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Show . T- - l ' 41f. 2C IBNTY'S GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY z - S, .V "1 THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah November 28, 190 Pi Lewiston Briefs KEN IS GIVING THESE Lewiston Woman Hosts Luncheon r - LEWISTON Mn. Lucilla California spent a week reVan Orden entertained at a cently at the home of his W Ken Has Received Another Shipment Oi Curtis-Halh-is Direct From The Factory chairs lt for comfort ROCKING THESE DIRECT SHIPMENTS SAVE ON WAREHOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION. . . AND ELIMINATE COMPLETELY THE ALL THESE SAVINGS ARE PASSED ON TO YOU . . . MIDDLEMEN AND WHOLESALERS - parents, Jack and Ora Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen drove to Idaho Falls last week-en- d and visited with a brother Dr. James Allen. They also visited In Shelley with a sister of Mrs. Allen. Miss Elaine Van Orden at the spent the week-enhome of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ervin van Orden. is attending school in Lake. Plowman BISHOP REX has returned home from Ogden, where he underwent ma Jor slavery at the Dee Memorial Host ital. Mrs. Plowman accompanied him to Ogden and remained with him until Ills return home. Mrs. Layle Talbot id Gooding, Idaho, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Wiser. Mr. and Mrs. George ViDet have returned from Gooding. Idaho, where they visited with their son Brent and his wife and family. LEWISTON The Lewiston Literary Club met on light luncheon Monday.Gucsts wore Mrs. Loatha Lundahl of Logan, Mrs. Lcda Pond and Mrs. Scneth Thomson of Lewiston. The afternoon was spent visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Ciair Jorgensen spent last Saturday In Salt Lake City. Mrs. NaDcne Kent and three daughters. Luana, Sharon, and Darla, of Brigham are spending several City, weeks in Lewiston with the Cecil Kents and Mrs. Emer-e- tt Wiser, while her husband Farrell Dean Wiser is attending school for the IBM Company in New York. MRS. GEORGE POND had as guests on Friday, her two sisters, Mrs. R. A. Toolson, of Smithfield, and Mrs. T.Y. Bingham of Amalga. Dinner guests on Thursday of Mrs. Vida Karren Mrs. Ethel Bails of Hyde Park, Mrs. Verna Hutcnin- son and Mrs. Matilda Skeen of Logan, and Mrs. Mama Balls of Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pood and son Brad of Logan,Randy Pond and Allen Andrew of Logan were supper guests at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pood. Mrs. Bertha Talbot has returned 'home after spending several weeks at the home of her son Joe In Bountiful. Joe was in a bad automobile accident recently and was seri ously hurt, but is recovering satisfactorily at the present d a i 21" TRUE COLOR TV, RADIO STEREO, AM-FCkaseli. Area Snper Power Fringe The moat outstanding gift yea This High Quality Set will bring can get for the whole family Joy to you home for yean. Model AJ 221 RETAIL VALUE $99M9 Phil a hill yean Parts and Service Policy HI-F- I, M wERYWl W. T. - at the Mra. Gilbert as Hostess. Mrs. Beth Nielsen reviewed the book The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth" by Hedda Hopper. time, ON SATURDAY Evening Mrs. Nielsen entertained at a 23 CONSOLE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURNITURE HOLDS THE POWERFUL 23,099 VOLT SUPER POWER CHASSIS TUNER. ALL FULLY WITH YOU JUST HAVE GUARANTEED TO SEE THEM TO BELIEVE THE PERFORMANCE. BEAUTIFUL FU1X, COLOR TV Fint Now, for the Time . . . Low priice hu Console. Qaallty by Cnrfls-Mat- tMiHM of Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert with luncheon for other relatives. Ida Merle reported her tour three Volkswagon with rl friends, two of whom were Missionaries who had lust been released from the British Mission. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godfrey, Susan Bodily and the Nielsens. An enjoyable evening was had. Ida Merle has returned to Twin Falls, where she is employed as a Laboratory Technician in the Magic Valley Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rawlings and Mrs. Anona Talbo drove to Idaho Falls on Sunday, where they attended a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Facer. Mrs Facer is the former Genevieve Talbot. Mr. Gary Smith of northern t Recent company at Mrs. Sadie Nelson's home was her daughter Mrs. Beatrice Hyde of Fairview and Mrs. Bill Johnson and four children of Salt Lake City. ATTENDING THE Temple on Wednesday were Emma Deaton, Irene Anderson, Mae Jensen, Geneva Wash and Orba Larson. Herbert and Fae Williams visited their daughter Deanna at Rexburg, where she is Ricks College. attending While there, they went elk hunting for two days. Singer Sales & Service WE REPAm ALL MAKES Contact NED M. HUTCHINS HowoH Motel Phone 852-02- 48 ftfcl REFLECT THE ELEGANCE OF YOUR HOME WITH ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL MIRRORS 23" Reg. $349 FOR YOUR W.T. SUPERB TV, PLUS HOME HI-F- I, STEREO, AM & FM RADIO. W.T. POWER CHASSIS W.T. FOR FRINGE AREAS W.T. CURTIS-MATHI- S IS MANFACTURED GIVE YOU ALL THE SERVICE. W.T. EXTRAS . . . EXTRA LONG BUY THE BEST CURTIS-MATHI- LIFE, BEAUTIFUL CARPET W.T. WE WILL EXPERTLY INSTALL HIGH QUALITY AT KENS BEST-BU- Y BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS ... CARPET IN YOUR PARTS TO EXTRA BRIGHT PICTURES. EXTRA CARE-FRE- E HOMH PRICES. Uzt9 THE GIFT THE LADIES REALLY LOVE ALL - BY LANE CHOOSE FROM 19 n 58 20 orr Christmas Decorations REVOLVING REG. TREE STANDS $5.00 91.08 Metal Christmas Trees 6 Reg. FURNITURE Co. W.T. Ft. ALUMINUM 98-1- 5 .... $4.95 4 Vi Ft Reg. 95J POM POM .. . Christmas Wrap fit Ornaments Vi F.T. F.T. $2.95 EARLY BIRD CLOSEOUTS THE WORLD LEADER ALL PERIODS AND STYLES TO -- Opening Special MIRRORS CEDAR CHESTS LT. REG. $219. 111.95 Christo S. W.T. Freezer W. 1. AND HAND WIRED WITH CARE AND, PRECISION ADD ELEGANCE THE WHOLE YEAR With me Christmas Opening Special DOOR MIRRORS -- THE VERY BEST SUPER 399 TIIE PERFECT GIFT ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Price HANSEN GLASS & PAINT PRESTON, CALL US CBUJBCt Phone 1524)180 RULON OWENS AND BOYCE FUHMMAlf IB North State, Preaton v V . i i ' |