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Show Southern "Rebels" Invade Cedar City, Zion Park A successful, yet unsuccessful Invasion of Cedar City and Zion National Park was made by approximately ap-proximately 600 Southern Rebels disguised as Boy Scouts on Tuesday, Tues-day, July 14. The attack, which started at 6 a. m., was not repelled re-pelled until 7 p. m. The attack was made via Union Un-ion Pacific railroad and the first target, at the early morning hour, was El Escalante Hotel where they forced the Parks company com-pany to furnish them breakfast that they might have the strength to continue the invasion inva-sion route to Zion National Park. Forcing the Iron and Washington Washing-ton County school districts into submission the scouts, with approximately ap-proximately 26 leaders, used the school buses to make their way to the Beautiful Zion park. Arriving Ar-riving at the park early in the morning the 600 Georgians, Virginians Vir-ginians and Tennesseians, moved in en mass and covered the roads, trails and camp sites. Starving from the morning long vigil the youths again hit the Parks company and cleaned out the pantries for a satisfying noon meal, followed by early afternoon rounding up of trail visits. ? It was at this point that the attack was stopped and the rebels re-bels were forced to retreat from Zion canyon, via school buses to Cedar City where they made one last mass raid at El Escal-1 ante hotel. Here they confiscated a tummy full of barbecued beef before boarding the Union Pacific Paci-fic train in the escape route. It is expected that the 600 southerners will arrive in California Califor-nia today where they will form with other scouts of the nation In the National Jambore. A sidelight of the attack was the wave of panic at the Cedar City Drug company at 7 a. m. Tuesday. Here It is reported that the soda fountain was completely complete-ly drained and Manager Richard Morris was forced to the back shop while the scout leaders "took over" the fountain and counter sales. |