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Show ll DEC ibi Tim J 2 iU-- tad Pltaabf Pc?D! rL no. Niiei h 'i Gives Deport be aura every child receive! LEWISTON The Lewistoq the beat possible inatructlon. Liona dub .met Monday mwintte Thli program inc'udes detail- in the .u-ed phonetic Instruction with a i. to dinner meeting, with Pres. of time and planning U put & yan Into each day's reading las-- words. son. ,the mhi are meeting. ducting Comprehension This Is too so- eerlea sferttetos membera el the district stall e elementary school. HU mo- ceaa in reading strongly In fluenras the net of his school career, as well as his life, lutrict.1! ES?k! supervisor srasids la Boys Staler k In Cache d ' ' W,- usTJS taSunew el flu - k SonM skills are taught which tative. , , include classifying, outlining, . a talk Hyer gave ad ;,tahlag summarizing on hU . work on ' toe State v notes.' Children bam to Idcate fn- - Bullding Board and the proto, formation through- the use el lems and aims eC the Board, tabes of content,. charts, . : C. M. Westover. accompan- maps, dlcttonartes,' Index, i cata- - led his Steven to the encyclopedias and card ' develop meeting, as a guest' The annul Fireman's ANOTHER BIG SUCCESS logs. Vocabulary mint U a part of thto pro banquet, sponsored by the Lewiston Junior Chamber gram, In tne first twee NMh Cisln FT1 of Commerce, was another Mg success this grades children learn to rewith more than, I7S turnUng out to honor the voluncognise printed words whose teer firemen. Shown watching the entertainment are, Ispsits m nhiw art alreadv under North Cache Council el (left to, right) Mr. and Mrs. Gale Spackman, Mrs. stood. The chtoteii in the Bob Sparkman, Mr. Spademan, lire chief; Mrs. fourth, filth, and sixth grades el many hi Richmond with President learn the new words. Roberta N. Geary conduct- 'V A THIS DEVELOPMENTAL child U wen the activities of Reports taught program from Ms basic reader and made by Council Chairman teachers Nedra Sparkman, civil de. the accompanying I edition gives detailed dirac lease and the self help pro tons for instruction. All teach gram: Marge Purser, youth era In our dUstrict are follow-- and family, life; and Vadls Hillyard, safety and Juvenile lag basic reader approach. Each school uses the same protection. Patrolmen Low- series reader from first ell Bair, Smlthfleld, spoke grade through sixth. This re- - youth driving hazards. auras confusion In method The next council meeting and Insures a well planned will be held on January 9 teJuAerpoupr the t the Richmond Put SchooL VOL, n children according to ability and needs and to narrow the spread of Individual differences. This allows Am child-. . ? ran who read more fluently The last of the Mg" dlf-- mers who had posted their with trucks over to move at a futer pace and ferences between rUtah and fields against Utah hunters nds gross weight on J ;.a . . - . -- - Lewis, Mayor Lewis, Ray Wiser, Jaycee President, and Mrs. Wiser, Don Blair, assistant Urn Richard chief, and Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Omar Bexfeoon and Mr. , the background .are Mr. and Mrs. Wr Bergeeon.-lrail Smith. Durtag the banquet, the mayor pratoed. the work of the volunteer firemen. The Citizen Photo - Bun - Marianne Funk, a secPAST THAT D SIMILAR grade student In Mrs. Faun Dahles class at the Park School In Richmond, is showing the children the part of the word Out Is similar and making the sound these letters make. .T y the ond - ..?? rfT CACHE VALLEY New Truck Agreement Completes Border Peace Following Accident Lewiston Man Dies Pndfc ii nMdrt I. the 25 km. Md to gain reading speed. For these purposes many additional read LEWISTON Edwin Thom- - Wilhelm Jones, Tamara and as Jones, Jr., to, died Wed Janice Ann Jones , Ml of children. at a Logan hospital of Ward; Young ITS. SSSSnUSm SZSuSS: tra Ike nmm ra ss mm iea op by the Upikbo out of state students to reg- from Idaho. He said that he ister through the colleges had instructed the Idaho concerned wit- h- boaT and not make teem , buy car licenses and pay property pgunring to communicate with hia Utah counterpart ' tax. It is highly probable that said a meeting of the two officiate GOV. 8MYUE also that they expected a recipro- will be held at an early date cal-lxte ting license .to be to provide an agreement Utah formulated between" which will eliminate misundand Idaho. .This was a cmk wanted fr erstanding in that ana." ha cession that Utah said. wanted Utah that cession' 3, - dm Sy mtd-VIrgM- a1. TwfcwfMA gg." 85 to tdciprocal -- ' . anJ . . ut ,y Mps "M . Syr " Je JNgawItta dw tifcrcr? MBsawimHa (man " of-fici- M agreement UwMm left only the question of the automobile licenses ' two thdr No Hunting" signs, F to the plates for persons living in However. Governor IAST WEEK, commiuion Utah Jdsbo and workjng.ta Utah. uuh Robert truckera gained in the Utah has agreed to work this near Kemmenr, Wyoming, father, Edwin Leroy Jones, libraries is OTfonraged by .. He had never regained con- - Hetoer, Utah. tta toachOT.OMPwtod w trmPduce. sdousneu since the accident. Mr.. Jones was a member more a week of school time And Stewart Butters, West He was horn February 11, of the. Lewiston 4th Ward. the la gpent in tyHU"g children Side farmer who was 190, In Price, Utah, a ion of Funeral arranemanto .wtUontoTfoe lihsmThooks. lib- - man whir erderad the No -- .a adng-bHunting W Utah ResidtptoS. Ndwtaj TTionuuJones, 8r.i beumounced latot.;-- J & y (torali-kFfore- e ' thatwfil last a life time. Young Ward. He married Bemedtol help Is available his neighbors todo ths LJmla AkmaWeeks torUw- lston on February 4 of this KltfiBIliN GfiUfi to children who are having same. , LEWISTON -- The exten-- difficulty with reading. Sevan yeT. that he was Mad had .oparatoa .ton course, "Helping Stu- - trained remedial teachers . He said ritMtlBn com Sinclair Sandra Bta- ji ib This various schools. work Teachers, taught by M had He Lewiston. iiv)lu;rtloo y. fn. ftarl Budge of the program is supported direct,vV?v.aerved in the U. S. Army to USU faculty, completed the ly by the state. Requirements der. the Ntorocal lived in course last Saturday at the are set up by the state De- vehi-ywm." to,1,- irsskM--ii cur, um. registration fees owed Idaho on the basis of totM mileage traveled in Ml states under the agreement Previously the tax commlsalon said, Ut-- . qh fleet operators had to wd t operated in Idaho Mtor totM- - Ihe biggest needs of the And accordtag to the amount of mllei asM?at the MectricM traveled in only Utah, Idaho rMda and rest rooms XfUSI the fin pnitert1 and'Oregon. to a survey endryteo, according services are the library UNbER THENEW method SSL the In excellent dty. a certain ng hauler now op-- Lewiston Junior Chsmber of Com- of will Utah out wo THE nraVEY commerce. pay cratinga h front woynfnt of the Know, Av. S Av. S tog Lewiston, Young Ward, ,rock n and Hdper, Carbon Goun- - Those class from Lewiston wort 8. no. teacher shall teach mrae roglstend Survlvon include hte wife., G. Jessop, Nathan Anderson, thin 24 students fat one day. m- iStu may tnvri 29 miles Maim commerdM haulers Sewnge DisposM parents, Young Miss .Sadie Sorenson,. .Miss without may to haul in Utah Btonn Water Drainage SECOND ONE te th,t into either Hx.-Ward; the following brothers Mae Hansen,' Mrs. Adele M. Miters: Richards P. Hyer, Mrs. Anna MQls, Mn. students Electricity U. S. Air Forra sta-- Annie McKnight, Clair Hoi- - csum Iriepbone Service aind Mrs. EthM at Tucson, Arizona; lingsworth beare and THE NEW agreement achieving they Ray Jones, Norman Leavitt. NWB CoveraB New,papr An comes rawflnteSowgrade immodiately. v? Fire Protection ' v.S'AV article will follow explaining LBW UuftnTt"11 poimd .reci IliiaiMIMMM this program in greater de-A GRACE Mlowance on vdddei 'along tail, from m coMkf ttio Gna, gerrtcM MrSdKis.'sfSs ,"wh 12 . 1 Grower Ileady Pqq PIqqI SBSKSS,n dtovo : V District Governor iyTggTffi UrgesUon Activity to - Bd into tw seekmora and better bo next Much and pJdtettmte to the mam- hers who had been with the chib for that length of time, dent go to gtoep on foehav. whfn vm should be pitching it 15 During the meeting perfect attendance pins were awarded to members of the to serve the their follow and "unity The admonition was by Glen M. Bennlon, Lions governor of BE DISTRICT i. . . complimented the 61,10 clarity, and speed as well as improv- ed writing habits comprise the main objectives of this class. English Classes from gra-461 111118 through twelve all Facilities Public Rest Rooms in Bus. Dlst. . . Gen. Appearance and Attractiveness They Included Richard Bag-leAmos BMr, 0. L. Ballam, Bunn, Elvln J. Dennis, Jerry on iponsor-lensAbe Hunsakerf Neal Hilly ardi Grant Mauchtey, Rdf Mag- Evan Spaceman, nusson, Mark Theurer, Noah Wood- rTfie .threat of Common- - and, Milton Webb and Floyd to America" will be the white. discussed by Ezra Benson, former Secre- - MR. WHITE was also giv-- j ty of Agriculture and A- - en hte 15 year pin. chairman Wtlfl in the L. D. 8. Church, ' Zone Elbern hen he speaks to Logan on Kent of Lewiston and December IS at 5:00 trict secretary Merlin H. Balls were spedM m. guests. numliwere given speech wfll be given the Logan Tsbernacte and by Terri and Cheryl Bagtey, by the fol- - their weLl a52?npa5 2? t1 Lou mother, civic of the iche Valley area: The Reg! jestia Lions, Preston JT. Rjchiconducted Camber of Commerce dent, ' Jeston American Lnpon, y, Ltwistoa Wmbu The Cache Dairy Wives, an auxiliary of the American Dairy Association, will spon- sor a Food Fair on December ifield la Legion, jmau. wifi- Cache farm be ora of the This tot public appearances Oat - leaves to Europe to European Mutton the L. D. S. Church. Tha tebUc la stroagly .urged .to ... Attend. ana LJ Qfil IfYltWI, !The to 01 Smith- - v Lewiston Literary League met on Thursday night at toe Lewis- ton dub room a pot luck lunch and meeting. Mrs. ? Vermont Barker of lagan reviewed the book, The Loon Feather," by Ida Fullar. Thera were 15 members and one guest praasnt. LEWISTON P-- 1 Stake house. The NationM Dairy Prin-cess, Sue Ann Godderidge, will be' present along with the Cache Dairy Prinrau Margaret Winn and her at-tendants. ' d Franklin County Arm jrean; Logan Lions, Swan- Rotary, JrTsnd Sr. Cham-frs of Ctemmerra,' Amarl- - b ChAift Cache Dairy Wives Plan Food Fair Dls-dda- y, . 1 ? Library .... Restaurants Talk mi . -- Dr. and Harold Maten from San tote, Tex., viaited roe with mt. Sorenson and Ifiss Sorenson. dub. local Chilis L prepared with Dairy Products in the to-- no-bo- st, " PRESENT ASSEMBLY Offioars of tts Spanteh Chib confer wlto thMr advisor, Keith Clay son, Pratton. They are: (toft to right) Mr. Clayson, Robert Gutka,Preil-dent- ; Bfflsaheth Thouror, 8ocretary; Lewls Jolley. Vice Prasldnt; Mary Jean Gunnell, Treasurer. Mr. Clayson sits at tha conioie qf the language cahteet studying Spanteh at North Cache work with canto. , Prize' will be awarded the winning entries, according to Mrs. T. Edls Taggart, La-wiston, President of the or- ganizatton. The foods wm be judged on ng . will be Judged along with the . , entry which should be at tha elipiMlAlySIl stake house by 7:00 p. m., Hfitl when the judging will oegln. AUM The recipe need not be an LEWISTON The original one, but permission American Legion Auxilary met recently at tha. chib room their regular meet THE COMPETITION 7 s teg, under tha direction of Preen. open to the general public, President ' Selma the program, Mr. and Mrs. Jamra Fund comptet- - sang two vocM duets, ac e viewed companiod , by . Mrs. Alta by those in attendance, and Harrison, i David flrfiHV of Trenton they will have the privilege of sampling the recipes, MM. gave an interesting lecture on Taggart sera. Officers of too Cache Dairy was served. (Continued on hack page) .j . to ' . grapbo-snalyst- ' "rtf!- . M OTHER ITEMS on tin need fist to the onto of their importance, included Improvetelephone service ment, weed, control, . swimming pool, rest rooms in the business d walks, sugar factory up of rural areas, new fustry, tennis courts, borrow pit and fence line im provament, garbage collection, natural gas, street lighting, ' Insect 'and pest abateme bus service, of ball park, curfew to children, better control In water' drainage. In another part of 010 sur- flavor, appearance, texture, ease of preparation and use VFJ present mcuiom of dairy products in prepara- tnwetMnmtimqr were rat The following is a tab-tlon. rom ratin Each euiry must be accom-- th-surveys. which the recipe panted by 1lV' - meat Jaycees. The surveys were sent out through tho school tiMtaits and the business firms. A future meeting of the Jaycees will determine what will be the next step In the community devetop- - CORNISH , te to the 11 processiiig plant there. VuUag ta b Street Layout TEXAS VISITORS to Digest by gaxine and Science Research Associates (SRA) are also befog used In (the secondary schools.' Next article: Sdenee la the Elementary gcheeli. the deveto community ggg a reading or basic units in literature. Special com- - programs to jrradhq .pub-ion- s ma-lyReaders fished Members of the Richmond on some of the past projects MHs class. Reading Club Vera urged Mon-- He noted that the chib would prehension, detail, prfhiIb Me-to- o tt. ,& Mgwnr. mnnity Development survey that te one of the national praJecteof the JuntoC rar ofJJommerra The flow vey will be used by tbs dub the fiat wae a cafe town. Other items on the Included the Meaning up the faoiinan district, control .and traffic child and teenage 0 nation facilities. adentist, and sewage and tern. - s NOV. IS. Mto THURSDAY, . esday ? e. :? VVl (. |