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Show EstelRayRaymer Rites Held In Cedar City Funeral services were conducted conduct-ed in Cedar City Wednesday afternoon af-ternoon for Estel Ray Raymer. 36, who died Monday. Dec. 17 in Oregon. Ore-gon. He died of injuries suffered In an automobile accident near Canyonville, Ore. The victim of the accident had stopped on the highway to adjust his lights when another car crashed into him crushing him between the two cars. A former Cedar City resident, Mr. Raymer had resided In Oregon Ore-gon for the past three years. His wife, Mrs. Ramona Hunter Raymer Ray-mer was in Cedar City because of the death of her father, James Hunter, when her husband was injured. The services were conducted by Bishop A. E. Whatcott. Speakers at the services were Ray Lunt and J. M. Palmer, with brief remarks by the bishop. Invocation In-vocation was by Grandon. Porter, the benediction by Max Heap, and the dedicatory prayer by Thomas Munford. Mrs. Luana Riddle was at the organ, and the musical program Included two vocal duets, "In The Garden" and "Whispering Hope", by Myles Walker and Ray Coss-lett, Coss-lett, and a vocal solo, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" by Miss Alice Williams. Mrs. Beth Leigh was accompanist. Burial was in the Cedar City cemetery. |