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Show uu Think a Possum Is a !at and Make a Wild Scramble Washington, June 24 A live large possum was the rather remarkable find made in the very heart of this city yesterday by negro workmen engaged en-gaged in tearing down the old RIggs House, just across the street from the treasury building. In tho cellar, a squad of negroes happened on what they took to bo a rat of terrifying proportions pro-portions The sight was too much for their norves and they made for tho street When a policeman had discovered dis-covered the true character of its res- j ident It Is said there was a wild j scramble of negroes for the cellar i as that which they had made in get- j tinj; out O. G Staples, former proprietor of j tho hotel, when told of the finding I of tho possum, said that nlno jenrs ago three of the animals wore to have l been 6erved at a special feast They made their escape, however, and now and then tho creatures had been seen ' in tho collar an |