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Show I November 29, INS THE CITIZEN, Lewiston. Utah 38, LEGAL NOTICES trlct are entitled to vote. It Is not necessary to register. Nominations will be receivNOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ed by James B. McQueen at Ms residence, 45 North SecIN THE DISTRICT COURT ond East St, Preston, at OF THE THIRTEENTH and any time prior to November JU- DICIAL DISTRICT OF THE 28, 1983. Nominees must be residents STATE OF IDAHO IN AND OF of division one or two of the FOR THE COUNTY Preston Cemetery Maintain FRANKLIN. which divisions are District, AL EVANS ) Plaintiff, WILLIS MOSER and DOROTHY MOSER, bis wife Defendants ) ) ) ) PBOGRAnmnG SAVE as follows: Division One; Preston City South of Oneida Street Division Two; Preston City North of Oneida Street and West of State Street and the Villages of Winder and Banlda. Polls will be open In the basement of the Franklin County Courthouse from One 'dock to six o'clock P.M. December Dated day of November, 1988. 'W. JP, Shumway, Chairman Preston Cemetery District No. 614 Nov. 14, 28, sovrans 8 Movie 1963-No- SAVE sovrans 21. imi iumt. KflRX (Night) 9 kutv 4:45 5:15 5:45 6:80 Trio Superman BY VIRTUE of a Writ of 4:00 Family Lone Ranger 4:15 Kaglo Ranch BriO Mickey l(o we Elocution lamed out of the "Jungle Book" Big Newa 8 JO Mawa District Court of the Thir0:30 Her Twelve Fllntstonea Rawhide 6:00 teenth Judicial District of the Men" 7:00 Password State of Idaho, In and for the 8:30 7:30 Twilight Zone 0:00 Newsreel County of Franklin, on this 7:80 My 9 .Sons 18tt day of November, 1963. Night Call 8:00 Perry Como S:00 Jimmy Dean WE HAVE A 8:00 Pajama gam in favor of A1 Evana and Mnriff Hid 9:00 In Adv. 10:00 News atTen 9:00 Dr. Kildare against the foods and chat-tteParadise COMPLETE STOCK 10 JO Stew ADm and tonaments of KUTV ttawo- - lOriO 4 U Willis Moser and Dorothy 12:00 Nbwi Final ALL SIZES -S10:18 OF SHOTGUNS AND Moser, Ms wife, and to me hetgan and Rifle directed, I have seized and 10 JO c takon In execution the fol BUY NOW RIFLES 10:25 Big. Movie lowing described real estate, NOTICE TO CREDITORS When The towtft:. FOR LESS In The Probate Cent of Daltons Rode" AND SAVE Inalit portion of Section The Csnaty of V, Township is. Range State of ldaha described as follows: Com- In the Matter of the at a point 40 rods Estate of of the Southwest ROBERT WELLS, EARL GLEASON. of Section 85 TownPRESTON. IDAHO East Notlce is hereby ship South Range of the Boise Meridian and that all Claims againstgiven the running thence North 40 estate of Robert Wells, rads; thence East 180 rods; ceased, .must be M.HCS3 thence South 40 rods with the necessary preseUH vouchars MML -,.4 (An Day) thence West 180 rods to the to , the undersigned adminiTriO KUTV niece stratrix of dm estate of said BriO T JO Ratt A JUao at Frankdecedent, Preston, riO .TriOOtot. WILL COST YOU NEEDLESS WASTE IN O the lin Comity, Idaho, within 9:80 Beany k Cedi ;8:00 Q.DMeOrew 6:00 H. Hantcoto of the four months after first pubDOLLARS AND FUEL lOriO Buga Bonny ;sjo Mghty 1:30 Fireball XL Northwest quarter of lication of this notice. tdORh TtoThl 9:00 Dan. Menace 20 JO Kagle Land tlouJO 'Township 15 South .First Publication Nov. 7, UriO SJS Rv 8:30 g East B. Range 1983. Fury THERE IS STIU. TIME TO HAVE 11:80 Am. Bandltd. 10:00SkyKtag 18:00 Cartoons a thence .East .80 .rods s Maud Wells 12:30 Pen point ed. 10:30 ;Atytalamr thence running Salt 00 20:15 Lean to YOUR FURNACE Administratrix 1:00 Teen Debate .11:00 Xavakade 1 rod Ben B. Johnson Draw rods; thence North ,11:15 FoothaD 1:30 Pioneer thence West rods; thence Attorney for Administratrix 10 JO Cartoons 1216. geoNbogfd 2:00 Touchdown North M rods 9 feet 11:00 Exploring Preston, Idaho 12:00 Inq. Editor 2:20 Am. Football 2il0 JMMD Indies; thence West MJ NO. 807 Published Nov. 7, 3:00 Wide World 12:10 Cartoons 12:45pta. rods; thence South 65 rods 1963 to Nov. 28, 1983. SiOO FCiSt BY OUR EXPERTS Of Sports ITU. SAVE YOU MONEY o thence East ISA rods 12:45 :3:15 4r30 Winter Pre Mode thence South rods 1 foo 1:00 Set Movie NOTICE OF ELECTION 4:45 show BetheadUnes 5 inches; thence East Olympic 2:30 Sat Matinee 5:00 sufi-aiiNOTICE IS HEREBY GIV5:00 Dan Smoot rods to the place of begin- EN THAT on 4;30 Int Roller the 2nd day of 5:15 MaMon.Form 5:30 Hootenanny ning. Derby 5:30 Rendezvous 6:30 L. Walk Also commencing at the December, 1983, at the Clove8:20 The LL Elecan land Church House, 3:00 To Tell TTuth 7:30 Mode corner of die tion will Northeast IJ0 Joey BHmp be held to elect two 7:30 Phil Silvan 9:15 News Southwest quarter of SecTriO Sat Nlsht At 9:30 (2) Commissioners. One from 8:00 Gunamoke tion 35 Township 15 South Subdistrict Farmers .The Moviea C 1 and one Noo. 9:00 The Defenders East B. M., run-- . from Subdistrict No. Daughter Range BriO Km 3, to 10:00 News at. 10 10:00 86 Route ning thence West 80 rods serve aa Commissioner! of 8:20 P. Theatre thence South 80 rods 11:00 RolL skating 10:20 Mode ALL MONDAY CHANNELS THRU FRIDAY (Daytime). Cleveland Cemetery thence East rods; thence the a Maintenance District for the 9 4 North N rods to the place next four yean. Polls hall 5:00 Understanding 8 JS Rtatfags 6:50 of beginning. Containing In :3T Farm Itoifcet Our World 6:45 Farm Report DRAINS CLOGGED? an acres more or less, be open from one o'clock to In the afternoon, 6:30 Today In west 7:00 Sunrise Bern. Report as die property of said Wil- five oclock 6:20 Christ Philos. 7:20 C. Kangaroo s Rulon R. Burton TriO Today Show lis Moser and Dorothy Moser; Whatfs mere aggrevattug TriS Fireman Frank 8:00 CBS News Cleveland KUTV TJ6 Nawi f! and Notice Is hereby given 1 T JO Today Show D: Maintenance 1 8 JO Love Lney that on Friday, the 8th day No. 615 Published Nov. 14. BriO Today Shaw lasKhnAOds than drain faflereT If It 9ri0 Rompw Room of December, 1963, at loloti 8:20 Ann Southern 9JO Fata A Gladys 1963. 21. and US NBC Newa 28, o'clock All. of said day at 8:30 Today Show 9:00 Price Is Right Love of Lite the back door of the Court happens, remember were 9:00 Concentration 9:30 Sevan Keys 10:25 CBS Newe House in the County of 10:00 Ernie Ford 9:30 link 10:30 Mining Search For Franklin, State of Idaho, I Fir ISriO First Imprm- - 10 JO Father Knows experts In the phnnhlig will sell at public auction to c 10:45 CMdtaf Light the highest bidder, for cash, 10:00 Truth or Coo. UriO On. Hospital UriO Midday C the above described real Add. Call for fast, 11:30 Percs Gen. 10:55 NBC News 11:30 World Turns estate to satisfy said execu11:00 Say When Store 12 Noon rsnunrd tion. service today! 11:25 KUTV News 12:00 Burns, Allen 12:30 Art LlnklatUr Dated this 15th day of 11:20 Word for Wd. 12:30 Day In Court 1:00 Tin The Truth 1963. November, UriO People Talk 12:55 News (P) 1J0 Edm of Nlsht LaRoy O. Talbot 12:50 The Doctors IriO Queen (or Day 2:00 Sonet Storm Sheriff of Franklin 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Who Dp You 2:20 Mat Mode County Trust 1:30 You Dont Say No.616-N- ov. 4:00 Popeye 21, 1963- - Dec. 2:00 Match Game 2:00 TV Bingo 4:15 Rocky k His 5, 1963. 2:30 Movie 2:25 NBC News Friends 4:00 Capt K. C. 2:30 2 on Aide NOTICE OF ELECTION 4:80 Cartoons 133 SOUTH STATE PHONE 4:45 Mick. Mouse Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held on MONDAY, 2. 1963 Monday, December 2, 1983, Heat it! for the purpose of Meeting 4 KSL (Night) I two commissioners for the hr Jmsan KUTV 4:45 Superman 4:15 Superman, Preston Cemetery Mainten4:00 Family Movie 5:15 Lone Ranger Amos N Andy, ance District for a term of Bohemllan 5:45 Big News Spread Superear fourears beginning January Girl 6:30 Outer Limits 5:00 M'ckey Mouse 5:00 Huck. Hound 7:80 Wagon Train 5J0 Newa Any persons possessing all 5:30 9:00 Break. Point 6:00 Fractured die qualifications of electors KUTV. NewsFlickers UriO Newa, WeathI under the General Election pestowhod process cheese. ies! 6:30 er, Sports Lucy Show I Laws of the State of Idaho, 6:30 Movie 7:00 Dan. Thomas 10:35 Big Movie land residing In the Preston 7:30 And- - Griffith 10:35 Big Movie "Singing In I Cemetery Maintenance Dis- 8:00 East Side, The Rain" Hen Below 8:30 Hollywood A West Side Zero" The Stan 9:00 Dick Powell 10:00 News 9:00 Mitch Millar 10:00 Newsreel 10:20 Steve Allen 10:30 Tonight show Insure 2 or more cars with Farmers . . . gst LOW COST RUGGED DEPENDABLE EXTRA discounts on EACH a, and fob quire week 21. 1K3 4 (Might) Schedule CLIP DENOTES COLOR BROADCASTS C THDISMT. KUTV TV Weekly CLIP Anno - v. 4:00 Family Movie HeldT 8:80 SriO KUTV News- I'M! 6:30 Int Showtime 7:80 Bob Hope 8:80 History In Action 9:00 a 4 4:45 Superman 5:15 Lone Ranger 5:45 Big News 6:30 Sunset Strip 7:80 Burkes Law 8:80 Battle line 9:00 Fight of Wk. 9:45 Make Spare 10:00 News 10:15 Weather Sts. 10:20 8 port Final 10:85 Nightmare g Jack Paar - C liriO KUTV reel 10J0 The Tonight SriO Mickey 8 JO Newe 6:00 NY PhHhar- monk: Young' Peop. Concern FtMey MgM Theatre C 9:30 KSL TV Pub. Affaire prog. 7 JO 10:00 Newe atTra 10:20 Steve Allen 12:00 News Final Theatre ' Terror tn the Haunt Home Show c 12:00 Mbvla Suspicion" a a Rim a It, FILTERS s t run-iila- a Cleaned Oiled - a Checked I UGMfeim mm COLOR TV VAUJE rcaAfavKaiet Victor Ijsolgcitv MJMWMw TV m Jtmmt jTa jia fcrj Yo-Y- s WADGSGAARD'S $459X3 Healing and Appliance. Inc. a 152-15- I 1S Sow 11 Town-Count- ry n w 10.-0-0 (brim tain ClieezWIiiz'em! law-ca- st Lynn Fachrell Plumbing and Healing Company 852-13-21 AnVWHERE GO r I tot W. (AO Day) KUTV . T:1B Walt Dimji Wond World-- C 6:90 Greatest Item Showman 7:00 Bonansa C 8:00 Movie A Newa 10:00 Best on Rec. 11:00 Night Final Sale 10:20 Sports Final 10:30 Sid Ceasar 11:00 Big Movie Chrlmlnd Lawyer" 11:)0 Acad. TheaL t -I 4:00 Family Movie IRV- 1 "Falcon In 1 Hollywood 15:00 QJ). McGraw 5:30 H. Brinkley 6:00 KUTV News 6:30 Mr. Novak 1 Call, todayfordietailsl Pay.The.Two Dollars" 7:30Redlgo 1 H0D2DT n. ACQE District Agent 1 of TheGoujgar" 8:00 B. Tele. Hoar 9:00 Graeoe: Goldin Ike 9J9 KDTV rad. ... 4:48 Superman 1:15 Lone Ranger HRL TOun Fury" etar Newe, VWpathar Petticoat Garry Moore Death VaDsy OJGMMarriMl DOtai 30.-0-0 Tho Nsuns la 4:00 Family Movie a WKDD1UG fSmrtoltoal Genius At Wort 5:00 Yom Bear 5:30 ILJIrinklay SriO KOTV Jewelry DECEQBEB 1 1913 KOR 4 (Nlshtl HVE WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS VERY TASTE. PLUS A.COMPLETE STOCK OF WEDDINGBOORS- TOR .8:00 Ben Casey 10:15 VBSl MJ9 Tho Shew 4:45 Superman 5:15 Lone Ranger 5:45 Big Niws 6:30 Price is Right 7:00 Patty Duke 7:30 Onto, Harriet .1:00 'lOriO 6:30 8:00 9:00 MriO KUTV WE BANDS T. C. Herrill & Son's , (Night) rod M,) SAVE NOW ON ALL DIAMOND GIFTS 9 Jet (M mm 512.80 tWEDNESDAY. Jack Benny lljJJ MtJl WEDDING S 1:00 Mickey Mouse 5:30 News 6:00 Red Skelton 5:45. Big News JO. Combat 7:S0McHales navy 7:00 8:00 Greet Show 7:30 ton Earth - P 8:00 9:00 Fugitive - P 9riO lOriO 4 Shadow r 4 tin ftp Reg.9M.75.... 3. 1963 TUESDAY, Final SILVERWARE 852-13- 37 (Nlsht) Face the Nation 11:00 Thli la Lifo 11:30 Davy and Goliath 11:45 Cavalcade 12:15 Football 12:30 Nat football 3:15 Ray Nagel 4:00 20th Century 4:30 Mister Ed 5:00 Lassie 5:30 Fhv. Martian 6:00 Ed Sullivan 7:00 Judy Garland 8:00 Candid Cam. 9:00 AL Hitchcock Pattern All REST H0T0H C0HPAHY Each car, not Just the second or third, gets a 20 discount n on Bodily Injury, Property Daouge and MedJcal-p- hw 10 diKount on Comprehensive and CoHliion. Alto avoioho 20 disedunt for 2 years of acddeoMme driving. Reduced colliaion and comprehensive rates for American made compacts. Aik about Farmers new Prematic Payment Flan that lett you pay 8 your insgnmca in monthly payments. Worship 10:00 Reg. - North Stale My Feet 8:30 Look Up, Use 4 riO Came Three 9:30 Gmtor Seonie Amertee ' 9:35 Tain Choir . 10:00 A Time TP TRANSISTOR RADIOS .... Save more os aslo issurancel 291 . 8:00 Lamp Unto 10:00 Newa 6.-0-0 ml KSL lOriO News it! krafto 1.1m g 4 8 JO Sdmm in Ag. 8:15 9:10 The Answer 5:30 FUtbforTodai 10:00 Sacred Heart BriO Cartoon IUoL .10:15. From .the .10:00 Retrospect Cathedral 10:30 Dr. at Work 10:90 Church to 11:30 Fisher Fun. The Home 12:00 Discovery 11:00 Bible Ana. 12:20 Directions 64 11:30 Eton. Light 1:00 Issues, Ans. 12:00 Mat Movie 1:30 Am. Football 2:00 4:30 RolL SfcoWwy 2:00 Wild 5:00 Adv. Theatre 2:30 CoL 6:30 J. McPbeeters 4:00 Meet Press 7:30 Arrest, Trial 4:30 News, Views 9:00 Biography 5:00 BUI Dane 9:30 Laughsfor 5 J0 t. I1ADI0 G TV December a 1 w. Van Dyke Fast Frenty 4 star Km tfiODDenuy Kaye Weather atu- - 8:06 Detectives :22 S:5 12:09 O S?1 5 News . Ate final 1 i. i , 1AYCLHC3K - w " V |