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Show Bonnie lean Steiner, Kent Stapley Wed in Church Rites An impressive candlelight ceremony, cer-emony, staged at the L D S Institute In-stitute of Religion Saturday evening, eve-ning, Dec. 19, united Kent H. Stapley and Bonnie Jean Steiner in wedlock. Bishop Fernlelgh Gardner of the Cedar Fourth Ward officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Mr. Stapley is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Stapley and the new bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Steiner all of Cedar City. Following the nuptial ceremo ny the wedding party of close friends and relatives moved to the Relief Society rooms of the Cedar Third Ward chapel wher? p. reception was held in the young couple's honor. The reception recep-tion was held between the hours of eight and 10 o'clock. Assisting throughout the wed-ing wed-ing and receiving at the reception recep-tion were Gam Hlrschl as best man and Karen Tait as maid of honor. Bridesmaids for the occasion occa-sion were sisters of the bride, the Misses Shirley Ann and Catherine Cather-ine Steiner. Flower girls were Marilyn Stapley, sister of the groom, and Tamila Robinson. After the reception the couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Las Vegas, Nev. They returned return-ed Monday and plan to make their home in Cedar City. TVin nmv Mrc tanUv la 9 ctll. lilt. . ' I . .7 U UlU dent of the Cedar City high school this year and Mr. Stapley has previously graduated from that school. He has been attending attend-ing the College of Southern Utah here in Cedar City. |