Show GIVEN FORTY DAYS ON THE ROCK PILE they express contempt fop the judge frank chase gets 90 days from fridays standard the two men frd ramelow and george white who when arrested on wednesday night by special officer had in their possession a grip that had been stolen from a jap at the union depot were arraigned in the police court this morning on the charge of carrying concealed weapons they pleaded not guilty in spite of the fact that each had a gun in his possession when arrested their defense was that they had bought the dunsto shoot coyotes in the hills after the testimony of the officers the judge decided abat their excuse was not a good one and sentenced the men to 40 days each on the rock pile tho reason that the men were not arraigned on the charge of petit larceny the police did not believe that they could prove the charge as the men claimed the grip was given to them by another man As the men left the court one of arthem said talk about being kan garobed garo oed that court Is nothing but a kangaroo court the remark more than anything else stamped tiro men as being what is commonly known as men a class of crooks whom detectives consider the most dangerous in the world and the most difficult to catch frank chase who was charged with vagrancy and whose case was continued from yesterday in order that be might alcure witnesses to testify in bis behalf was tried today and as the witness could not give the man a good character the judge decided that ogden coald dispense with the mans and ordered him to hike under he penalty of serving 90 days on the arock pile it he did not four offenders of the bicycle ordinance tailed to appear and their ball was declared forfeited EXCURSION ARRANGED train over the cutoff on september 4 this morning 0 B allson and mayor glasmann who were appointed a committee 0 o arrange with the railroad for a special train tor the weber club excursion went to salt lake and signed a contract for a train for labor day monday september all are invited to take part in this excursion which the committees in charge purpose to make a pleasant and successful affair in every particular the day selected is the best possible and everyone with the time and inclination Is urged to go as the object of the excursion Is one in which all should ba interested the fare for the round trip Is adults 1 children under 12 years 0 age 60 cents children under 5 years of age free ILL james shaw goes out for pacific hotel people As a result of the serious illness of traveling auditor labelle of the harraman Harrl man hotel system who is suffering of a cancer of the stomach certain temporary changes have been made in the office of auditor hess for the present james shaw of tha auditors office will assume the duties of traveling auditor and he left for the north in that capacity today from time to time the various assistants si in the office will go out as temporary traveling auditor but no appointment will be made until it Is ascertained how seriously mr labelle Is afflicted mr hes bald that there is nothing in the rumor to the effect that mr shaw Is to meet a newly appointed auditor at pocatello and take him over the road M witted DEPARTURE paris july 21 4 65 p m M watte accompanied by his wife several mem bers of his family and a number of dais making up the party which Is on its way to the united states arrived at the northern railway station at 4 this afternoon A large number of french and rosilan and members of the diplomatic crops were assembled at the station including ambassadors bass adors Nell doff and M mol lard chief of the protocol department of the foreign office representing pro aler and police prefect t le pine M watte descended to the form his massive frame towered above the crowd which pressed forward to welcome him standing bareheaded M watte was greeted by M Nell doff and count and he spoke for some with the latter M Nell doff afterwards advised M watte of the plans to present him to president loubet and premier probably tomorrow the party then drove to a hotel trip of M watte and his party from st petersburg to paris was un eventful the russian statesman was joined before his arrival here by his married daughter and his grandchild hald M watte will remain hera until the kaiser welhelm dep grosse sails july J 26 from cherbourg Cher bourg the tempa gives prominence to an interview with M watte which a corthe respondent of that paper had during the trip to paris the follows almost textually tex lually the interview low which tha correspondent of the associated aso press at st petersburg had with the chief russian peace plenipotentiary potent iary the temps correspondent says 1 I considered it my duty to submit to M witto the text of the declarations made by him to the correspondent of the associated press and reprinted in the temps alter having read the associated press interview and reflecting over the clipping which I 1 had presented to ahlm M watte replied this is not the complete text of that interview but it is correct and conforms to what I 1 have just told you so that I 1 do not know what more could be added the temps gives this both as a acl as ins that the associated A interview was jedby M watte as embracing everything ery thing he has to say |