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Show Cedar High School Makes Annual Awards to Students The annual Awards program for Cedar City High School was held Tuesday morning at the -Public School Auditorium. Activity awards were presented present-ed to students for participation in extra-curricular activities during dur-ing their high school careers In addition to a series of scholarships scholar-ships which were accorded members mem-bers of the graduating class. Twenty-six members of the class were accorded Activity Awards based on a point system for each activity in which they participated. They were listed by Principal Pratt M. Bethers, as follows: Chesley Williams, JoAnn Duncan. Dun-can. Bob Cornelius. Harm Cham, i berlain, Floyd Rigby, Dan Jones, Darryl Ence, Mary Ann Palmer, Mary Jane Williams, Verlene Terry, Jean Misel, Cheryl Brown, Connie Benson, Neil Roberts, Ka-thy Ka-thy Knell, Lee Nielson, Marsha Vorkink, Suzanne Sargent. Robert Rob-ert Smith, Judy Cowan, Vickey Wheelwright, John Logan, Lauren Laur-en MacDonald, Susan Ashcroft, (Continued on Page Eight) CHS AWARDS (Continued from Front Page) Darla Garfield and Janet Higbee. Scholarship winners were announced an-nounced at the awards program .as follows: Connie Benson was Accorded the Ladies of Elks Scholarship presented by the organization president Bonnie Leigh. A cash award, presented by 'the March of Dimes was presented present-ed by Royce Chamberlain to -Madeleine Vandenberghe, who will study in the field of nursing. A nursing scholarship was also won by Miss Vandenberghe. A total of five scholarships and three activity awards from the College of Southern Utah. Receiving scholarships were Cheryl Crown, Judy Cowan, JoAnn Duncai, Janet Higbee, and Kathleen Kath-leen Knell. Activity awards went to Mary Ann Palmer, Floyd Rig-.by Rig-.by and Brent Hunter. The William R. Grimshaw family fa-mily presented an activity award to a student from Enoch and the recipient was Miss Darla Garfield. Gar-field. Tucker Coal Mine presented present-ed a scholarship to John Chesley Williams. JJell Roberts was accorded an - athletic scholarship from Brlg-Jiam Brlg-Jiam Young University. In addition, addi-tion, No. 31, the Jersey he used throughout Ms athletic career at Cedar High School, was retired. The Parrnt Teachers Association Associa-tion presented scholarship oi $200 to Lenora Adams, which is renewable. ; i The Burn K. Sherratt memorial mem-orial .scholarship, presented by the Kiwanis Club each year went to Brent Bulloch. Hans Chamberlain was the recipient re-cipient of the Safety Scholarship Award presented by the Southern South-ern Utah Foundation. |