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Show CarOverlnnu Ho One Hurl GIVE BOOK Citizen -- For Hother, Folbor, ChildroQ FAMOUS RAND McNALLY TO COMPETE HERE units to compete In the Johnson DUds CtULBBEITS m IIoldTnetdny BOOBS ILLUSTRATED BEAUTIFULLY - THE CITIZEN, Lewtaton. Utah Morgan Evans, 45, was Injured Saturday night when his car overturned onto Its top as ho was returning top as he was returning from Montpelier about 8:30 p.m. The accident occurred as the car left tbe canyon road on the Icy curve, lust about on the toy curve, fust above the Strawberry Springs where two other accidents nave occurred recently. One ' man, Eldoft Crockett is still' In Preston hospital, suffering from a back injury which he received In a similar accident a week ego. Earlier two ton youtha were badly incar jured and then their skidded on the same tun. Mr. Evans had crawled from his overturned car mid made hie way back to the road as Edwin Bowen, anoth-e-r Preston man, came dong and was brought Into ton by Mr. Bowen. A From-T- ta November 2L 1H3 mtSiSi One of the marching Golden Christum yiareh win ho the DngoiwtMe from Meted. Some seven units will compete ter the first mid second place trophies. The groups win Mao inarch In the Golden Christmas parade. Slafbf tMkm SUfilUw! Mrs. Mazy Ana Johnson, 74, died Saturday FRANKLIN Whitney morning at the homo of her Singing Mothen entertained daughter, Mrs. Gwen Salt Lake City, f& ter the Relief Society stake lowing a short Illness. Saturday She was bon May singing , meeting Let us Oft Speak Sad USB, at Preston, a daughter of Alfred W. and Mary Amo Words and Glad Prayer Taylor Stephens. She mar-rle- d Laurence Johnson 3, 1907, In Salt Laiw temple and had lived her entire life in Preston, where she, as a registered nurse, did much home nursing. She was active in church in auxiliaries, especirily . music Her husband died in 1! SURVIVORS include a son, Leeral L., of Omaha, Neb.; and daughter, Mrs. Gwen;, Hipwell, salt Lake City; six six neat grandchildren; griandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Alleen Aller, and a brother, Gomer Stephens, Magna. Funeral services were he'd) I Tuesday In the Third wardj chapel with Bishop Alonso'l H. Handy officiating. The! prayer at the home was giv-- 1 en by Bishop Thedford Hop--! er. SPEAkiwS WERE BUhopi Handy, O. R. Cutler, 'anal Phenol Musical Edgley. numbers were presented by I Mrs. Elda Carlson and Mrs. I John Manning The invocs-Itkwae rive by Verlan I Gunnell ana the beediction by Glen GamUe. The grave in the Preston I cemetery was dedicated by Alfred Kern. Pallbearers were Stephen Rasmussen. Ronald Ramuman, Howard Johnson, LaMont Aller, Par ley Shaffer and Reynold Hip-wriT- . EXPLORERS BOWL - The Explorer directed by Marie Owen and GRACE LaDean Scouts of Grace with their accompanied by Swalniton. The meeting was leaden spent an evening conducted by Revs Wilson, Soda In Springs and and the work counselors of bowing Globesaw the also Harlem the various wards were trotters play basketball. FFA fatal THATCHER A fend me- chanics contest for tbf dls- trict FFA wfll bo held (ft alley Ugh school Arimo on Thursday, her 21. Oc-ob- er 2Se $3L S295 10 COMPLETE SELECTION OF LDS BOOKS AT THE CITIZEN CABLOAB Lowest Prices Ever j 1 ; O 5 Christmas IH ....! - GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY I; LIMITED supply NOW II m (Ml DISCOURSES OF JOSEPH SMITH UI Ref. NOW Reg. (Ml OF BRIGHAM DISCOURSES YOUNG fSJI NOW MAS DICTIONARY OF THOUGHT Reg. flMI .... NOW IMS THE QUEST BYBROWN Reg. SJS .... NOW (MS THE GENEALOGICAL READER Reg. (LSI .... NOW (LSI The WITH .... Reg. (MS NOW (LIS FIRE by Reg. (MS .... NOW (SJI CROSS TABERNACLE IN THE DESERT Reg. (1JI BOOK OF MORMON IN LIVING SOUND Noble. THE INSURANCE MAN All the dignity end grandeur of the words and counsel of the Ancient American prophets beautlflilly And reverently epoken by two of the finest voices in the Church. IS completely 33 ty 13 L. P. records In a magnificent volume album. case-endoi-e- d NOW Me RESTORATION CHURCH Pearl of Gnat Price OF DIVINE Reg.L7l ...... AT THE PRESTON NOW Me S9L95 CITIZEN NOW YOU TO ARE ONE NOW (LM Reg. (Ml JESUS, HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS CITIZEN Beantifnl Hew Ilodels Genealogical Binders . NOW (LM Reg. (LIS KNOW THE SCRIPTURES NOW (Ml Reg. (MS fcOOK OF MORMON Illustrated NOW (MS Reg. (LIS AT THE PRESTON Ike From $3.1) to $5J0 toe Bible $4J5 jjgiBuum hymn Book At The Lowest Price BETTER HOMES Ever At The Funilnre Leader of Cache Valley V' VJ LDS vf'tyi V. - COOK BOOK MANAGEMENT (MS BOOK (MS CAMPING BOOR $3.95 POCKET Best of Cleaning Model 33 And Gardens Story AT SUCH I CONTINUING SEARCHING SUCCESS Upright I JOSEPH SMITH, THE AMERICAN PROPHET RAThSI HOOVER 1 I Specials PURCHASES HAKE POSSIBLE DECORATING FIX-I- T (MS ROOK Additional VeUele Dtecoeat 2S New Lew Rates ter Married Yoeeg Driven BOOK PRESTON Farm Track Rates You PHONE HM1H Ante Vtfl PRESTON, IDAHO Open Friday and Saturday f?Ql 8 p.m." Life - Farm Liability - - HMBMVMfl Hall Hospital Fnd L ArImmr ifncF ARCTIC CIRCLE BLDG. U. & I. B north State Go, Preston Plume 852-C3- 24 ai |