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Show Don't Suffer 0 From The Heat! Lunt Motor Go. Has Two I960 Dodges with Air Conditioning Available for Immediate Sale Contact Mitchell Lunt Call JU 6-6591 1 Depend on . . trucks? Ht ''t Medium nd li(rhl-dut V'V "J- L 1 1 'iM model hv itronjrar framaa i p x , M ant apnn lor kmfor life, It-w. ,M wider cob tot 9ora ouuiort. Depend on us for the right ones! We offer the world's most complete line of trucks. -We know which of our many farm-proved trucks match your needs. We provide the most thorough truck service. See us about trucks . . . we know! MILLER AUTO PARTS CO. G5 West Center Street Cedar City. Utah ITU INTERNATIONAL n n TRUCKS I.L.J LJa world's most complete link W BREAD BAKERS have JjT fk r I'll NOURISHED OUR CIVILIZATION )g3hrryk llV'M THROUGHOUT ITS COURSE, S-kjlAl JK17 EXCA NATION Of POMPEII, h VVi lVnrT ROMAV CITY BURlEP BY THE VrTV V jWJLc V ERUPTION OP MT. VESUVIUS, Va Jy AU&. 24, 79 A,?v PSCLOSetf t-VtoV;c-" IOA VES OP BREAP BEARN& g-Ti I THE BAKER'S BZAHP-AAARK Vkliyil79 WHICH VXEP RESPONSIBILITY rLpEPPEWPCe TREE, FOUM? IN THE NORTHEASTERN 1 FA iHt- SeCTlON OP TUB UNITEP STATES, H WJ WAS USEP BY OUR ANCESTORS fcf fkfti&f- l FOR BOAT KEELS, MAUL HANPLES, 7 l.V'Tf TT3 AN0 WAGCVt WHEELS. TOPAY THIS PtPPeirrPGB Tl ""' . TREE 19 0EST I LT" -g" ' .1 KNOWN AS A ' J , ..'''.'wj TRAPS SYMBOL fORA iOAP OP BREAP. JsL tt "j ix MARGARET RVPKlN, WHO POUNPEP GlTxMvl iiSSlLJf'Ck SUCCESSFUL BAKERY BUSINESS hf " t i -ry&rJAJTyjf v Htfc hxjmi: Ktruitu, NAMepftER ) llfi XAtPlLrF BREAP FOR AN OLP PEPPERWSE "V, JREE THAT SREY ON HER FARM. J This Month, America's Lowest Price Buys jXjijN .JT JFj f f I JT P, l TmS'Ib'J Rtmbtaf Amwicn Dtluit 2-Ooof Sdan ' ' tteyJ sPl I illi if II 1 I F r"Vsi tHul'ltdblow.HoIhlpiyniiitjbiMd TWHrHr f if ll if V0j2n " "Mu'ictuw'i tu(ft4 dslivwtd "-wmmw "'" ll J I Nf foiS8888 Sfict at (Ktory wilk M Sow ptymanl, ' 11. y J I nZimmn ,i ,, i I,,, f JS-montS cofltrtct wits normal urryinf " ' " ' 1 nHOZr Jl clint,ftdtrllaipi.Optio(nltqutp. AS LITTLE Striking New Styling win stay In style, e Ceramic-Armored muffler and tailpipe, e Best Rust Protection. Deep-Dip rust-, rust-, ; mrtbeoutmodedbyyearlymodeTchanges. .indlvlduel Ug Room. Sectional ota proofing-up to roof. Beet Gas Mileage In ell mejor economy ,Front s,u- !'u Ptely for e Leest Tire Weer because of big. 1 5-lch contests In 1960. teg room end Airliner Reclining Seats, op- wheels. (Most compacts have foreign size T tlonal at extra cost 13-inch wheels.) Lowest Upkeep. Voted "most trouble- 50 More Trunk space for '61, big eBest Power Choice 90 or 125 HP Six; ; free cer" by owners. t family room for six. 3 transmission choices. j Doforo You Duy Any Slzo Car, It's Smart To Seo Your Rambler Dealer UTAH RAf.lCLER - IC3 South Main i CLASSIFIED WANTED Steno-bookkeeper. Half-day work. Mall app. giving age and qualifications quali-fications to Box 650, Cedar City, Utah. Prefer older person. Adv. N-17. tf. HOMES From $12,500 up See our home plans and financing plans All Modern Conveniences. Low Down Payments, on your lot or ours. Free Estimates Wendell L. Butcher 323 South Main or call JU 6-8943 FOR SALE: New Electronic Puritan Air Purifier. Stops odors, clears smoke, filter allergy dust. Call JU 6 9710. Adv. D-8, 15, 22, 29. FREE ADVERTISING In a school In one of the poorer districts of a big city, a questionnaire was sent home with a new quill, requesting Information In-formation regarding the home environment, number of brothers and Bisters, father's occpatlon and so on. j The next day ihe c'niiu itriulli-ed itriulli-ed with a scrap of paper on which was the following: "We have 18 children. My husband can do plumbing and carpentry work." JEROME HOLT Tour Fuller Brush Man Call JU 6-9546 or write Bay's Trailer Park' Cedar City, Utah Adv. N-24, tf. OWNER TRANSFERRED s 3-Bedrocm Home for Salo-$I3,300 Pay equity and take over 4Va GI Loan Payments $67.20 per month includes taxes, tax-es, insurance, etc. 41 1 S. 300 E. Call JU 6-8935 FOR RENT: New large 2-bed-j room unfurnished apartment. Phone JU 6-9217. Adv. D-8, 15, 22. pd. FOR SALE: 4-wheel Drive Dodge deer hunting truck. See Floyd Atkin. Call JU 6-4351. Adv. S I, tf. FOR SALE: 1957 Dodge Pickup. Pick-up. Inquire Ashman's Texaco Service. Adv. D-8, pd, FOR SALE: 3-bcdroom brick home with fireplace, landscaped lawns, shrubbery, etc. Down payment pay-ment or terms Take over G.I. loan, 4V4 int. 421 So. 300 E. For info, call JU 6-8176. Adv. D-8, pd. HAT FOR SALE at my ranch 8 miles north of Newcastle. Good j first cutting alfalfa $34 per ton, good second cutting alfalfa $32 per ton. Before going to the ranch for hay call me collect at Hurricane, ME 5-2292, E. J. Graff. Adv. D 8, 15. 22. SYRETT COMMISSION CO. Common Carrier to Lincoln Couary, Nevada (L C C Permit Since 1928) WEEKLY DELIVERIES REASONABLE RATES JEROME HOLT Tour Fuller Brush Man Call JU 6-9546 or write Ray's Trailer Park Cedar City, Utah Adv. N-24, tf. WATCH AND JEWELRT REPAIRING In our own shop Fast Efficient Service TODBR JEWELER 114 North Main JU 6-9641 Adv M-9, tf. PIANOS ORGANS Baldwin Christmas Specials $675.00 and up Available for Christmas delivery McAllister Music Co. 178 W. 300 N., St. George, Utah Phone OR 3-3374 Adv. D-8, 15, 22. FOR SALE: Modern 3-bedroom home. Finished basement, car port, fireplace, excellent location. loca-tion. Phone Mitchell Lunt, JU 6 8730. Adv. D-8, 15, 22. FOR SALE: Westlnghous De luxe, 30 Inch electric range. Ex cellent condition. $100. Call Jl 6- 8724. Adv. D-8, pd. For a Different Christmas Gift See the wide selection of Indian and modern mod-ern jewelry, pottery, pictures, purses, wallets, wal-lets, moccasins, dolls and novelties The Indian House 121 NORTH MAIN CEDAR CITY We have a Lay-away Plan Cedar Real Estate Company 56 West Harding Avenue Phone JU 6-8912 or JU 6-9754 Elwood J. Corry, Broker Homes, Ranches, Farms for Sale Long Term Financing Available I MAESER DALLEY INSURANCE Maeser Dalley and Chailes T. Cooley Agents OLDEST AGENCY IN UTAH Since 1922 General Insurance GRAIN FAT MUTTON for Sal Phone JU 6-6027 or JU 6-8947 Adv. D-l, & FOR SALE: Four purebred Suffolk Rams. See George Foster. Phone JU 6-4217. Adv. D-l, 8, pd. ' 0 FOR SALE STEWING BENS Alive, dressed or packaged. Call M. Vandenberghe, JU 6-9264. Adv. D-l, 8, 15. Warehouse space for Rent Contact Con-tact Jim Heywood at Lunt-lley-wood Company. Adv. N-24, tf. FOR SALE: 2-bedroom brick home. 2 finished rooms in base me it. Carport and patio. Completely Com-pletely fenced in. Beautiful landscaping. land-scaping. In excellent condition. Contact Bob Llnford or call JU 6-8833. Adv. S-29. tf. FOR SALE Used Firestone electric range $65. New 11-38 6 ply Firestone tractor trac-tor tire. Reg. price $131.79. Now $90.00 BRADSHAW FIRESTONE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES Now ayoM era bar DIIECT trail V. S. GOVERNMENT IURFLDS DEPOTS, by mail for younolt or tor iomIo. Cmmtm. Maoculan, can. loop, boots, track, kardwnr. offtco maebjaoa sb4 qulpmwt. tout, tool mm Um l tboooaad ol otkor Itom t tracttoa I UmU oriotaol Mt Most rtaM broad bow. Tor IUI ol huadrod of O. ft. Oovoramoat Sarpluo Dopoto. IbkIi fcm mrr I tat ob4 ovonou wit pra-ohlvt pra-ohlvt "Bow Oovoramoai Coa Hrta Street St-reet To Torn." pha rocoduro. BOW TO BI7T and how to for TBEB SUB- nut. audi tx-oo to sumrun sales nrroiMATio inner, r. o. No. llli. Waduaftoa S. O. C MATTRESS RENOVATING Innersprlngs rebuilt, cotton mattresses mat-tresses made into innersprlngs at Cedar Mattress Co. Box Springs rebuilt Call Maynard Christen-sen Christen-sen at JU 6-9265. Adv. S-29. tf. Horn for Sod Two bedroom plus full basement. Drapes, new carpets. Brick construction. con-struction. Garage and patio. Fully Ful-ly fenced. Beautifully landscap-i landscap-i ed. Southwest location. 334 So. 700 W. Phone JU 6-6623, Robert Bradshaw. Adv. O-20, tf. Being Transfercd For Sale ' 3-bedroom brick bungalow, bunga-low, beautifully fenced and landscaped. Large 1 Patio . Garage and fireplace. fire-place. Many built-ins. After Af-ter down payment assume 412 G. L Loan. Call JU 6-8351 for appointment. Adv. D-8, 15, 22, pd. AUTO WASH Turn Key Installation Be first to enjoy this amazing opportunity. op-portunity. Enjoy these advantages advantag-es as an owner of a coin operated car wash multiple operation. No land to lease, no building to buy, no fixed overhead, no labor problems, prob-lems, no experience necessary. We furnish location, installations, and training. You furnish $2,CC0 (total) and reap the profits. Can be handled without disturbing present occupation. Write for local lo-cal Interview. WESTERN SALES Box 2801 Boise, Idaho . FOR SALE: 3-bedroom brick veneer home, excellent condition. Full basement, oil furnace, fireplace, fire-place, landscaped. Excellent location lo-cation close to business district, schools and church. Reasonably priced. Call JU 6-8983 or JU 6-6901. 6-6901. Adv. N-17, tf. WANTED Three part-time men to assist Fuller Brush Dealer Call JU 6 954C Adv. N-24, tf. SURPLUS From remodeling: Day and Night FA-65 Panel Ray Wall Furnace with blower. Thermostatically controlled. Used one year. Save over 20. Norman Day, Pa rowan. Adv. D-8, 15, 22 |