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Show TEACHERS OF THE STATE TO MEET WCEDAR CITY'FOR' LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSEi - & : a- V - , -- - v1 V- m w v:t. DR. BELMONT FARLEY Thrusday, Friday and Saturday, November 13, 14 and 15 the Iron county teachers will play hosts to approvlmately 200 educators from the counties and higher educational institutions throughout the state, in a leadership training course. Dr. Belmont Farley, director of Press and Radio Relations for the National Educational Association, will be the principal speaker throughout the sessions. Dr. Farley Is a native of Missouri Miss-ouri and during the war was responsible re-sponsible for the great campaign of National Publicity which stimulated ttie unpresedented production of war materials. The convention will open Thursday Thurs-day night with a banquet in the Escalante hotel. Morning and afternoon after-noon sessios will be held Friday with the concluding session Saturday Satur-day morning. The meeting will be held in the Escalante hotel and the First ward chapel. The training course is an innovation innova-tion in educational circles, Utah being be-ing one of the first states to Initiate Init-iate this type of professional leadership lead-ership training. The National Education Association Associa-tion through the state and local associations is attempting to train the school leaders to handle their own professional business by a democratic dem-ocratic means. They went on record at the National Na-tional Education convention as definitely def-initely opposing unions and more particularly the methods used by such organizations to gain their points. The local association backed by the state and national organizations is the bargaining unit with the various vari-ous boards of education and . the training course to be held In Cedar City will emphasize that fact. Group I. Function and organlza-Four organlza-Four discussion groups will be tion of an effective local association held during the course as follows: and its relationship to state and National Associations. Group II. Improving public relations. rela-tions. Group III. Can collective bargaining bargain-ing be done on a professional basis. Group IV. Problems of Teacher personnel. |