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Show November Engagement, Marriage Plans The sociable Citizen Ora Rasmussen entertained at her The Pinochle Club home last Thursday. Laveraa Warner won high and Manilla Davis was low. Special guest was Bernice present were Jean Moser, Bonita Oliver Henderson, Warner, Kate Swains ton, lone Ollverson and Manilla Davis. held Pinochle Club was November SO. Members present were Mrs. Gene Harm-e- r, Mrs. Ted Bergqulst, Mrs. Bert Bridges, Mrs. Spencer son, Marilyn La-ve- - s Publishers mwi Wlag Company, Ine., Lewiston, Utah, asl matter in tee Lewiston Pest Office. rates Sabserlptloa LN Cache County, year. UN outside la a ty- - Marie Dock and Lona Holt were serRefreshments ved by the hostess. Mr. GRACE Mt Sherm a n Camp, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met at the Bannock Stake building with Captain Roxey Marshall In charge. She also gave the lesson on the Salmon River Mission and read the history of her great grandmother, Sally Knight Palmer. . The history of Elna Mohson , grandmother of Mrs. Vena Merrill was finished.; Plans were made for a Christmas party and dinner December 13 In the dining room of Bob's Cafo In Grace. Refreshments were served to those present coming marriage of his daughter, Judy, to Mr. Steven G. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nahum Porter of Preston. Judy graduated from Preston High School In 1961 and the L.D.S. Seminary. She attended USU for one year, where she was active In Kappa Delta Sorority, R. O. T. C. Sponsor Corp, and Angel The lesson on the Salmon River Mission was presented by Hedvig Bingham. Those present wen Mildred Anderson, Neta Benson, Lydia Andrew, Lois Merrm, Pearl Elizabeth Gancheff, Spancer, Mabel Morten wn, Hedvig Bingham. Millie EL toyman,. Lola Ltttledlke, Eth-toe-n Grant Josephine Lapray hambergers William B. Steven graduated from Preston High School in 1980 and the l7d?s. Seminary. He attended USU for one year prior to serving in the Central British MtaSon. The wedding will taka place December 6 In the Logan Temple. The coupto wUl make t&eir home In Preston and Steven will continue his studies at USU where he Is a Business Major. JUDY GARRETT Bonnie Burnett, Lynn Burbank Wed In Temple . VW and Mrs. Garrett of Preston, announce the engagement and forth- TRENTON Lout Holt was hostess to tbs Daughters of Pioneers, Margaret Ann Adams Benson Camp Friday afternoon at her home. Open-tasong was .Count Your GRACE The American and Invocation Blessings, Lesion Auxiliary of Grice, was by Ethleen Grant HisMontory of Margaret Ann Adams hod Its regular meeting Benson was read by lfota Ben day night and all g Wajjue Boas, Told For Judy Ganett Bo-se- n. HOlnery. Members Rogers, Mrs. Ruth Ann Rasmussen, Mrs. Jim Garrett. Special guests were Mrs. Bruce Garrett, Mrs. Clair The Club was held at the home of Mrs. Jim Garrett. Carrott pudding was served. High went to Mrs. Ted Bergqulst and low to Mrs. Bert Bridges. Mrs. Robert KJar and three sons have spent the past month visltlng ber parents oblnson Mr, and Mrs. Don while her husband Capt KJar has been attending school in Calif. He has been under training for the Minute Man Program. Capt KJar Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. KJar. chairman. A new manager and director was cHftff- - 3 Box. 89c - the ion of Mr. and large posters commemorat- Burbank, Alvaro Mrs. Burbank, were ing Book Week In the three married in the Logan Temple schools In Grace and at Thatcher. Each student was pre- Friday. were honored by her They sented a boric marker. at evening parents Friday the Fairview recreation halL FAIR VIEW Thursday Those standing In tee re evening Oneta Hyde and Alta Bodily were hostesses for their club at the home of Cole. Burbank, Groom and Bride, Mario Olsen, Marsha Perry, Faye Ana Burnett, Kathryn Burbank, Ella May and Colleen Wheatley and Axveta Burbank. The young couple are making their hone In Mapleton. Open House Scheduled For Newly Wedded Couple Oneta Hyde. Lunch was served and those present were Zelda Hinckley, Beatrice Hyde, Elly Jensen, Lets Hall, Vera Cole, Verna Knudsen, Minnia Reva Wilson, and A open house will be held Patsy Telford, NAVY, PINTO HILB IGA I . 12c HmcAiwcn for Frail Drinks 4 for 43c $1 TIP TOP PICTOWEET u ARCTIC CIRCLE North State Street JEWELED Births ACCESSORIES FOR BEDROOM AND RATH FRANKLIN COUNTY HOSPITAL Birthday Party Held For Son MINK CREEK Gloria Jensen had n birthday party Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Rawlfor bar son, Randy, Tuesday. ings, girl, Fairview. Randy was seven yean old. NOVEMBER The guests were Kelton Keller, Stanford Jenien, Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilde, Tracy Crane and Eddie Crane. boy, Preston. StENDA 0 Ain-scoug- . d Aural Sparkling rhinotoncs and ainiatnrea heighten the exquisite pastel beauty of time new Menda pieces. Dramatise you bath and bqndoir... delight that certain someone who rates an extra-specigift Available in your choice of plpk. Hue, yellow, green, orchid, white. hand-applie- NOVEMBER V Mother Honored On Birthday Mr. and Mrs. John girl, Mink Creek. C0UHTDT SAUSAGE MIX OR MATCH - EM FRESH nm LBS. FBABES knudson Mr. and ..CLEVELAND Mrs. Theron Smith honored LOGAN L.D.8. HOSPITAL his mother, Letitia Smite at NOVEMBER a birthday dinner party on her anniversary. Quests were Mr. Rod Mrs. Norman Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael New- and family, Mrs. Hattie Jensen and daughter of Fish Haven and Gladys Gray of Salt Lakf City. 1, girl, Smlthfield; Mr. and Mrs. John Allsop, girl, Logan. Hraw . MJS . pm sm-n- tf MM Makla gem jsups mp flak b m Vatone Vateriaus has recently returned from the British Mission. She Is tee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Vateriaus of Rlverdale. She reported her mission in the Rlverdale ward Novem- ber WMelMnaM 24. Gridostfs m, m. -- TW mi b UMfii a tanrt-paf- f ta aiatafe. karwH mm! tartabtykan in-- rt MmHi Mast HI HUMISK mY-A- ik tray tap Ufta Inst ilciratta mmO rt, Sbtlutai na far A ta ItrBaa mm SMMETTI ptailb Safinr. lalav. aataWat mm! SMS NOVEMBER PKG. Dipping Chocolate Sic - IB. Coffee STANDBY - . . Lb. 58c and Mrs. Steven Anderson, girl, Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Johnson, girl, Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Liny Cox, boy, Logan. 0 GRACE Stephen Carter, Missile Technician seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd apprentice, USN, son of Mr. boy, Logan; Mr. ana Mrs. Dick Carter, Route Mrs. Roger Cannot, Guy-ma- n, and girl, 0 CROWD ATTENDS BAZAAR CLEVELAND The Clove- - SfB2PC?" 55 SSd REE PHONE PARKING AND CONVENIENT ENTRANCE 10410 M REAR A: Friday oven, BAUi HELD . Mr. and Wtt' Mrs. Stanley LofL November P-H- RED CAN nt BIG TOP - - Boiler . 49c LARGE JAR 4 Cans SI TOMATO JUICE GRAPEFRUIT PIN- K- HOLIDAY h LARGE SIZE p nil il i 1 t 3 FOR TimelsIIcro YanH da a better Jab af Entertatatag and math Easier . . . Jest Phene Yew Order to 852-03- 31 PABSmPS . 2 Ms. 25c POTATOES jO Lb. Bag 2S)C SHELLED PECANS - LIGHT HALVES Well make tee bed Bakery Products Ever had Have them all ready for yon. Place yew order Early. BUST Pastry Shop LARGE, LB. - $1.09 IGA STORE DON GREAVES Mr. and lira. Rtatord Hal boy. LogilsTMr. tod MrsShekioii Hamger, girl, Logw- - 0 ' November The Harvest Ban sponsored by tea FFA . Mf.'erid A was. bald November 15. jtibirt: Lao Mr selected hot. Loon: PhUUpa; and were king qnsan and a good time was had by anOfn-Car-t Raymond PM- an. tenon, girl, SmitefUld. GRACE j ha 10Lhs.$L09 WHOLE WHEAT Gar- Grace, was waduated Oc- Logan. tober 11 from Guided Missile NOVEMBER School at Naval Schools Command, Mare Island Shipyard Mr. and Mrs. Gary Donart, Caleijo, Calif. boy, Logan. of Carter is a graduate NOVEMBER 24 Grace High School. PRESTON, IDAHO FUnm 199 0 Mr. and Mrs. Rulon NOVEMBER AH STONE GROUND ber; hoy, Logan; Mr. 1, JOHUSOirS DBUG ST0BE in Preston is a Jey Stores and Shops can easRy reached from our Mg rear Let Urn eor Chocolate Chips , 19c HERSHEYS 59c Era PKG. SUN MAID Bag 89c Shopping Center 4 Lb. 98c Daidns PORK lb. Hlsriiiinr me a ybeynrt bla n. je Swtr, ana-- w 1 itarttattt ttftaHI mm mst ta nfM at - all meatJ J. FRUIT CAKE MIX . sm-h- PURE FRESH Olson, 0 tuns H : SPECIAL h, 0 DOUBLE CRUST HEAT LOAF HERSHEYR U NOVEMBER - Sbril daughter of Anniversaries 196 HEAT PIES 1 Couples Note ANS PUL - OPENING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -C- Strawberries ra DURING PRESTONS BIG CHRISTMAS QUART Shrimp . Pkg. 69c BULK TALL CANS EXTRA LEAN tee Cornish ward cultural Mr. and Mrs. Verdell Smith on December 6 for Mr. of Franklin. The groom Is hall FRANKLIN Captain Ale-th-a ad Mrs. Sammy Kent The the son- of Mr. and Mrs. Handy conducted the Dau-lte- couple was married ta Elko, Edward Kent of Utah Pioneer meet- - Nev., on November 22. All friends and relatives Thursday, for the EHn The bride ta the former an. Invited to attend. Wright camp. A history of Ann Owens Hobbs was given Husband Grandson by Constance Davis, a guest from Whitney. Mrs. Davis alHosted To Dinner so entertained with a piano MINK CREEK Mrs. Welsolo. Phyllis Kingston! gave don Rasmussen served a the lesson of interest about birthday dinner for her husFort Lemhi. Lunch was served by Areta Doney, Esther MINK CREEK Mr. and band and grandson Kim, Mr. Ann Duriant, Julia Durant, Mrs. Furd Christensen and and Mrs. Cutis Boscn and Martin. Wayne, Sue Ann Mildred Ollverson and m Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil& Wayne, Sue Ann Martin, CaHandy. met tee Marinas Hansens in tena and LncOto Chambers Tremonton where an three and. Kim's grandfather. Bill Chambers of Smlthfield and couples celebrated their mu- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tual wadding anniversaries Larry Rasmussen. as they have done every year since they were married 49 yean ago. - OFF 19e frozen Food Specials BOXED Lb. . DEARS CHILI - CANDLED WHITE (8 Ramie Bur- ceptkm lino were Mr. and FAIRVIEW J. Hale nett, of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheatley. Mr. and the daughter Club of the Grace literary and Lynn Mrs. Alvaro Burbank, DeVero Mrs. Bert Wheatley distributed streamers and TANG SALAD DRESSING Mrs. F. GRACE THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah 29, 1M3 jt LOTS or FREE t . it m iMaH&ilit a.1 r TBS V ,1 RIURAl.Wli , B- |