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Show is: c 6ooooeeoooooeeoooooooooeeoeo6O0ooo9Oooooooooooo9 e o j Marxian Club Socialists I e o ' o EDITORIAL COMMITEE: Questions concerning Socialism Kato S, Hllliard, answered. Address all communlca- Eugene A. Battoll, tlons to Howard Hall, 2783 Pacific o Howard Hall. avenue. o e The wind is 'blowing across the world, It Is lifting my brother's hnir Lightly from off his forhead, and bringing the light to his eyes. Listen, and you may hear It come, strlrlng the empty nJr; O, lift your faces, folk of the world, and feel the wind arise. CHARLOTTE WILSON. THE REDEMPTION OF MANKIND Can Only Take Place When Material Poverty Has Been Abolished. Environment and employment are tho chief factors in the making of men Employment, properly organized and directed, makes environment, so that it truly can bo said that the fate of tho race depends upon employment No person, or set of persons no class, no matter how intelligent or well meaning can organize and direct the world's employment. That must follow from an organization of society which vitally relates every individual to society and makes useful creative employment the normal condition of everybody. Beautiful cities are to be built. Parks are to bo laid out and beautified. Lines of transportation are to be extended and maintained. Nature Is to be studied, explored and Investigated. Fields are to the tilled and orchaids cultivated Cloth Is to bo woven and clothes made. Meals are to be cooked and eaten. Operas and symphonies, plays and dramas, stories and poems, arc to be written, recited, sung and played Men are to woo and win. There will bo weddings , and children will the born and nursed, and sent to school. They will grow up and take up the work wliere older hands laid it down. For life is beautiful and sweet, and naluro furnishes all tho elements to make it a great, wonderful Joy, from I the day of birth to tho day when the curtain drops. Every human life is a valuable asset as-set of society. It produces more than it consumes Allow man access to nature's gifts and permit him to use tools, and he will cicate more real wealth, good and useful and luxurious things, than he and all those who are naturally dependent de-pendent upon him can use. This Is a fact established by statistics statis-tics and verified by daily experienced. Tost it for yourself. Note the great number of idle or partially Idle people peo-ple the idle rich and the Idle poor. Note the mills, shops and factories that do not run, not becnuse they cannot can-not sell the goods after they aro made. Poverty exists in the midst of plenty plen-ty becausc ' Collectively man can produce enough for all. He can abolish material ma-terial poverty.. He can make everybodyever every-bodyever man, woman and child rich. Rich in ai) material things. He can do this the day he abolishes capitalism, and takes possession of tho tools of production. Poverty is unnecessary. It is a collective col-lective blunder. It is a social crime. "When the dav dawns, man will not only be rich in material things, but he will be infinitely rich In moral and spiritual treasurers,, for with the passing of material poverty man frees himself from the chief incentives to vice and crime. It is a great task, an Inspiring labor, It means the redemption of the race from the bondage. New Zealand Social So-cial Democrat. THE TRUE LOYALTY. Lies In Fighting out for the working class along the lines of the cdlas Struggle. Loyalty to the oppressor is treason to the oppressed There is no escape es-cape from thut conclusion There are only two classes in this country as in all civilized countries tho oppressing class, the class that under the pretence of "governing," has divided the world, and all that is valuable in it, among its members and the oppressed class, the class that, stripped of every right to tho common earth, of every right to the labor-created means cf production and lift, are compelled to work on an average six hours of each day without the least return, for the sole behoof of the oppressors nnd their hangers-on. hangers-on. We are disloyal to this class. We are loyal only to the oppressed the I wageworklng ciaHB. There is a Class Strugglo! Tho bpst friends of tho race are not those who try to cpneeal this fact from the fellow men. but those who openly proclaim it, who point out the cause of It, byi the way to end it the Socialist Labor Party. That struggle arlpes from the fact ' that the 'and and all other means ' indispensable to human life arownol ' and controlled b- a small m!n-ivi of the people, who claim that tho busi-nessi busi-nessi of rroductkm, distribution, etc.. j Is not the huBinPS" of socletv, hut , "our" business to bo cn-rle-l on for ont carried on) whenever wherever, or however, "our' private Interesta may determine! 4. , ' Thai sliuggle manifests Usolf in thoj field of industry in a chronic conflict, or endless series of conflicts, between the buyers of human labor-power and the sellers thereof. Those two classes are tho product of the private or class ownership of the means without which society cannot live. Their interests necessarily are permanently and vlo- Jently hostile to each other, and can no more bo made to harmonize than light and darkness. THE WORKINGMAN'S MOVEMENT Its Historic Mission Is the Ending of Class Rule. The Vorkingman of today is without with-out property; his relation to his wife and children- has no longer anything in common with the bourgco.s family relations; modern industrial labor, modern subjection to capital, the same in England as in France, in America as in Germany, has stripped him of every trace of national character Law. morality, religion, are to him o many bourgeois prejudices, behind -which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests. All tho preceding classes that got the upper hand sought to fortify their already acquired status by subjecting society at large to their condit'ons of appropriation The proletarians can j not become ulsters ot tho productive forces of society, excert by pbollsh-Ing pbollsh-Ing thir own previous modo of appropriation, ap-propriation, and .thereby also every other previous ntodo of appropriation They have nothing to their own to secure and to fortify; their mission ' is to destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual prop- ! erty. All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or In the interest of minorities Tho proletarian pro-letarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the Immense majorlf j , In the Interest of the Immense majority The proletariat, proletar-iat, the lowest stratum of our present soc ety, can not stir, can not raise itself up, without tho whole super- Incumbent strata oi official society being be-ing sprung Into tho air. Though not in substance, yet In form, the struggle of the proletariat I with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle. The proletariat or each countrv must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bour-i bour-i geoisie 'In depicting the most general phas- 1 es of the development of the prolct- ariat. we traced the more or less I veiled-civil war, raging within cxlst- j ing society, up to the point where the violent overthrow of the bourgooisle lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat. Hitherto every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on tho antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes. But In order to oppress' a clas6 certain conditions must bo assured to it under which it I cnn. at least, continue its slavish ex- istence. The serf, In the period of I serfdom, raised himself to niember- ship In the commune, just as the petty I bourgeoisie, under poke of feudal absolutism, ab-solutism, managed to develop into a bourgeoisie. The modern laborer, on the contra-r3r, contra-r3r, instead of rising with the progress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class. He becomes a pauper, pau-per, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth. And here It becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to bo the ruling class In society, and to Impose Its conditions of existence upon society as an ovor-riding law. It Is unfit to rule because it is in- - I competent to assure .an existence to I its slave within his slavery, because ! it can not help letting him sink into ' such a stale that 'it has to feed him instead of b'eing fed by him Society Soci-ety can no longer live under this bourgeoisie; bour-geoisie; In other words, Its existence is no longer compatible with society. The essential condition for the existence ex-istence and for the sway of the bourgeois bour-geois class is the formation and augmentation aug-mentation of capital: the condition for capital is wage labor Wage lab-o lab-o rests exclusively on competition between the laborers. The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter pro-moter is the bourgeoisie, replaces to competition, by the revolutionary combination, due to association. The development of modern industry, therefore, cuts from under Its feet the vory foundation 6n which the bourgeois bour-geois produces and appropriates products prod-ucts Whnt the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, is Its own grave diggers. Its fall and victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. The revolutionary Socialist movement move-ment alone holds the romedy for this ovil. We did not find it In Utopia-No' Utopia-No' wo received it by the hand of science, from social development itself it-self Hero it Is: Abolition of tho was;e system, by ending private or ' class ownershin of the social means of ' life, and cst-ftMnMrr in H? nlice 1 complete prvcinl ownership, and orderly order-ly orjnn'Eeid production for Fommcm use. i j The conrtit;--in of tho cw struggle , rniy1 be changed hut thev H' improved, except for a few trimmers and traitors. Only one way out: Let the wage workcrss unite into one class union and keeping the end steadily in viow, which must be the ultimate complete control of the whole material means of social life1' Let ovory detail of such an organization organiza-tion havo that end as a common point of convergence; and from that unity will ,springr, as surely as light from the sun, a political party that will in tho fullness of time banish class ownership own-ership from the land forever, and leave the road clear for tho organized Industrialists to take legal possession even as they now hold actual possession, posses-sion, of all the plant of production, transportation, and distribution no longer operating them as wage slaves for the profit of a handful of parasites para-sites and, leeches; but as free men, for their own use and of all those rightfully dependent upon them. This is the progrura of revolutionary revolution-ary Socialism, and therefore of the Socialist Labor party and the Industrial Indus-trial Workers of .the World If you are a true loyalist if you are loyal to the oppressed and not to the oppressor, op-pressor, your place is In one or both of these organizations, there to give all you cau spare of pour means, your tlme,nnd talents to the work of bringing bring-ing to a speedy and triumphant culmination, cul-mination, the glorious historic m's-sion m's-sion of the working class. Sydney People. , |