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Show PwtM, Idaho THE CITIZEN, Mnobn H, UN The Sociable Citizen The SacaJawea DUP camp, Mrs. Laura Harrla and lln. Mrs. held Its November meatiag Marilyn Henderson, at Maurlne Burtons home Marjorie Hollingsworth with Mary Ann Moser as Mrs. Gwen Gregersen Captain Venna Mrs. Pearl Whitehead conducted the special guests. Prises went meeting. Donne Allen gave to Mrs. Hollingsworth, high, the Mrs. Miles, low, and the lesson. "The River Mission. Jimmy Bur- floating prises to Mrs. Harris ton played a piano solo, and Mrs. Robinson. The group will meet nest "The Autumn Leaves." wen week at the home of Mrs. Twelve members Fackrell Rita Drury at Fairvisw. Nl g fe fV Dr. Clair Cutler was guest The Hobby sneaker at the Social Arts RICHMOND dub meeting held on Nov. Chib of Richmond was en1 at the home of Sarah Nel- tertained at the home of Mn. son. Marian Bair on Friday even'Medical Emergencies" ing. The time was spent in was the subject discussed by planning activities for the Cutler. coming season. Officers were Refreshments wen served at the conclusion of the by the hostess- to numbers meetings last spring. Refreshand two guests present ments, were served to Mrs. ' Connie Bunn, Mrs. LuDean Mrs. EUis Smith was host- Christensen, Mrs. Ina Anderess to the Wednesday night son, Mrs., Bene Smith, Mrs. Pinochle chib. The tables Carol Miller, Mrs. Marva AL wen decorated with Cowers vey, Mrs. Clea Hugie, Mrs. and Thanksgiving favors. De- Beth Skidmore, Mrs. Donna ssert lunch was served by Cgrlson, Mrs. Helen ' Kidd, the hostess to Mrs. Huitau Mrs. Janis Andrus and tile Ides, Mrs. Made Robinson, hostess. m Appeal Hade For Vole la Cemetery Election Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. honor the young couple at an Hulet announce the engage- open house, Friday evening, ment uwftmflmiMg mar. December 6, at the Frank-riage of their daughter, Cieo, lin Stake House from 7:90 to to Attend Poole, son of Mr. 1:90 p.m. and Mrs. William W. Poole. The couple will be marHouse Set ried Friday. December 6, in Open For Newlyweds the Logan LDR. Termite. Cleo is a graduate of Preston High. She recently returned from a mission to Berlin, Germany, and has been employed at the Agricultural Itabfllxatiou arid' Conservation Service at Logan, Utah. Artend is also a graduate of Preston High. He has fulfilled a mission to the Samoan Islands, has attendad ' iam Young University, is presently employed Chemical Corpor I present Letteis To The Editor Engagement Announced For Preston High Grach , tt. We should like to call attention to the elections to be held next Monday in the cemetery districts .of .our county, announced elsewhere In this paper. The peopte who our cemeteries administer do so without pay, and often without thanks, oven though all our people are interested t nperijy Jn the pkQW the honoring of our This interest seems to become active in general oily around our Memorial Day, but the care and improvement of our cemeteries goes on the year around. In the peat we have noted that elections of cemetery boards have gone practical- ! . I Mink Crook . Graaidssfkiter A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hensley in Ogden on November 26. The maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Herman are Mr. and Mrs. Keith JenLewiston, announce sen erf. Preston. The baby the of their dsugb-- i marriage weighed seven pounds, 10 ter Irene to Cteyne Heniiyjerj ounces. of Albuquerque, New Maz--j ico. He is a son of Mr. and Preston Mrs. Heninger, Logan. The wedding took place on September 14, at Elko, Nov. Open house will be beldl for them on Friday, November 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. in h the. Lewiston ward. Irene is a graduate of North Cache High School and Seminary. Cteyne is e 1960 graduate of Utah. State University fail entomology. He is employed of J fay the UR. Department Agriculture, pest control, andl is on the faculty of the New Mexico State College at Las Crimes. They are making their home in Albuquerque. Wins Games MINKCREEK The Miny church basketball team has played two games and won two. They Just had a victory over The playly unnoticed. Next Monday, ers are: Ross Wilde, Jay an opportunity win bo given to express appreciation for Wilde, Dwaln Larsen, Richthe services of the men who ard Keller, Gary Scott Keller have quietly and without any Kd Crane, and Bart Jensen. elfish interest performed Condi of the team is Merthis important public service. lin Wilde. Sue Jensen, Kathy The present members of Keller, Dan Crane, Dean the Preston Cemetery Dis- Wilde, Van Wilde and others trict have been in office for sre at the Stake house to sixteen years and have been cheer the team on. Parents of the bride will - Imresponsible for many provements in the place. If you approve of what they have dime you can say so by voting next Monday. If you think it is time for a change you can say so by nominating new men and releasing them from further service, v Anyway, lets vote next Monday. James McQneen TO THE EDITOR n, Creek Oxford-CIlfto- n. , CLEO HULET PBUDEDTIAL'S AMHUAL HOLIDAY First-Fourt- HAID DOTEnS UNIVERSAL - HAT BOX STYLE $24 Cherry Chonlolm I LB. - PEG. REG. He Give Each Member Of Pocatello Boys Walk Onl After! Special DECODES Year Family A Prudential Ifighl fa H31s Two Pocatello boys walked I d out of the cold, wet, hills of Strawberry Sunday after spending v tha night in a makeshift Inn of; bales of hay end a simper of HMD DDTED LADY SUNBEAM - Reg. 6X2J9 Jut I limited Sapper almost-eate- heart J2J EDUCAIIOnAL TOTS For Children ETCH-A-SKETC- PRE-SCHOO- H All:. Moderately Priced L roasted n TEACH-A-TO- T Wrap The two, Tom Smith. 19, and Blaine Jargesen, 17, became lost in the hills Saturday after killing a deer and attempting to bring it out Sunday unlta from Franklin County and Bear Lake county were called out to assist in the search for the boys, to find but they managed their own way out THE BOYS were the of a family search when hey failed to return home car Saturday. When their was found about a mite and this side of the Strawberry divide, an alarm and was made to Preston search for the bqyi." Under According to Mark Tingey, nember of the Franklin County Sheriffs jeep patrol, the jeep patrol rwas called on 12 BoDs CLOSEOUT L SPECIAL EASTMAN O TT TMT II HP CAMEBAS DISCOUNTS TO so Piririmai SPDAY Wrap ; Over M Ft. l REG. 96e CONTINUOUS ROIA Reg. gU9 - snow ODDAimiTS BRIGHT AND SHINY Gift Bows i Id far ; V ICICLES CHRISTMAS g$c GAMES - - ALL-COLOR- GAMES -- PASSWORD STRATEGO LIFE SPILL N SPELL ONCENTRATION . REG. . (SS)0 'I JUST WHAT PRESTON : GAMES - - GAMES MONOPOLY -CRACKO PLUS MANY, MANY MORE ( IRE DOCTOR ORDERS . - Compoaaded f Savings EARN FROM THE FIRST Seml-Anana- DURING MONTH OF DKOcMBRIf LET US BE YOUB SAHTA CLAUS atocUroof Sheriff Bay GIFTS way patrol at top of Strawberry where the boys car was left Plans were formed as to where to search. Jeeps went into North Canyon and Squirrel Hallow on the oast of where the boys were believed to have gone. The leaps then went down pipe fine into Williams Croak on the West THE BOYS tracks wen found at the head of Willow Credc and were followed two mites to a hay stack where they spent the night They had built a house of bate of hay and had built a tiro nearby and cooked a deer heart they were carrying. That morning they made their way to the highway and into Preston. OR Strike Stamps Foi Each Now Ati-O- s Accmt Duiiaf Dtafli of Doctnbtx CHOOSE YOUB fll er Mare fill or More AT A GIFT ACCORDING TO AMOUNT SAVED Ball Paint, Pen Pint Aid Engtish Rainless Steel Set of 2 Piece Towel Set or 8alad Pair - - 12806 er Man UNI er Mare G. E. Clock, 12 Piece Coppsrttat er Mere Ovenware, Lades er Gents Remeiem WaDst, Chip and Dip Set S Sterling Silver Crystal Bal SUN er Mere Vases, TV Trey Set. 26 Pleee Service far 4 Melmee Set, Set of S Mixing Bewle 9111 or Men Pertabte Ht or Men 6286 09666 18969 er Mere G. E. Willie Baker, TsflMer - Ladles er Gents Wrist Watek G. E. AD Pnpoee Mixer er Ctoek . eFs Dra I ' 9le - Phg.g7(g REG. Me -- Per RECEIVED BY DEC. 29 Ttti Lats T Classify - REMEMBER SAVINGS And" Add On ut SPECIAL . I 4 ct O SMrSL.to the 3 Earn A Big Giving Christmas Gifts For Hew . . Hoad To' Savings By Popular Demand We Are one-ha- lf Beautifal Assortment $2N VALUES BIG HOU- R- Current Rato, deer ob-e- Pririma Siari Mow On The Savings Account Far Christmas snow-covere- FAIR PRICE - PHON1 FOR SALE Two new Gold Medallion homos in Pres-- 1 ton. Both have three bedrooms. Contact Spencer E. Nelson, 8524079. I FOR SALE-1- 960 Opel Sta- tlon Wagon. Low mileage, I good tiros. Economical I transportation. Call R. C. Bud" Gooch, M7 N. State, Preston, Ida. 862-166- 2. SALE Other tractor drawn manure spnader. Phone CH 94826. ;?v ABU LOAD ASSOOATlOn Prndenttel Savtags is gnpervtosd fay PRESTON. IDABO fhe Stale ef Idaho FtaaneoDept |