Show CHOIR GOVERNOR CUTLER SENDS A CHECK FOR accompanied by letter appreciative of the efforts being made by friends of choir from fridays standard those interested in the trip of the ogden tabernacle choir to tha portland fair met another agreeable surprise when hon fred J klesel made public today the receipt of a check of from governor cutler accompanied by the following letter from the governors secretary by direction of the governor I 1 enclose herewith his check for to help pay the expenses of the ogden tabernacle choir on their trip to the lewis clark exposition the governor is deeply interested in the good vork you are doing for the choir and the state and ou may depend on his support and operation cooperation co in the splendid undertaking senator klesel acknowledged the receipt of the money in a letter expressing appreciation 0 the excellent spirit with which the governor made his donation the contributions of the governor and senator dark have come as reassurances of the success of the movement and all concerned are highly pleased |