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Show . ' .1. i r THE CITIZEN, LewUn, Utah November ZS, msr INI Spanish Chib Presenb Assembly, Other Activities A special assembly por- Advisor for nell, Treasurer. traying the colorful theme of the group Is Keith Clayson. The club has planned variThanksgiving was presented to the studentbody of North ous activities tor this year. Cache High School November 17 by the Spanish GUb of the school The Spanish Club Is made IV of foreign language students and is affiliated with other foretra language organisations. The officers of this dub. are Robert Gutke, President; Lewis JoOqr, VlcoPre-sldenElizabeth Theurer, Secretary; Nary Jean Gun t; . o if from will take a trip to Salt Lake City in the spring of the year, which will covir interesting points of the city. After the tour, theywiU eat at a Mexican restaurant and view entertaintypical Mexican ment Special parties have, tor the also ben jnembershlp. With money acquired selling at games, they . 0 ,1P G GAROLD B. USHER NAM- he has expanded his torn ED TO BOARD OF DIREC- program. David Bivens, PayTORS, IFBF. ette, was elected vice presiwith Iioyd D. Browndent, si At recent convention at continuing as Pocatello, ing, Pocatdlo Gardd B. Fisher, Other executive secretary. president Frtnfc djifoa' 'ast newdlrectors James are Green, GrangeviUa, Dale WM WluflQ 10 DI DOOM .0 Roc)nraod,.Jdabo Fans, and FAMILY j FESTIVAL --- Aboot875 persons wersprogmQ to thfcm.' Tfcepireriti and a Shown enjoying the food with are Mr. and directors of the Idaho Farm Roger Harwood, CaldwelL sarved at the CentraWeftorson PTA Family . Fssttval typical Cafeteria mw at the Jefferson ar- - Mrs. William Ward. Mr. Ward the school superln- MonAlso namHoldover members are Buret Federation.' Monday night, ftUowlag which, the children took tbeents went through the cafeteria line (first plctifre) ed was Tnayne Thompson, roe Hays, Filer, Ed Phillips, permits through their school rooms and explained the and then ate at the cafeteria tatty (second pictutej The Citizen Photos Downey. These men repre- Aberdeen, John Sanborn, sent District L and succeed Mrs. Milton Smith, Boss What do yon want? Rav V. Swanson, Pocatello, Grace: and Mrs. Albert Wil- tain it the National Farm Meek. They will give reports Doc.9-13-. Bureau fired you two weeks ago. UimmiittI convention, and Raoul Wlstisen, December son, Monday evening, Office Boy I came bad: as members the At the State Talent Find Those participating as coun- 2, at 8 p.m. in the .courtto see If youre still in busi- held Monday evening. Miss ty voting delegates were J. house 19 25 Johns Texaco Social Hall". Estel Gaye Hobbs, 171. Clifford Forsgren, . Easy A. Nyal RvdaldL gt Anthony, Patsy Frederick, TEAM 24 L Hansen Glass . 20 Preston, CoorService Field Pilgrim, succeeds L. B. Martin as pre- named the winner with her BeCkstead and Gardd R. Utah FsckreQ Plumbing 23tt 20 sident Mr. Martin has ser- accordlan solo, and won an Fisher. Women delegates at dinator, and William 0. WalUng is n pleasure only 23 21 Kmtdsoa Pack TEAM W L ved as president since ISM, an expense paid to Chi- the convention were Mrs. Thompson, Claims Manag- when you can afford to rids 28 17 Telephone trip Hobbs Les 88 11 Team but declined to run because cago, where she inn enter- Von Noyes and Mrs. Ariel er, will be speakers. 7 to. 8 want if you 22 21 Valley Impl. Bosen Dlst Co., Anderson Lumber 22 B 12 Albert Gifiens Team 22 Johnson Drug ENGO 28 18 Delxnonte- Idaho Appliance 20 Oil 24 28 Heusser Go., 4th Ward 14 Feathers ft Fur -C22 14 Dans Bowlers Bill IS Mket Utah Power 14 Iff High Team, 2 Kiwanls 22 games, Doug Corbridge, 829; IftOejy Impl-.;- ' 23ft; 1st American Legion 8 Ind; Stines,. ; Ed; Bj 1st High Team, S games, 52; 2nd, Heleh Owen; Tlanday Heusser OU Co., 2SB; 1st TEAM High Ind., 3 games, Loyal 12 4 Tbarsday Mixed Deabies Lazy Bows Hansen, 828. AH the Way W 10 8 TEAM 28 10 6 American Oil Drifting ft Dreaming Elks League 28 11 10 6 Downey Lumber Drifting Along TEAM W L Wo Three Fackrell 25 10 6 Plumbing Twists 6 I TUnners Mens Wear 28 IS Quaker State Oilers 29 15 Down the Lane 5 11 Gilbert ft Linen 17 10 Bans Market 15 g. Preston Animal Hosp. 15 17 Preston Implement Team 17 27 Maughan ft Westover 12 22 Waye Doney 1st High Team, 8 24 20 Evans ft CUmiinghnm 13 28 Texaco Lazy Bones, 1288; 20 24 Roberts ft Morgan IS 19 Webbs Team, 8 games. Dons 19 25 Bakery McEntire 82 4 ft Hsiris Srd Twists, 12u); DA Team, 18 26 8 games, AD The Way, 1180; 1st High Team, 3 games, Hansen Glass 16 Snowys 1st High tod., 8 games, Helen American Oil, 1788; 2nd, White Satin gngw 12 Owen, 488; ftid High Ind., 8 Downey Lumber, 1740; 3rd, femes,' Marie Nlrison, 428; Fackrell Plumbing, 1868; ird High IuL, 8 games, Dar- 1st High Ind., 8 games, Arlene Coburn, 424. nold Sant, 828, , Connie 486; 2nd, Vera Friday Mixed Doubles 7:1 TEAM W If ham, 417; 3rd, Joe Btamam, TEAM W L A ft W Drive In 31 U 507, Fwn Larsen, 410 First Security Bank Kims Texaco 26 18 28 IB Polar Rear Granneys Sales 25 19 . Night W ft R OU 28 10 Downata Hot Spgs. 24 20 TEAM W L 28 21 U ft I Furniture 88 23 10 Parsons Ready Mix 20ft Grand Theatre Picens Goodyear 21 2S American Food 82 Johnson Drug 21 16 28 Dons Bakery 21 22 21 21 17 28 Eddys Bread Snooty Cat Farmers Insurance 20 24 lansen ft Benson Pinson Electric 27 21 21 28 CHRISTMA8 REGULAR 8159.99 Lowe Builders 20 20 Merrill Jewelry Self Service Ldry 26 22 20 24 Srrisen Drug 17 27 Cat 25 tt 22 8 Stans Market 35 1st High Team, 2 games, A Powerettes 19tt 28tt LaRuei Beauty Salon 18 27 ft W Drive In, 1799; tadfflgh Heusser Oil 17 81 1st High Team, S games. 18 85 Team, U ft I Furniture, 17W; Cove Concrete First Security Bank, 1972; 3rd High Team, Kims Texaco, Doney Construction 11 87 2nd, Cy Lowe Builders, 1778; SOLID CHERRY MX B REGULAR 47.54 1782; 1st High Ind., 8 games, 1st High Team, 8 games, 3rd, W ft R OU, 1799; 1st Dale Hansen, 524; 2nd, BUI Grand Theatre, 2800; 2nd, High. Ind. S games, Vic HalHansen, 503; 3rd, Leo Boden, Johnson Drug, Helen FackreU. 2056; 3rd, ford, 873, 492, Stans Market, 1971; 1st 547; 2nd. Bert Galley, 527, GIVE HER A SET OF LOVELY Friday Mixed Doubles Helen Ann Stocks, 549; 3rd, Mack High Ind., 8 TEAM w L Fackrell, 880;games, 2nd, Vida Hymas, 520, Marie Nirison, Kens Electric 80 14 Timothy, 488; Donnie 441. Ha-germa- n; Bowling - Scores I STS - AOLSOirS dOLtiEi) CHDISTHA- S- fSRlfc'Wi 3 . Deantifol Gifts For Everyone Dew SMpmwih Daily Fell Gty Solid Haple ROCKERS PAmS OF CHAmS from n u - FRAMED PICTURES - Special - 300 SANYO CHINA 17 iii Connie" Shoes For PIECES IhriftpiM $3500 " Youre loveliest AND UP In dainty little heelar World Famous LARGE SELECTION SMALL pnnxo . LADE QADIOS GEPAD CHESTS 3.7 .'fi AKmyi Wanted PHILOQ CONSOLE STEREO, TOO AND UP J i. Gel. Tour Tickets On Qnr IDEE Christons Drowitig and CARPET COMPANY ft i I f v SI NORtH STATE PRESTON ' t fei ,h' .14 FDIDA7 ADD ,r f i ft ft i 9 - fit 9 m . PRONE MK787 LV , : !M&tehlnfl bag how fomlnlnel Beautifully data! lad abupa, aeallopa. al awdopbl Smart apaetator touehaa, drtyaa, f- .i..( v :."U' ; t i.r r. j'.jiJ a.u i. :vi cut-out- WMJBWmt |