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Show Clifton Brieis Mrs. Mary Sears and Claire Missionary Atkinson, teachers of the and Marrlhands Released Firelights Class in Primary held their FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Daddy Date Wednesday Bert Wheatey went to at the churchhouse. night Sunday evCalif, to meet their FAIRVIEW MR. AND MRS. Gary H. son, Lorin Burnett, who has ening in Sacrament meeting was Croshaw and family of Poca- been in Calif, for two years a farewell testimonial tello were Saturday evening on a mission. They went on held in honor of Karl Wheat-le- y the son of Mr. and Mrs. and supper guests of his par- to Hollman, N. M. Air Force ents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cro- Base to visit with Mr. and Bert Wheatley, prior to his departure for the Southern shaw and family. They had Mrs. DeVere Burnett Far East mission. been to Logan on business, The meeting was conducted on and were their way home. Mrs. Vee Van Leuven by Darwin Rawlings at the Some of those that were Idaho. Fairview ward chapel. The home from school and work Meridian, was as follows, MRS. LaREE CROSHAW rogram visiting their folks were Lorrelude and postlude music raine Rice, Ruth Ann Powell, went to Logan Tuesday and Vera Cole and Carol Giln visited her mother Mrs. by Robert and Tom Wood, invocation by Keith Lewis and Fisher Mc- Mae Croshaw and Mrs. On- bert, C'air Wheatley, speaker, eida Anderson. Dermott and P. Gordon Egbert, voval duet by Portia Mrs. Wanda Mortensen and Cole and Irene LaMont, reAlvord Cox of Clifton and LaRee Croshaw went to marks by Lorin Burnett, reBlair Henderson of Dayton, Preston Wednesday night to marks by his parents Mr. and went to Boise Friday on attend Pickwick Club held Mrs. Bert Wheatley, response school business. Mrs. Margu- at the home of Beulah Blas-e- by Karl H. Wheatley, reWanda received the book marks by erite Henderson went with Bishop Burns Hall, them and went on to visit her Seven Days in May after and benediction by Floyd Bur Beulah served a des- and benediction by Burdaughter and family, Mr. and which 20 to sert luncheon members. nett, and Ruth Floyd Rawlings Mr. and Mrs. Ralph conducted the music. ey and children Ranaa, How- - Karl H. Wheatley will enaid and Barbara of Salt ter the mission home on DecLake City spent ember 2. end visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey. They returned home Sunday. November 21, Farewell Held In Fairview Former Clifton Resident 1963 THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah Ord-ervill- e, Hurt In Eye While Working - CLIFTON Mr. and Mrs, far as St George where they received will visit relatives until MonCharles Bailey word Tuesday that their day morning, leaving to Tuesday evening that their drive to their home in Mesa. son Ralph was hurt while Their address is Ml E. First working on a grim Ave., Mesa, Arts. broke, hitting him in the eye MR. AND MRS. Gary cutting the eye lid and broke Fisher and Mrs. Ada Bailey his glasses, of which some of Clifton and Mr. and Mrs. glass went Into his eye As Henry Hatch attended the far as the doctor could tell, Farm Bureau Banquet In the It didn't hurt the sight of the Cosmopolitan Room at the eye but it took 12 stitches to Bannock Hotel Tuesday evdose the wound. He was ening. The was Dr. home over the week-en- d and Iver Bjorsen.speaker They also had Is feeling better. a good program of musical Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haw-ke- s numbers. Mr. Fisher went left early Saturday mor- up on .Monday and ning for Mesa, Arlz. where days. Hrs7Hat a they will spend the winter. the meetings on Tuesday. They planned on driving as Gary went as State Director. in-la- Ly-ro- w Brand Merdrandise From Tanner's " CUBCO & MILLER SAFETY BINDERS CURLEE SUITS, SPORT COATS . .- ssx-iR5"- HEUSEN DRESS X. BOMS Mnheisen Hes r X'00' o FOR THE MAN WHO HAS MOST EVERYTHING - BUY HIM A BAROMETER TANNER'S HEN'S HEAR Preston State 24 Sooth MAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY HAPPY WITH A PLEASE MOM WHITE CHRISTMAS WITH THIS MARVELOUS TIM Johnson Drag Store Features KM... CHRISTMAS1 GIFTS OF QUALITY GREETINGS wm Menda coin nuns hue it him Dopp RCA WHIRLPOOL TWINS Fragrances LEATHER GOODS Trina By MAX FACTOR GLAMOUR BONNETS AND ACCESSORIES FABERGE PRINCE ShaeHer MATCH ABK1JJ WRITING INSTRUMENTS DANA TUSSY Gang's Lnnch Sunday Mr. Kay Danilson of Loveland, Colo., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kerr. The genealogy class of the Sunday school and Mutual had a special meeting Wednesday evening at the church house to hear the tape given r Paul Royal. Margaret lumway and Vera Nelson ive a demonstration on fll--g and keeping records. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drury went to Salt Lake City Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Knudsen' and daughter of Bountiful visited Friday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Knudsen. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Foster of Whitney visited Sunday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence SV field. SURE TO PLEASE HER" GIFT Oar Exclusive Lineal fovorili IflMI yW9F School Fairview Briefs k VANITY ACCESSORIES r. Yon Can Be SURE Tour Will Be Appreciated With Rational TO TINS CORDAY FANCY FOODS CHEESE, DRIED FRUIT PRESTON SCHOOL MONDAY, DEC. 2 Macaroni and Cheese with Ham Buttered Green Beans Apricots ot Whole Wheat BoDs WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF Popular Priced Jewelry FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY Milk INSTAHATIC TUESDAY DEC. S Chicken and Dressing Peas Cranberries Fruit Jello Bread, Butter CmmtmI CANDY Largest Selection In Town Quality Made by RUSSELL STOKER and Milk DEC. 4 Beef and Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes Buttered Beets Cake and Ice Cream Bread, Butter, and Milk WEDNESDAY THURSDAY DEC. 5 Cube Steak on Buttered Bun and Mustard Potato Salad MR. AND MRS. Norman Tomatoes of Rice Pudding Corbridge and children Reno, Nev., are visiting with Milk their parents, Mr. and Mrs. FRIDAY DEC. S Wesley Hyde' and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Corbridge. Chili with Crackers Margret Kerr had a quilt- Vegetable Jello Salad ing at her home Wednesday Celery and those present were Ber- Pie Ala Mode tha Whittle, Reva Wilson, Mi- Bread, Butter, and Milk nnie Cole, Naomi Gilbert, ATTEND FUNERAL Erma Rawlings, Vella RawlGRACE Frank Stoddard ings, Myrtle Choules, EUy Jensen, Gladys Johnson, Lau- of Grace met his brother Bara Harris, Thresa Rawlings. sil In Layton, Utah and they And those who pim Thurs- left by plane Air Washington day were Ruth Rawlings, D.C. to attend the funeral of Tressa Kerr, Tresa Cooper their sister-in-laMrs. Fred end Maggie May Cooper. Stoddard. "wiuTMAlT-1- fij) In4lanab& -- WATCHES THE MOST POPULAR WATCH MADE. FOR LADIES AND MEN. From $6J5 SAYLORS SWEETS too BAUERS MINTS Outfit ALL Instant loading . . . amazingly low price! Shaving Needs FOR YOUR MAN By GUARANTEED Fresh loodi Instantly . . . automatically you got good pidww moreeasify than everl Just drop in lha Kodapak Wm cartridge the camera ii hutaoHy loaded. No diali to set, no fbcudng. Takas color slides as well as and color snaps. uHt-l- n flash holder keeps yea set for indoor pictures. ...to OLD SPICE SIGNATURE BLACK WATCH Golden Christmas Opening black-and-whi- te -- INK WMpNTW Timex SPECIAL S- - ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH I w The only 2-spe- washer... ed V Thenll a brisk, vigorous washing for regulars a slower, more gentle action for ddicates. ... VfTDV'C II 1 I X d I IS BULGING WITH MONEY SAVING BUYS Special Super Wash cycles eliminate of heavily soiled fabrics . . . even wash 'n wears. Five cycles. Washes up to 12 lbs. 2-spe- dreamy U flash camera out fa! ...in complete normal-speedryer for all your wsshsbles. Click I Now its a super-epeedryer. Lets you hurry up" a heavy load. Six automatic cycles, flvs tempentun selections and d Everything for indoor-outdoMiapihootingl Brownie Starmito Camera ii imall in lixe, naiy to umI A liny but efficient built-i- n fladi reflector that user AG-- 1 flashbulbs keeps you always sot to shootl Camara takes or color snapshots and color d built-i- n lira-compa- ct lint sc ! low-co- st House Coals black-and-whi- Frilly and Flattering super-slide- to $1100 $3.98 SAVE NOW ON ALL STYLES , BLOUSES From s. hr HOME MOVIES finest family pfc of them all ALL STYLES IN THE NEWEST, NICEST FABRICS FREE All lfJS .... $1188 55C Nordeo OUTFIT dryer! ed Only BROWNiESfounlfi II pre-eoaki- ng with matching Click I Its a BROYODENT Reg. Floating Head YOUR CHOICE ONLY Universal HAIR rWCtl t.tel p. IKA A WK WITH AOeSPTASLI TRAM elite WMUfooi 1 Aaiiattkr vWpmicmp ms hh teimisrtete REG. SAVE SAVE AND WE PASS THESE OUR EXPENSES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN DRIVE A LITTLE TO TO IT WILL PAY YOU SAVINGS ON TO YOU SAVE A LOT. ... JENSEN HADIO 112 SOUTH FIRST WEST PRESTON 6 TV PHONE - Bellena BY UNIVERSAL Reg. 629J5 $2188 EnwaaimaflBiaam - LUTHYS CLOTHING STORE BROWMESwW Fun-fille- d way to enjoy personal home movies! STYLES-DATI- NG LADIES' AND'CHIDRENS FLANNEL A GIFT SHEL LOVE BY UNIVERSAL Reg. 621.95 NOW ONLY $18J8 CHRISTMAS $1.47 48c At Least Movio Comora $5.98 WARM AND CUDDLY IN COMFORT PLUS Set ALL LP RECORDS Yon Save tel to $5.98 - Smart 45 RPM Reg. 9Se For Ladles and Girls The r Nicest Gift Ever Given Always Right $2.98 $18.88 Music GOWNS AND PAJAMAS $1.98 SHAVERS 615.95 Gill Wrapping $1.98 Drive To The Low Overhead District and SATE 4k $9J9 1M9 Compact DRYER SLIPS sar1904,1X1100 Reg. Hair Dryers $13.88 Beautiful Lace Trimmed $4.40 UNIVERSAL CORDLESS -- Now Brownie fun Saver Movie Camera makes it easy and inexpensive to take bright, sharp movies your family will treasurel Camera Is precision-mad- e by Kodak to give years of dependable service. Comes complete with a rail of Kodochrame H book Movie FBm and a of mavla making ideas. fun-MIn- d Jltf asrbw pin WE APPRECIATE the Patronage of all we Serve, Including the People of Idaho and Utah. We have extended Yon every sendee to make yew Shopping easy and make every effort to Save Yon Money on ew Large Stock of Merchandise. JOHNSON DRUG STORE PRESTON PHONE 152-91- 11 FREE PARKING WITH CONVENIENT REAR ENTRANCE |