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Show November 58, Bountiful Bites Hink Creek Held For Holds Bazaar Ilrs. Ennapp n, FUneral services were held Wednesday at noon in the Bountiful First-Sixt-h Ward Chapel tinder the direction of Bishop Alma Park. Speakers were Albert Kohler, Sheldon R. Brewster and Bishop Park. Music inchnUd three sextet numbers. The invocation was given by Owen Parkinson and the Benediction by Kwen Griffith. Only 60 Cents The First Time RUB TWO HUES --THIRD TH3E FREE 15 Words Friday 1- 8. BUSINESS 3. LOST AND FOUND OPPORTUNITIES LOST Sorrel Mare in the Clifton-Oxfor- d area. Re- DUE TO PROMOTION have ward. Phone Opening for MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. Fam Small yellow gold for man 8888 years, good LOST wrist watch with expaiiHon education and work rec band. Lost near bank. Re- ord, train for future mane ward. Phone ager. Start 1120 weekly. 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m Can earn 810,000 first year. Write riving qualifications. New Brown wallet LOST Fuller Brush Co., Box 1881, Joel Reed Long or J. Reed Ogden, Utah. Thlokol badge Long Joel R. Long. Valuable 10. tJNFURNI APTS. amen 868-087- Be-for- 885-658- pen, change. 7 offered. Call R6i 858-155- or FOR RENT WANTED AT lgh Dealer fat Preston and ONGH-Enrl-e- FURNISHED APTS. 11. - Writ FOR RENT Two, S Dept IDH 4588, The family prayer was given Rawlelgh,Colo. partly furnished Denver, Apts, at 175 E. 1 N., Presby Thayfae Harris and the ton. Call SK 88864 Collect dedication of foe grave in the 7. HELP WANTED for Appointment Wasatch Lawn Memorial FEMALE Park was glveh by Hint W. FOR RENT One or two HELP WANTED Knapp. Money bedroom furnished apt The bearers Included Royce for Christmas! Need assistGood location. 87 S. 1 E. John-saants for Christmas rush, Ostergaard, Gordon Can Gene Larson, 8888800. Write: Florence Robinson Kenneth Knapp, H. WaRoute 2, Preston, Idaho, 18. UNFUXUV. lter Knapp, Ronald Barlow, HOMES for details. and Roger Clawson. FOR BENT County- - bed-roo- SALE OR RRNT -Modern 1 bedroom hom Five acres of land. Kay Don Christensen, 4th W. CHDiSftiAS OPEmnG SPECIAL 8 S. Preston. FOR RENT. Two bedroom one bedroom downstsuvT furnace. Can Proton Imp. Co. 898180L hone. Modern small RENT home. Good location. Can be furnlkhed If desired. Can FOR 8988448. RENT Newly remodeled three bedroom hone. Can 8888801 FOR Tiny Unity Baby SPOnTSCAB DOLLS TOY 3 Only REG. fllJI REG. REG. 98J6 CaU IDAHO APPLIANCE TIL CHRISTMAS ft SP0HT PRESTON NORTH STATE V - SHOP PHONE t . Lewiston, Phone CH 1961 FOR 8AIE 800 Breeder ton pickup. FOR SALE tot Rack. Very c" mink, Pastels, blacks and whites and violets feed Phone 8881388. right pens and pelting AUTO equipment Contact Conrad 3ft 6488577. Doney, Phone GROUP 1 battery as tow for new batteries, ALUMINUM SIDING-- Wm nteed up toSho 4$ sava you tima and monay OX for foe rest of your life. Phone 8681201 e Use estimates and Phone 8888185 Preston Tn TIME infer-Pbon- .8886083. m m r. Ber-geso- o, BSZ-OS- type nria price. CaU CaD Robert G. Lowe; 848 tered Duroc Boars and GUts 2281, Franklin, Idaho, at a price ybn can afford to pay. Mart Stuart, Clarfc-ito- FOR SAIF! Christmas foe-d- FOR 8AIE 1966 Paramount Kirby Vacuum and Utah. Phone JO Foot, one Free Turkey. At a Mg 8171 Trailer Howe. Very reduction over price being Martin Wi charged by others. Home CH 82S3S, Lewiston, CALVES appointments only. After 5 CaU 804890, Ken Roberts, at 143 N. 1 E. Pre-Qiristmbrads, Thrifty, fost growas FOR SALE 120 Bass Silver-ton- e ing. Holstein bull calves Accordion. Call SK for feeding, foe good steer 882B or see 487 E. 20 kind. Holstein and GuernNoth, Logan, Utah sey heifer calves from Wisconsin's better forms. CARS washed and All calves 8 to 12 wooks 89.50. Call 8881910. old delivered on your apor. sport coupe Wo guarantee proval. SL MISCELLANEOUS J these calves to be healthy FOR RENT IJ95 upon arrlvaL Buy with confidence from Nolan 8Dr.' Sedan r FOR RENT 8 x 98 Ft Uvestock Co. Phone 758 Trailer House, floors car'58 CHev. $895 4741, Bonduel. Wisconsin. peted. Two bedrooms. Sport Sedan ; Partly famished. Porch attached. 80 a month. Lo'58 Ford $695 cated 441 North State. InBed. Fairiane, quire at 841 North State. few mink for replacements. Phone Quii 8881188 on el n, 8 1x8 P-- Spcciajs '59 Chevi 33. FURNITURE AND Biscayne, Oventtlve APPLIANCES FOR SALE Practically e new TYPEWRITER PAINTINO AND living room suite. Frieze cover. Carlson REPAIR SERVICES DRYER AND IRONER DECORATING Furniture. FOR COMPLETE typewriter SERVICE repair service check with Interior and exterior painting FOR SALE For Complete washing machBeautiful Paper The Citizen Office Supply and Ffrat . ine, dryer or inner service. in Preston. Phone 88801m. Piano, cheap. Terms We service all makes. desired. CaU 8680354 in Russ foe evenings. Hotel Clyde Checketts. Maytag SEWING Shop. 24 North StateTPhone We repair afl makM Singer FOR SALE Maiihogany Interior ft Exterior 888180. Sewing Uirfihm gates rid FTae card table and four SaEWwg Estimates. Service. Call Ned M. Hut-nBrothers, 237 East Ftfst chairs. Can 8881887. DBAPEHIES AND Phone South. buna B8036A UPHOLSTERY FOR SALE ell Mm Upright Plano. COUNTY Very good condition. Term. Complete decorating service, 8820977 fraefomw eattmaf on WASHING MACHINES two-piec- - FOR SALE Used twin mattress, coU spritiu. 7Tame and headboard, 850. Cart- - free. colors on your M. H. King n 6I7L SEPTIC TANK OEANING-Sep- tlc Tanks cteansd far toss than $40. Call Fackrffl in Prastod, N8 or Ralph Balls, Ins field, OSWeoOi CONCRETE-READY-MD- Six trucks Ready-Mi-x C for . complete Concrotc; Serv- - SWSK work, cmbtng, ddSwrik, patio. For free can Valtey Paving rittfc ,168 Ready-Mi-x, Wait, Phone 8881878. TV, RADIO AND Other Styles Dp To HI-- FI All: son Fmituro. FOR SALE Used washer. Worts. $18. Carton FurniFackrell, Plumbing Recsp Your Tires! 8a Lynn ture, Preston, 8888787. at the right price. nsraent ever cost of New PhOpo tins by rdcapriaft with cold FOR SALE Stereo. Flow model slightrobbor. OXTlra ly marred. $Dft8ft cSrl-soPhone BS8128L Furniture, Preston, 188 South. Pint 0787. For an your plumbing needs, can Preiton Lumber. Phpns FOR SALE Used recliner 1888814. We now havf 11 We print anything, stationery, 2 condltin. fall tone plumber fir your wedding invitations, bad829 and up. Carlson Furni-jnmink ness booklets, convenience. forms, Preston, 8680727. cards, testimonials. INSURANCE (AU Typed 84 SPECIAL SERVICES thing. The Preston C Travelers Insurance Co., Nor-- Phone 888818ft HOME REMODELING Wa SSl; STORM DOORS win contract an tabor an! witfHih on State, 11SL Do yodr Custom made aluminum ar tions or wffl da wooden framed storm doors Protect yoor home and car nd window! Pay no more Cancellation than ready-toadfor these Phone Insurancelseo Boh Acock m butt expertly fitted Insuranco. Phono 6881924. doors and windows at Han-as- a TV AND RADIO TUBEI Tested. Bring hi your Raft Glass and Paint Phone HUNTERS INSURANCE io and TV tubes and wo wO 81887. See Bob Acock Insurance. tost foam for yon. Esris Phone Electric, Preioa. WEDDING CAKES AND DECORATING FOR INFORMATION ON INSURANCE can wnus R. Rawana Bhrivea Cakas lor THE C1T1EN now offers yon or S88 an ..occasions Woddtog Auto 1 cakes specially. ; 4S pair service ypivmi inert THE BECAFFDVO , - n e, - 2? SS&iSrtF es Ttabee OBF JENSEN Radio and nhAAnra OFFICE SUPPLIES tK flSS RBSS TV.JUdio and Hi-m Matas.- - OtbrRepairs, Mane tatdlatfbns. Ses Thurman Fi or Eddie GriBsft or 7874588,. . $1195 Bed. r. 62 Chev. $2095 Bedn '57 Olds V-- 8, 4-- 4Dr. Sedan '57 Plym. 8Dr. Sedan 61 Ford Galaxla, r. 53 Chev. $195 Sedan 4-- '56 Dodgv M9S 8Dr. ftpt Coupe 56 Vlkswgn. $595 8Dr. Sedan '55 Olds. $395 Or. H. T. Sadn '55 Foid fPe, Sedan '56 Pontiac $295 $495 41) r. Sadaa nmxs only-exce- llent : THE ton. 4-- Can 8581681. IF TOU NEED SOMETHING DONE One 01 Tour Neighbor! Can Dd If - I 4-- In North Cache Valley SK- m J?? I s. REPEAT OF A 1 N NEED AN EXPERT? OUR T0TLABD TODAY SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR ITEMS bed-roo- Three 1 bedroom homes. Sen as unit FOR SALE Wagner Tractor or individually. E. B. OlLoader. Heavy duty, Hydraulic controlled bucket. sen, 534 Candy on Rd. LoCaU 8981734. gan, Utah. - trailer. Good cnisssis hay rack. Ralph 37. TRUCKS. TRAILERS! Juke Box. Buy 14 Ft. the records 111 rive you FOR SALE wm er go trailer, machine. Joe Lauritsen, 81 FARM IMPLEMENTS the 11 HOMES FOR SALE when. Operates on 852 S. 1 E. Preston. INCOME FOR SALE Four bar LH. PROPERTY tricity or gas; $000 Cast be seen at Side Rate, Ilka new; 1949 FOR INFORMATION on InVery nice 8 bedroom home Can Willis R. BurLumber CO., Mink with a separate one StudlHamton Pickup, surance. 8880180 or 8880861 ton, rub-baapartment both have Champion Engine; good Fire - Auto - Mortgage -- FOR SALE new Lennox furnaces. PricContact Harold truck. 196 with - Accident Ufa. Health ed for quick sale. ExcepRichCornish, Ut, condition. Call Catt tional values. SPINET PIANO to be sold Hardware, phone 6S8L; Lft-v-a In this area. Want responHot Springs. FOR SALE Total Electric 81 SEED POTATOES. sible party to assume $16.75 Gold ModaMon Home on Intaraatta-a- l ETC. month payments or win FOR SALE-19-68 Park View Avenue in Lew8160 8ton Lac track. sen of Also cash. ELECUtah. Three iston, FOR SALE Seed Barley. TRIC ORGAN. wheel base. New Write Credbrick veneer, and toll it Mgr., TaP man Plano motor. Ph van Wickham, Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. in E. Nelson tact . ea 81 LIVESTOCK, XTHCODe 1981 GJCG. FOR SALE FOR SALE Hoover POULTRY, PETS custom all dad truck, cab, vacunm. With right 17. REAL ESTATE FOR SAUr-M- sat Half flatbed, 1800 acted nfift 81 FARM IMPLEMENTS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY YOUR CHOICE REG. $8.11 a FOR SALE 888-638- FOR SALE ELECTRIC FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, BASEBALL If fen House on large M TOR MIB-U- ff Ton truck. Two Case plow. Light THE CITIZEN TIME FREE 11 FARMS FOR SALE lot $449 -- VISIT tfatitti jjgjgkft u two times words VA approved. See at 418 Blink Buy East 4th So. or Glenn Call, FOR SALE entire or select a ranch 80 West 4fo South. basement The Cttban In Preston is The Ttepresentattve For Desetet Book Company ' This Area Check With Us For An Your IDS Book Needs .0 ANGUS-HOLSTEI- MJI Supplies RUN IN BOTHPAPERS CACHE VALLEY dTIZXN (UTAH) PRESTON CITIZEN (IDAHO) bedroom homo with m drapes and waU to wan SALE Income procarpet In living room. FOR Hied bathroom and kitch- perty, TUro, 2 bedroom en floors. New Lenox ofl pertly furnished Apts. WU1 accept any reasonable 50 per month. furnace. n payment Balance on Can 8888711 tew interest rate. Contact Dele TBylor at 96 E. CenFOR SALE New two bedroom homo with 1100 feet ter, Logan, or can SK 8 TWO BEDROOM home, Genealogical WITH CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS NI 8 1965 DodgS, FOR SALE door Hardtop. Good 008 ditkm. 88 So. lit'E., FM8 ton. 1986 Chevrolet FOR SALE in very goed gondltlon. Ill W. Oneida, Dan Balnap. ( Chevrolet FOR SALE-19-68 for And AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN WORDS-O- 882-847- 1., CHURCH BOOKS ft - S7 THUBE TDUCHS - A WONDERFUL LDS From Richmond, Utah To Grace, Idaho 00c -- 15 $1.20 - id 34. SPECIAL SERVICE! Beautiful Spto-e- t FOR SALE and conaote Pianos. Easy financing. Phone 35. AUTOS FOR BALE , MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ! 11 HOMES FOR SALE FOR SAID OR REN- T- 4 BARBIE AND KEN Hone Van BUDDY L - REAL ALMOST SPECIAL Ml COVER THE WHOLE AREA t, FOR REG. $8.16 80. Three Roofil apartment Wash room, heat ftirnace and hot water. 40 W. lit No. A HELP WANTED Franklin Barbie and Hen THE CITIZEN, Lewiston. Utah Clean Out Storage Areas - Sell The Stuffs With Classifieds MINK CREEK The Mink Creek Relief Society hed bazaar Mrs. Louisa Bahllg Knapp successful There were many hand night. died 85, Suday morning at made and table of the home of a daughter, Mrs. baked articles, There a was also goods. Leora Oatergaard in Boun- a popcorn stand and a stand 11an after extended tiful, selling barbeques and punch. Ul. Vernon Keller won all the She was born Sept 16,1878, young people with a mystic at Milwaukee, Wls., a daiH booth where he could look inCarol-b- e Christian of and ghter to the future and tell what She was Hartung Bahling. for Christinas. married Robert Martin Eddie coming Jensen with foe help of 1900 Milin Knapp Aug. 18, Nick Keller auctioned off waukee. He preceded her in many articles and everyone death. She had resided in enjoyed that feature. Out-o- f Mapleton for a number of town visitors were Mr. and yean before moving to Mrs. Eddie Jensen, Mr. and Bountiful 19 yean ago, and Mrs. Leeral Jensen and Rob. had taken an active part in Donna Jensen, Mrs. Lowed ward auxiliaries, especially Neeley, Mrs. Wanda Fors-grein Relief Society. Mrs. L. McBride, Ralph Surviving an a son and two and Mike Keller, and a nod daughters: Harry Knapp, crowd of ward people. The Pmston, Mrs. Ostergaard, Relief Society would like to Bountiful and Mrs. Dorothy thank the people for Johnson, Salt Lake City; 15 support grandchildren and 56 great 1161 '61 Cbnrir $1295 Rampside Plctap '61 GUC $1695 FWap. ftpd. '60 Chrr. 11995 W: ftlbn M. Truck 'SOFoW 45Q 8Ton Duck TERMS TO FIT EvraroHi M-192- 4 ott-Aeddsnt MM m j: J SMB. S BwM85tllll |