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Show FASHIONS IN BELTS FOR M SUMMER WEAR. M DURING a season like the prescnl lH one, when the all whit costume is in H temporary eclipse, belts conveniently furnish the nccr.vUrjr tonch of color pre- scribed by Dame Fashion, nnd in order to always have at hand precisely the right finish for tho waist line of each suit or frock, the girl who alma lo ho H smart in Lhc small matter of dress makes ' H for herself a number of these accessories. Exceedingly pretty crush belts are being H fashioned by amateurs from the lonq tops of evening gloves which show scarce- ly any signs of wear even when thu fingers and hands are past wearing. Aa nearly every household can furnish dis- M carded white suede or glace glove, it is possible to have at least one belt formed H of the two arm lengths of kid sewed to- H gcther just above the wrist. This aeaiy H is then concealed by a slide of mother H of pearl, ivory, silver, coral or jet. match- ing the buckle fastening the two ends, H and these slides and buckles arc so easily M shifted that a single set of them will serv H for innumerable belts. M The top of a pair each of pale blue M and pink evening gloves may be fnshionet into ouo of the very broad pompadoui i M crush belts now so popular with youna M girls. The lengths of pink and blue kid H arc lap-seamed and form four distinct strips, the two outer ones being bound M wllh the contrasting color, witli black or with white kid. A similar plan may ' M be followed with respect lo the magpie H belts, nnd if cither one of the black or H white glove lops is Incking blnck or H white sa(in may be substituted, and in H case a touch of color is desired the border H piping may be of cerise, old blue or French green satin or gold ribbon. tj l Mole colored long gloves may bo made jH into a serviceablo belt to accompany "ll a plain linen frock, and one of this shade IH will look particularly well if (he buckle H and slide set is of old silver set with 'H amethyst colored stones. But long mole H j colored kid gloves arc not so plentiful H as thoso of khaki shade or golden brown. H which are precisely the belts to go best with tan shoes nnd hats, as well as with frocks of natural linen. H Piece satin or moire in all the fash- IH lonable shades is employed for the crush H belts of from three to six inches, which H arc bound with ghee kid and lined with IH chamois These have fabric covered H buckles, sometimes placed over big square H hows of the pa mo material. Shaped belts H lined with buckram aud fitted to the fig- iH tire arc of satin, taffeta or moire Some- H tiulcs the material is put plainly on th- H foundation, hut Ubiially it is plaited and M laid parallel with the length of the belt, M which is equipped with invisible hooks M and eyes and the joining ends covered by M a lnrgc bow. H Belts to be worn with afternoon frocks H are of the Empire stvle nnd close in H the bo clr beneath a short fash having up- H stnnding loops. Made of brocaded rib- H boos, of liberty satin or of black velvet, M these belt girdles aro a suitable accessory H for an evening frock to be worn by a M voung girl and will make almost any sort M of sheer thin white costume sufficiently M elaborate for a dance. H |