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Show Xiwanis Club Makes Inspection Tour of Telephone Co. Plant Following a delicious luncheon at El Escalante hotel at the regular reg-ular Monday evening meeting of the Cedar City Kiwanis club, the members moved In force to the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co., for a first hand inspection of the company's operations. op-erations. Under the leadership of Frank Sutherland the Kiwanis members were conducted through the Telephone Tele-phone office at 127 North Main Irom beginning to end. Starting at the administration section of the company's plant, the Kiwanians were given an explanation ex-planation of the billing, which is handled through Salt Lake City, and the bookwork necessary to keep the records up to date. From the administration or front office of-fice the civic club members were taken behind the switch boards to see how the plant was operated. oper-ated. From this point the tour moved to the power center of the building where emergency equipment equip-ment was explained. Following the tour behind the boards the members moved to the switch boards themselves where an explanation of their operation was given. Guests of the club during the evening were David Castleton and Scott M. Matheson, Jr. |