21 the grand jury has released welcome jerome who claims to be a cousin of william T jerome district attorney of new york from the charge of murdering charles faure tho death of faure occurred last sunday jerome hid at the top ot the stairs leading from tho street to the apartments occupied by faure and mrs jerome and after a struggle with the man whom he charged with ruining his home threw him down the to the pavement below faures head struck the sidewalk and he died rom his Injuries within a few hours BAR IRON association SOLVED new york july 21 statements mada in trade circles are to the effect says the journal of commerce that the eastern bar iron association has been dissolved this was the last of the more important pools to remain intact As a result of this the manufacturers rs at their meeting on wednesday when they decided to make no change in prices met as individuals and not as members of the eastern bar iron association there Is still however a general agreement in regard to production and prices under the pool arrangement it la understood that the manufacturers were under penalty tor violation of the agreement but in consequence of As dissolution this does not hold at the present time DR ALLEN BACK says korea haa been undisturbed by the war seattle wash july 21 dr horace nevylon alien retiring envoy extraordinary tra ordinary and minister pleni poten biary from tho united states to korea was a passenger on the steamship minnesota on his way to washington to surrender his portfolio dr alien has been minister eight ears and n the consular and diplomatic service of the country fifteen years ha has resided in korea twenty one years he stated that he retires vol unwarily unta rily his term of office haying expired discussing the influences ot the war on korea he said the trade ot the country has not suffered As a matter of fact trade in ahe aggregate has increased the first battle was fought at a point 25 miles from the city in the harbor of and three russian war were sunk after that nothing unusual occurred in seoul save tha marching ot troops through the city to the north the city was always full of japanese soldiers but they were under splendid discipline and perfect order was maintained dr alien denies that he harbors any ill feeling toward senator foraker of ohio who Is said to have been instrumental in obtaining a change in the diplomatic service in korea he states that he retires voluntarily and wun best 0 feelings toward all LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS new york july 21 lost la tho mountains near midvale N J while they were gathering evidence in a mysterious country murder case ralrh shaw assistant prosecutor nathaniel shane county prosecutors detective tec tive and coroner edward L wheeler were rescued late last night by a of farmers who scoured tha mountains with torches for several hours the trio wandered aimlessly about the mountains and were preparing to sleep on the ground when they were found no evidence waa obtained in the case on which the officials wera at work |