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Show THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah November M, INS Fahfitw Iritis tlaiana Mink Creek Biisif Oil Hu Chariots Cold Spell Brings Couple Visib h Wiih Jensens FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobson of Missoula Mont are visiting with hU sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jensen. Mr. and Mn. Vaughn Larsen went to Fort fill, to get their ion Elliott Larsen who has been with the National Guard for six months. . Fairview Demar Gilbert and son Dee of Inkom visited Sunday and with Jessie Gilbert Rah. ' CREEK The cold spell and snow has brought out a new spirit. The local chariot racers an all out driving their hones to harden them in for the races that will start soon. Be prepared to give them the righUf-wa-y in case some of the green horses get out of hand. Jimmy Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Demar Olsen, has received a mission call to MINK Mr. and Mn. Ronald Harris and family of Vale, Ore., visiting spent the week-en- d with his parents, Mr. ana Mn. Orval Harris. Mn. Gladys Bodily and son lings went to Smithfleld SunVictor and nil fiancee of Og- day and visited with Mr. and William Fongren of River-dal- e den visited Saturday with Mr. Mn. Walter Rawlings. was a Wednesday dinner and Mn. Lawrence FifiekL Sunday, Mr. and Mn. Orguest of Mr. and Mrs. Haxen MR. AND MRS. Harris bad an early val Joseph E. Gilbert Thanksgiving dinner. Those GrantsviDe of Wilson Owen Sharp drove to Salt it were: Mr. and Mn. night with his Lake Ctty Wednesday and Thursday Harris and family of Mr. and ana Mn. ther family Owen Mn. Mr. and Ore., Vale, Wilson. were Mr. and Mn. Lyman Royal and son Kelly of Glen Bodily Melvin Smith Mr. Sharp, Dean Sharp, Vaughn visited and Mn. with Mr. and Lewiston, Carol Fisher am n Monday Packer of Franklin and son Curtis of Smithfleld ahd The Mr. and Mn. William Harris Talbot of Lewiston. They Mn. Oliver Choules. an leaving for Mesa and all donated a pint of Mood Smiths - on the daughter Stephanie and first of DecemAril.,Ckriel the for daughter Sharp winter'. Mn. Steven Harris and Mr. to the ber spend of Mr. and Mrs. and Pamela. RawMerlin and and Mn. Mr, Teddy Sharp. . Ola-hom- Al-de- a, the Western Spates Mission. of Uene Wilde, daughter Mr. and Mn. Fay Wilde, was from home for the week-enL.D.S. Business College. Michael MR. AND MRS. and son Derek Mortensm were visitors at her parents home Mr. and Mn. Delbert Keller over the week-enThey live in Salt Lake City. Sunday Mr. and Mn. Brent Christensen and two children visited also. d Memben of the BETTY LOU SPATIG of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with her parenta, Mr. and Mn. Adolph Spatig. The Sunday Night Sacrament speakers wen Ada Jepeen, W. E. Crane and Bishop Rodney Jensen. Young Marriedo Class was held at Mr. and Mn. Lyle Art In Christensens home. the Home was the discussion led by Bruda Crane. Many of the parenti attended Back to School Night at the High School and Junior Counselor surprised last Monday. Hansen and wife Bonnie and Mn. Melvin Andtheir new home. They gaye erson of Preston visited his them Mr. and Mrs. Swend the during the week. Refreshments Present wen Bishop and Mn. MR. AND MRS. Ferd ChrisRodey Jensen, Mr. and Mn. tensen went to Tremoton Bryce Egley, Mr. and Mn. with Mr. and. Mn. Oscar Chord Wilde, Mr. and Mn. Wilde to meet Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Westerberg, Mr. and M. W. Hansen for anniverMn. Bob Erickson. sary celebration forty-ninSunday visitors at the Hugh Yean ago these three couHansen noma wen Mrs. Lo- ples wen all married the well Neeley and son Philip same day In the Logan Temple. TUESDAY night then was Jon Jepsen and Bryant Nelan excellent Drama Night son wen both home from colpresentation at MIA. Della lege over the Drama Keller is Leader. LaReva Fidley Christine Hausner remains party at Ruth Ann Stanley in the hospital in Pnston am Christensens Wednesday is very happy to have her Those present old friends and neighbon call night June Vera ad Jensen, Lora in to see her when ever they mona and Brucia Crane can. Ruth Ann served, refreshMr. and Mrs. Darrell Jep-se- n ments after. visited his parents Mr. Kel, Dan, and Brucia and Mn. Lee Jepeen. Crane visited Gene Nuffer Elmyra Baird accompan- and boys in Montpelier on ied Mn. Ralph Roberts of Pnston to Logan. They at- THE RELIEF Society sistended a meeting of the Lad- ters wen favored by the song ies of the Forest Service Old Man River sung by They had lunch and enjoyed Don Workman of Treasure-to- n a program when the enteraccompanied by his tainer told the story of the wife Dorothy. Brucia Crane Trapp Family from the pnsented Huckleberry Finn. Velda Olson and Loma Broadway show and sang the songs that wen from it Wilde spent a social afternoon with the ladles of Oneida Station last week. Bud Jepsen visited at the TOURS., FRI., SAT. Elias Jepsen home SaturNOV. day. The Gift: For The One Who Is Going Places Samsonite Streamliter The daaale luggage gift that never goes out of style m m Jit Mr e. Sodom And Gomorrah Pier AngeU One Shew Each Night 7: ADMISSION! Adults Me - Children Se If tv w mwicwh Yu swi-jdve- la0n f imf cm nm i- tosMilS, mcUm, Oat Tit Matos Mb tdbnd cos sod tt trawls Us she has It's a SMtdmie daps... tapsred. Tlw sabidib csNreirilb a nwidiel flat Is stratt ad seal nMmt Tmoalspsaa natnaMss rests id USE YOUR CONVENIENT usa i M " us Mart-s- s la dart mad tornl if asrt m m hr M me V mn fmm tsMs madam, gtf fla - Tm Msrads Yn TTITul RroM, Far m flu mm Sadis Tak lad ITseMds IMiO BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT OR LAYAWAY PLAN n Open PRESTON IDAHO Friday and Saturday Til I p.at - TRANSFERRED Mr. and Mn. Vernon Preece and family visited his parents Mr. and Mn. Norris Preece. They have been transferred to Glendale Calif, from their home In Kaysville. He Is employed by Western Union as a communication operator and works in ofdie Salt Lake City fice. COVE Community Theatre Lewiston, Utah Public Notice ONE DAY ONLY -SATURDAY, NOV. M DOUBLE BELL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RESERVOIR IRRIGATION DISTRICT STRONGARM - i NOTICE is hereby given that at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of he Strongarm Reservoir legation District held on Octo- - "Harilyn" . -P- LUS- "Twenty Tears Of Fanif SUNDAY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 awl 2 a ngular assesswa-e- 30, 1963, ment of r per shan of stock for Maintenance and The Operation was levied. first half of these payments an now due and payable and will become delinquent on he third Monday of Decem0 ber, 1963. Payments may be made anytime at the residence of the undersigned. "Wives And Lovers" Dated this 25th day of ember, Janet Leigh, Van Johnson, and Shelly Winters Nov- 1963. Gustave C. Hedln Sec. and Treas. No. 618 Pub. Nov. 28, 1963. meet the nicest people on a Hondo You its the incredibly low price. Or the be the precision could fantastic mileage. It Maybe engineering. Or the safety and conven-ienfeatures. But most likely its the fun. Evidently nothing catches on like the fun of owning a Honda. You aee ao many around these days. And the nicest people riding them. Merry Christmas. ce Walt Disney JhependBM TECHScouaeyl Lay Away Dow. For & Sport Shop i PLUS SECOND FAMILY HIT Harold Lloyd's World si Comedy Logan, Utah ' STARTING WEDNESDAY Uov. 27 Christmas HONDA Idaho Appliance tfbree against tfeewiiidessl ri !i& MprtNipiniB Svs.smcNipstfliis.MiMiWNlMbisMc toprsNlns ftramMi bits auefc usra aoaahi at the high school in Logan. Den mother Lorraine Taylor is supervising the group. They an Spencer Geddes, Steven Preece, Douglas Kingsford, Jerry Eskelson, Nlel Allen and Curtis Taylor. atm A cut tin sg hasp hr bn. . . ubn ft i lot Iks Imp Cib Steals Go Swfaudaf COVE -Cub Scouts an participatln in the mming courses Stewart Granger and ;. PRE8TON Open Friday and Saturday PHONE Til 8 p.m. 4. F i i a,s!i . |