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Show WOBLrSHARKETS HARRIMAN DECISION SENDS UP PRICE OF STOCKS New York, Juno 24. Louisville & Naohville gained 2 polnte, Great Northern, Nor-thern, pfd.. 1, and Missouri, Kansau & Texas. 5-8 at the opening of the stock' raarkot today, and Canadian 'Pacific 'Pa-cific lost a point Otherwise the list wac practically stationary at about last night's close. There were a few fractional chang- I es, mostly gains, and the market showed a firm undertone. News of tho decision of tho Harriman Har-riman merger suit In favor of the companies was followed by an outburst out-burst of activity and stocks roso buoyantly. buoy-antly. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific advanced 2 points and St. Paul, Great Northern, pfd., North-westorn, North-westorn, Northern Pacific, and Atlantic At-lantic Coast Lino nearly as much. Several Sev-eral of tho Industrials, Including General Gen-eral Electric, National Biscuit, Virginia-Carolina Chemical and. Underwood Under-wood Typewriter also scored pronounced pro-nounced gains. OGDEN WHOLESALE PRODUCE. (Selling Price ) Ogdon, Utah, June 24. Butter r Creamery oxtraB In cartons, 25c: creamery firsts, 23c; cooking, 20c; ranch, lCc Cheese Eastern, 15 l-2c; Utah, 14c, Utah mild, 13c: Y. A.. 15c Egg6 Eggs, per case of 30 doz., $5.76 Sugar Beet, 56 70; cane, $5 90 Chicago Produce. Chicago, June 24 Butter steady; creameries J923c,.; dairies, 17 21c. Eggg steady; receipts 11,212 cases, at mark, cases Included 11 1-2-c: firsts, 13c ; prime firsts, 14c. Cheese, steady; daisies, 11 1-41.2;" Twins, 11 l-4l-2; Young Americas, 12 1-4 3l-2; Long Horns, 12 1-412. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, June 24. Cattle Receipts 200; market steady Beeves, 4.85 610; Texas steers, 4.46G0O, western west-ern steers, 4.155SO, stockcrs and feeders, 3.205.40, cows and heifers, 2 405)5.80, calves, 5.75(38.00. Hogs Rgcolpts estimated at 10,-000; 10,-000; market a shade lower. Light, 6.15G.60, mixed, 6.656.80. heavy, C106.G5; rough, G.10SJG.20. good to choice heavy, G.20G.50; bulk of sales. G.30G.50. Sheeii Rocelpts estimated nt i,-000; i,-000; market steady. Native. 2 70 4.15; western, 2.50J.15; yearlings, 4.004.75,; Inm'bs, native, 3.75G.20. western, -1.006.20. Kansas City. Kansas City, June 24. Cattle, receipts, re-ceipts, 300, market, steady, Native 'stoers,. 4.S0tfj)G.35T native -cows" and heifers 2 25G10; stockers and feeders, feed-ers, 3.505.10, bulls, 34G5. calves, 4iQY7,25, western steers l 506.00, western cows, 2 75 1.76 Hogs, receipts, 3,500; steady to weak; hulk of sales, G.25G35. heavy, G20G.30, packers and butchers, but-chers, 6.25G40; lights. "G,20(g)6.35. Sheep, receipts, 200. Market, steadcr, jnuttons, 3.25.00. Limbs 5 5036.75, fed weathers and yearlings 3C04.G0, fed western ewes, 2.50 3.50 Omaha Omaha, June 24 Cattle, receipts, 300. Market, steady Native Bteers, 5QG25: cows and heifers, 3.00o.G0, we.ste.rn steers. 3.50q)5.G0; range cows and heifers, 3SM 75, canners. 2 05(ti' 3.75, stockers and feeders, 3 605.20; calves. 3.507.00; bulls, stags, etc, 3 25(3-5 00. Hogs, receipts, S.500. Market, 5c lowor, heavy, GG.10; mixed. G.10 fi 20, light, G.15(iT'G35; pigs. 66.25; bulk of salc6. G.05)G.20. Sheep, receipts, 3, markot. slendy; yearlings, 4 50(o6 00; wethers, 3.70 4 00; ewes, 34,00; lambs, 5 25G.25. Metal Markot. New York, June 24. Metals, quiet, nominal; Lake copper, 12.75(14.00; clectroh-tlc. 12.62 1-2S12 75- casting. 12.37 1-2(12 5,0; tin, 44.7545 50: lead 4i45(74.50; Iron, unchanged; sdlver, 63 3-4. New York Money. New York, June 24. Money, nominal nomi-nal Time loans firmer; 60 days 2 1-2 (??3-4 per cent: 90 davs, 2 3-43; six months, 3 l-43 1-2. St. Louis Wool. St Louis, Tune 24. Wool, weak; territory and western mediums. 17 19 1-2: fine mediums, 1G17 1-2: fine 1114 1-2 |