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Show Cedar City Elks Club To Sponsor Two Teen-age Dances Through the courtesy of the Cedar City Elks Club teen agers of Cedar City will' be guests at two modern dances during the Christmas holiday season. Both dances, to be staged at the Cedar City high school gymnasium, will be free of charge. First of the two dances will be Christmas night, and the second sec-ond will be a New Year's Eve uance. For both occasions an orchestra or-chestra will be engaged and for the New Year's Eve affair confetti con-fetti and noise makers will be furnished. In undertaking this holiday assignment as-signment the Elks Club has called call-ed on parents and students to cooperate in making the dances a success. Parents are cordially Invited In-vited to attend the dances and teen-agers are urged to take advantage ad-vantage of the Elk's Club generosity. gen-erosity. Mrs. Sam Gentry and Mrs. R. E. Winterrose have taken the responsibility re-sponsibility of working with parents par-ents to insure the success of the dances and they have met with the high school student council to solicit the cooperation of the teen-agers. For several years the Elks Club has sponsored such a program, under the commendation of the community, and each year the success of the dances has grown. This year it is expected that capacity crowds will attend the over popular dances that provide pro-vide wholesome holiday entertainment enter-tainment for teen agers of Cedar City. |