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Show J THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah November 28, Weston Briefs 1983 Preston Lumber Co. Will Hake Your Christmas Shopping Easy Bernz-o-llal- ic TORCH KIT Siif Complete With Tmh Tip, Flame Spreader Tip, Soldering Tip, Heavy Doty Burner Head. fflilL Power Hand Sander Regular Fuel Cylinder Pins Free Fuel HOME TOOL EARLY SANTA SPECIAL Black and Decker 59 S198 " THORSON POWER DDILL ft DECKER BLACK SOCKET Chneks Jaeoba Real Wrench Set Qaafflty A WONDERFUL REG. 8UJS GIFT CHRISTMAS COUPLER HOHE 817J8 Vahw Utodtma Guaranteed Tech HE ALWAYS WANTS AND NEEDS HAND BLACK TOOLS Only 824.95 ft D REG. 99c to $9.35 $flg)88 $19.88 greasy walls from cooking. REG. 819.15 $13.49 ... SPECIAL (fe HAVE ED XI AIXi AT BUDGET PRICES PHODE 852-0814 Ceiling TRe White - 12 gunio aw Ittcc Ok UMheo AS LOW AS -- 31 3C ei uqgoob rues me TOS iRp dSd UWtf ssco lW cawM me NEWS I y UTAH CH 84991 x Easy Paint. or la IastaD. Use as KENTILE (Lewiston) Eliminates kitchen smells and Love Mahogany, Lustra FOR THE aax&rf 6509 cog QflUr 14-tff- fi 'QAlii n flOMbti UMN TO CACHE VALLE k sub iMfmro ad dhi rnnmreqs 4jn ASBES- VINYL x 12' itai Or Stop In At The Citizen (Wee In The EftK Style Hhop Building. The Newspaper of North Cache Conniy Wide Choice of Color, 9. oTTairk IAN rtjMMS Easy Cara, Longest Wearing. 9 She attended Relief Society and also the funeral service for Kenneth Child. Other former residents who came to attend the funeral were: Au- - MERCURY VENT FAN ed Ash. ARMSTRONG BESS CHARTER is visiting her brother, Dick Lemmon. David Hansen, son of Louise Hansen, former Weston residents, now living at Idaho Falls, visited with old friends and neghbors. Recent guests at Sadia Nelsons home were her brother Dick Maughan and wife of Burley, Ida. Also visiting fr Also visiting Burley, Ida. from Idaho Falls at Sadie's were Mr. and Mrs. Richard with Geyser. Sadie went them to her sister Annie Buxtons home in Cornish where the three sisters had a delightful afternoon together. BIAI j 823.95 Nows The Time to Improve Yourextra Space and Add Luxurious living Space. We have this Paneling la Pine, an accident ceived at work. . The Sylvan Morgan were overnight guests at brothers home, Sir. and Mrs. Marion Morgan. Les and Flo Dawson have been spending some time in Weston, and attended funeral services for Kenneth Child. dry Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst, Elsie Rassmussen and her son Francis and his wife, and Virgil and Elly Jensen. CLARKSTON iw: Panel Your Walls Birch, fathers, even unto the lineage of Joseph. He said that now, through the missionary service he has his own testimony Instead of a borrowed one. Elder Greene compared the inventions made by man with visions and dreams that come to us aa blessings like the organizing of the church came about because of Joseph Smith's vision. A trio of young ladies from the Linrose Ward, sang. Kirk Morgan played an accordian solo. Mrs. Larry Bowers and son from Bancroft spent a few days of the past week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Dale Bennett in Thatcher. ' TRENTON, CORNISH, COVE, and SAW SCREWDRIVERS, LEVELS, WRENCHES, TAPE MEASURES. Grains YouD er JIG HAMMERS, Pre-Flabb- Funeral serKAY WHITNEY visited WESTON eration. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDaniels of Marsh Valley those who are in the Tremon-to- n vices were conducted in WesMcDaniels of Marsh Valley Hospital, resulting from ton Ward Chapel November at the terrible accident during 20 for Kenneth P. Child with were afternoon visitors the Friday night storm. She Bishop Bastlan presiding, Edith Coburn's home. offerings Hennr Weyerman had five reports that the families of The many floral Green and Merlin McKay were carried by family fi days off from Mountain Home Hal Air Base, which he spent are encouraged. The men are ends and school companions, at home with his family and showing some Improvement. under the direction of the Rein Logan with his sister and The Stake Board Sunday lief Society. The casket was School Organization held a viewed in the Relief Society her family. and Wayne Mary Bingham banquet in Weston Ward. The room. The large chapel and were in Salt Lake on txisi- - SO members attending enjoy recreation hall were filled overflowing. Frank Patness, and while there they ed a lovely supper ana a good to terson gave the invocation. with Irene visited her sister program. Ransome. Elder Jarvis Greene report- James Mitchell spoke of the Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Maugh-a- n ed- his mission to the Great Childs coming to Weston in and Mrs. Viola Burbank Lakes Area in Sacrament mewere visitors in their home eting Sunday evening. He Is MAURICE TINGEY town, attending funeral ser- spoke of a borrowed testim- slowly to treatresponding favices for James Lannan, ony which he inherited from for the burns he rether of Mrs. Georgia Butt-ars.- a his parents, his pioneer fore- ment in while resiformer Weston dent. Alvin was speaker at the funeral. The Maughans and Viola were dinner guests of their brother Owen and wife lone Maughan. MR. AND MRS. Lorenzo Neuenswauder were in Logan from Wednesday to Sat urday assisting their children Mr. and hire. Curtis Neuens-wandmove Into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob White RONALD COBURN Is at had as week-en- d visitors her the Veterans Hospital in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold preparation for a coming op- - Anderson of Logan. Vt DRILL, PLUS BUFFERS, DRILLS, GRIND- ING STONES, PAINT si'klFFtihS, SANDER DISC AND SAND PAPER. IN HEAVY METAL CARRYING CASE REG. ! 1957. Myron Fnnesbeck read the obituary. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Stevensen sang a duet. Carol Dailey played an organ solo. Jack King sang I Shall See Him Face to Face). Bishop Bastian spoke. Burial was in the family plot ial was 1 the family plot in Clinton, Utah. Dainty refreshments were served to 19 club members and 1 guest, Mrs. Valeria T. Pond. RESIDENTS OF RICHMOND, LEWISTON, WORK SHOP SAWS, - Annie Goodsell from her sonOrval who writes from Paris that he and others were sent out looking for markets for American surplus foods. Orval said he has association with French, Dutch, Swiss and German people and he enjoys his work. He will return to Virginia for Thanksgiving. He lis associated wttlb one of his nephews who Is in Germany on a mission. Mrs. Grace Kofoed and daughter Beverly visited in Idaho Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Elverow Kofoed over the week-enMrs. Ruth Slmm-ond- s who had been visiting the Kofoeds, returned home with her daughter Grace. Mr. and Mrs. George Kofoed have been visiting at Burley, Ida. with their childReese ren, Mr. and Mrs. ofoed and family. They also visited withthe Alfred Jensens at Twin Falls while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens entertained at a dinner luncheon. The guests were Mrs. Lew Olsen, Geneva Wash and Mildred Hansen. WESTON heard d. THE MOST USED Special Former Besidenl Sells Suplns In Europe Child Service Held In Weslon Per TDe the NOTHING CACHE VALLEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY ON ALL IMPROVEMENTS 1 I ;! a. I PRESTON PHONE UTAH PnONE Cn 852-061- 4 Week Days 8:00 to 5:30 Saturdays 7:30 to 1 p. m. BEAUTY 8P NEW HOURS Phone 248-287- 8 U--. Lewiston, Utah : fe |