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Show THE CITIZEN. Lewiston, Utah Unit Mill Hand Show Inldalio Falls kwln Ainu With lew Zealand entertainment dven at the Idaho Falls Coliseum in the company with their daughter Mrs. Dale Laron a son, who had served mission for the church these people. Here she met and visited old quaintenancee . Many of the choir members were Temple Offldators in the New ng WlulbaadiiLeS--Buidb(Aibilfrioedar,Mdpatsalowpriceoai- - ne L Tnotra Britfi Csrnlih Gronp land Temple. They had been trained by the movie star GRACE Merlin D. Van Lorraine Day Vleet, airman USN, son of band. Mr. and Mrs. Osro Van Vleet Mrs. Harold Stevenson vis- of Grace, is serving with Air ited Mrs. Roselle Sargent at Squadron 25 her home in Sandy, the oc- at the Naval Air Station Norcasion being Roseua's birth- th Island, San Dego, Calif. day. The squadron recently comk Weekend guests at the pleted a warfare training manStevenson home were their daughter Connie and dau- euver aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Yorktown. ghter Paula Ann. Venice Anita Poulsen, Poulsen and Angle Hobbs sang as a trio in Sacrament MRS. ALICE Wright of La-g- o has accepted a position as meeting Sunday evening in the Weston Ward. They were clerk in the Chadwick Store accompanied by Janice Bing- in Grace. ham. The occasion was Elder Clair Chadwick of Grace Jarvis Greene reporting his a few days in Salt Laka mission in the Great ty on a buying trip for his stores. two-wee- Mr. and Mrs. attended the Bright 1118 Anti-So- b Couple Sees LINROSE November 28, Missionary Gives Swiss Converts Visit Sunday Report Trenton Couple - - vlsited friends and relatives Misses Bits tie of Ogden and Mr, and TRENTON in Ogden Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Marshall of Lomann and Ledermawn wc Relief Society Work and gan were Sunday visitors at Business meeting was held overnight guests of Mr. and the homes of Mr. and Mrs. last Tuesday. A quilt was Mrs. Norvell Butler. Their A.L. Andrew. Mr. and Mm quilted. The discussion was 'son Wade, who is servingwasa Merlin L. Andrew. seated by Mary belle Pike. mission to Switzerland furnlsb- - instrumental in baptizing one COMMISSIONED ed by each member bringing of the young women and his food prepared from recipes companion baptized the othF. Maugha n of Preston, has HOUSE er. They are employed ai MCOW been v Delbert Martin and Bi- published in the Relief Soci- stewardesses Mia Swiss on the Unite: in the lieutenant ety Magazine. Wendel Godfrey shop Air Lines. States Air Force upon gradu- the concluding speakers. The work and legion disation from Officer Training Mrs.. Estelle Johnson and cussion Wednesday evening MarSchool at Lackland Ara Mr. and Mrs. Delbert of Mrs. Cora Westisen of Banwas under the direction Tex. lieutenant Maughan tin entertained the following Ideas croft, Idaho spent the weekJean Naegle. was selected for the training friends at their home after Erma end at the home of Mr. and for Thank decorations for course through competitive the sendees: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John S Smith. On Satand Christinas giving examinations with other col- Albert Harding and Mrs. Hoan attended the & SPOUSE crystals urday they ward Wakley from Idaho given and bath lege graduates. Ha is where they perform-in- g Ml In attend by to James ConaaOy Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Velden ance. ordinances. Mrs. AFB, Tex., for navigotor tra- Martin from Dayton, Mr. and Johnson remained for a visit ining. The Heutenant, son of Mrs. LaVell Bair, Carolyn MRS. IRVIN Keadell spent with the Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril P. Maugh- and Douglas Bair and Mrs. several days during the past an of Preston, received his Rulene Bartow from Ogden, week visiting Mr. and Mrs. MR. AND MBS. HearvEIl-erma- n were recent dinner B.S. degree from Utah State Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schow. Parley Ray In Layton. and of her slater, Mrs. Ida His wife is the Mrs. Clarence Neeley PROTECTOR rriffln of Logan. former Marsha Chatterton of Mr. Andrew Shumway from Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Leavviilt-MYou're smart to protect your RL 2, Preston. Preston, Mrs. Jessie Bowhu-i- s itt spent the past week Lea-an- r. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mor house in case of firs, theft, and Mrs. Jack d of Logan, Mrs. Vaughn Ogden Saturdamage to content! and family in Twin Falls tenson drove to with Larsen and Mrs. Byron Hall, Mr. and and visited liability with a single State day and Mr. Mrs. and DeVon Kathlene and Judy Hall of Mrs. Ellis Griffin and family Farm Homaownara policy Smith and in Mrs. Heyburn, family Guard Mr. and National Pvt Fairview, Army at a low package rate. And Mr. and Mrs. Kefford M. Idaho. Mr. aon of Bruce Hobbs, 23, Floyd White, Brent, Ruth and Mor-twice aa smart to A. Peek Mrs. and you're Mary Richand Mrs. LeiUa Hobbs, Wes- Douglas White from irotect your anoint with a Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Christhe Peek's they communica-tkmClifford Mrs. a Samsel, tofferson of Richmond warn met Slsiter ton, completed i mond, Jtata Farm life insurance Ivins, wife of Ancrewman course under John Pitcher and Kariajtuth dinner policy that covers your mortthe toine R Ivins, who was in at guests Monday the Reserve Forces Act pro- and David Rawlings. gage. For full details, aoo home of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Ogden to attend Stake conferat Fort Ord, Calif. Nov. MR. AND MRS. Rav friand for Ufa. your Christofferson. ence and was staying at the gam Bing of home Mr. Mrs. and President ana lam accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Leav- Peek. During the course Hobbs re- tin. Jack Pearce to Ogden They report sister entertained the following itt ceived instruction in the to visit good health Bingham Roy Sunday dinner at their and at istheenjoying atkm of light Army of ninety-tw- o who is in the hospital recov-- home: guests Sunday age Mrs. Gladys Cady still braids rugs and does othmmunlcatkuig wiring, and from recent surgery. from Torrence, Calif., Mr.and er handwork. wire laying, message center ering Mr. and Mrs. Mose Chris- Mrs. Ben Baker and Mr. and operation and organization THE MORIENSONS aloe and switchboard operation. tofferson returned home last Mrs. Harry Baker from Ogand Mrs. Gilbert Baker. made a business trip to Salt Hobbs received basic trai- week after visiting with den Farm Ufa IMII MIN Lake recently, taking Gadys riends and relatives in Calning at Fort Ord. Company Hawkea of and and Slate MONDAY Farm 7:00 two Flra for , weeks. ifornia Logan A 1968 graduate of West and Catually Com. of Ogden with MIXED DOUBLES pany. Homa Offlcaw Side High School, Dayton, INIMMNCI Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kendell TEAM im. Bloomington, IWnoia. W Hobbs attended Utah State 27 Sec. Bank First Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cot- University of Agriculture and 25 Cranneys Sales Applied Sciences, W it R Oil 22 was em Parsons Ready Mix 22 Food FOR PROMPT PICKUP OF 20 Pickens Goodyear going on active duty. 20 Farmers Ins. 17 Nivison Drug 17 Dons Pan-teBakery AND MRS. Lorin MR. r 17 Oy Lowe Builders of Thatcher visited at the NOTICE OF HEARING LaRue's Bea. Saon 13 home of their son and family FOR PROBATE 1st high team, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Panter PETITION WILL OF Pickens lioodyear, lim; 2nd, in Malad. of Cranneys Sales, 1829; 3rd, PHONE COLLECT LOGAN SK Mrs. Naomi Sanders, of Id The Probate Coart State Franklin County, Farmers, Ins., 1730. Thatcher had as recent of Idaho 1st high, ind. ests at her home Mr. and By-Produ- cts A1 Jickens, Timothy, Walter McDaniels and In foe Matter of the 2nd. Ha 474; sen, Loyal Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hadfleld Estate of JUST SOUTH OF LOGAN Fackrell, 472; 3rd, of Malad. MARY C. PERKINS, Bob Acock, Galley, Deceased. CORNISH Eugene Martin made a report on his labors as an L.D.S. Missionary In California at a welcome home testimonial held the st Sunday. Brent White, m Richmond, who recently returned from Texas where labored Nell he also - At Mo-tens- on Man-Griff- in I Lots of cars iue in LeSabrtb price chis, but duft where the laemMance ends. For eit? Right again: Nobody but LeSabre. If all this makes you think a LeSabra would look awfully in our garage, you should see how nicely it fits n budget You know'who to of course: your Buick dealer. Who else? AlWVB afl, its S Btdck LeSabnb fa g v:. m VOW field LOCAL MJTMMZD SUCK DEALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALERS IN THIS AKA:. Palmer Implement Company 47 Public Notice Dead And Useless Animals 82 North State 529-Vl- 529-Hel- en Utah Co. 508-Riv- e Pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court dated November 20th, 1963, notice a hereby given that Gran erklns has filed herein a n for the probate of the last Win of Mary C. Perkins, deceased, and for the issuance to mummi of letters Fairmers & Braiders pe-itlo- If its electric. ' its better ... estamentary, and that the said petition will be heard on It Is Not Too Late To Do Concrete Work When Hot Water Is Used We have plenty of hot water. all your Concrete Needs. Beady-Hi- x entitled Idaho, when am where any person interest in said estate may appear and contest the said win, and may file objections to the granting of said petition. Dated November 20th, 1983. Orval D. Robinson Probate Judge and Clerk of Probate Court, Franklin County, Idaho. Ex-Offl- M. ComUe, Preston, Idaho, Attorney for Petitioner. No. 617 Published Nor. 21, Nov. 28, and Dec. 5, 1983. - n.EM7 your own BUGS and UFH0LSTEBY 7 Professionally Tracks to serve yon. mm80 Concrete i Probate at Preston, FrankUn Comity, P. We u We Have above Court, (SEAL) Call ns lor only First Grade Agregaie. muqr, December 9th, 1983 ten oclock A M. of qald day, st the coart roan of the Chock tho toctrfcol gifts you would llko to ghrt, orrocolvo: IW. manicure set forbad ELECTRIC BLANKET CORN POPPER DARKROOM EQUIPMENT GOLF PRACTICE PUTTER GREENHOUSE (DtBLS TOP) HAIR CLIPPERS HEAT RAD ICE CUBE MAKER ICE CRUSHER MASSAGER POWER TOOLS REDUCING BELT SHAVER RLBCnUO SHEET SLICING KNIFE . , CURLING IRON ' ' SHAVER " RADIO RECHARGEABLE FLASHLIGHT RECORD PLAYER SUNLAMP TELEVISION ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER FOR JUMOR DOG CLIPPERS HOT DOG ROASTER HEDGE TRIMMER ICE CREAM FREEZER LAWN LAWN MOWER SLIDE FILM PROJECTOR TAPE RECORDER TOOTH BRUSH EDGER-1RIMME- , HAIR DRYER' hRatlamp LAM Preston 852-04- 56 nidimiiil n ' ' v afi '.s' . , ( ' 'A ,4 CHAFING DISH CLOTHES DRYER CLOTHES WASHER COFFEE MAKER DEEP FAT FRYER DUTCH OVEN FOOD WARMER FOOD WASTE DISPOSER FURNITURE POLISHER GRILL HOTPLATE HEATEbTRAY IRON (STEAM ft DRY) MEAT GRINDER MIXER , v OVEN (PORTABLE) ' PRESSURE COOKER ROASTER RUOSHAMFOOER v TIMER A2 OCX VACUUM CLEANER. idl'A . k |