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Show HEWS NOTES FROM SUMMIT I Mr. Donna Davenport Ninth grade students from here who participated In the Cedar Junior High Closing Program Pro-gram Friday evening were Shirley Shir-ley Farrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrow; Myra Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arden Richards; Rolayne Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyd Walker and Jeanne White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Her-bert White. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matheson returned home Friday from a trip into Wyoming and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Richards and daughter, Myra and Mrs. Richard's mother, Mrs. Leona Smith, left for Lander, Wyo., on Wednesday evening of last week to attend Commencement Exercises Exer-cises at the High School there where the Richard's daughter, Linda Kay, was graduating and to visit with Mrs. Smith's son Victor Smith and family. They returned home Sunday bringing Linda Kay and the three iiftle Smith boys, Wesley, Ron and Bruce. Myra remained in Lander for a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. Marc Allton and Mr. and Mrs. Dee El Stapley took their Sunday School classes to Zion Saturday morning where they spent a fun-filled day. The young people who went were Robert and Rolayne Walker, Dick and Shirley Farrow, Darryl and Sheral Davenport, Jeanne White, Eddie Brown, Colleen Fife, Patrl-cia, Patrl-cia, Kathleen, David, Maxlne, Dennis and Eugene Dalley and Michael Stapley. Larry Mohler of Las Vegas, Nev., who was a week end guest of the Allton's also accompanied the group to Zion. Elder Thomas Rowley of Paro-wan, Paro-wan, who recently returned home from a two and one-half year LDS Mission to Mexico gave a very interesting talk here in Sacrament Sac-rament meeting Sunday. He was accompanied here by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowley, his sister, Renee, and other friends and relatives. Sheral Davenport and Kathleen Dalley were in Cedar. City last Thursday evening to participate in the High School Fashion Show. Kathleen took Annette White, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dee White, to model an outfit she had made. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rees and three sons of Kaysville arrived here Saturday for a few day's stay with Mrs. Rees parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Lawrence and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Hulet and five children traveled to Antimony Saturday to spend the day with Pauline's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Matthews. A number of our townspeople were in Parowan last week to attend the Open House honoring Mrs. Barbara Adams. Miss Francis Farrow of Mercury, Mer-cury, Nev., visited over the week end with her family, the Ray-mond Ray-mond Farrows. Mrs. Minnie Dalley went to St. George last Thursday to help move her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulet from there back to their home in New Castle. |