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Show w (JOCIFTT CHILDS-BAKER. Among the quiet little weddings that wlll-'be of intorcst to a large number of warm friends was the nuptial ceremony cere-mony uniting Miss Dorothy B. Chllds, daughter of Mrs. Blizabeth Chllds, nnd well known to hosts of peoplo a3 the cheery, obliging young lad who presided at the exchange desk at Wrights for a period of five or six years, and David Barker, well known tlnoughout tho intcrmountain country as tho genial traveling- salesman for A. Kuhn Bros. Tho marriage occurrred at the homo of J. S. and Mrs. Emily Barker, SS East Fifth North street. Salt Uike, at 7 o'clock. Tuesday evenllng, June 20, Bishop William Woods, Jr., pronouncing pro-nouncing tho solomu impressive words that made them one Mr, and Mrs. Barker accompanied them aa best man and bridesmaid and following the ceremony a few guests Joined them at a wedding dinner. Numerous congratulatory messages were received from friends far and near and beautiful wedding remembrances remem-brances from rotatlvcs, friends and tho firms that they have served so long and so efficiently wore received. re-ceived. MUSICALE. Those who Tailed to attend the musicalo given at the Presbyterian church last Thursday evening by tho pupils of Miss Gertrudo Blddle, missed a musical treat which hus rareb. If over, been surpassed by amateurs in Ogden The numbers wore rendered in a mannor which reflected much credit on both teacher and pupils Mr Sanders' vocal solos, given in ' his pleasing, wmi-reachlng way, to the perfect accompaniment of, .Miss Bld-dio Bld-dio were accorded tho usual warui rsnoner"frfJui an "appreciative" audience. audi-ence. ? i .v a fljhc JiujHti verjj heartily, appjaudeti and Miss Bfddfn received many congratulations con-gratulations upou the result of her, capable Aaptlstic; work. ;- . Special Jmutfon sliotildibe made qt the Misses -Mcdas Parry and Delia Mc-Griff, Mc-Griff, who lendercd, the most difficult numbers of tho evening. Each played wjfji case and grace, liiaplayidg a marked degree- of talent .and careful study,.. - Among the younger pupils who dc-borvc dc-borvc much praise for their carefully proparod solos arc Zoln Ballantym", Douglas Gibson, Raymond Blddle, Gladys Williams, Capitola Plngree, Paulino Krelday, Gertrude Wcathorby, Vera Clark, Kalla Hodge and Eleanor Gibson. LAWN SOCIAL. A lawn social will .be given for tho members of tho Fraternal Aid association and their friends Monday Mon-day evening nt the home of Mrs. Virginia Vir-ginia Matthews, 449 Twenty-sixth street. A cordial Invitation Is oxtended. Jco cream nnd cake will be served and card games will be played. MARTHA SOCIETY. The Martha Society will hold the Ia3t meeting of the season prior to tho annual summer vacation next Monday, Mon-day, June 2C, with Mrs. Elwood Mat-son Mat-son at the Flygaro camp In Ogdcn canyon. A full attendance or the inombers Is doslred. The ladles will take Ogdcn Rapid Transit cars at the corner of Washington Washing-ton and Twenty-fifth at 2:20 o'clock I UNITY MEETINGS. Tho Unity meetings of tho Class in New Thought study, which have been held nt 771 Twenty-fourth street, will bo discontinued during the summer months. ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Horrocks announce the engagement of their daughter Florence to Joseph M. Tracy, the wedding to take place in the near future. CLUB ENTERTAINED. The girls of the F. M. N. club wero entertained Friday ovening, June 23, by Miss Maymo Fenstermaker al her home, 1939 Steele avouue. CHILD CULTURE CLUB. The ladies of tho Child Culture club will give a dinner at the Hermitage next Wednesday, June 2S. Mac Burnison and Merlin J. Stone, junior students in tho School of Mines ot the University of Utah, left today for Goldfleld. where they will apply themselves during their vacation vaca-tion to the practical side of their chosen vocation. Miss Edith and Clara Kohls are here from Kohomo. Indiana, to spend the summer with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Gysln of Ogden. Misses Myrtle and Beatrice 'Jones left last Sunday for an extended visit in California with their sisters. Mrs C W Cross of Oakland and Mrs. J K. McCormlck of Berkeley. Miss Jennie Thomas has gone to California to spend her summer vacation vaca-tion with relatives ami fr'onds. She will be gone several months |