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Show In Out Opinion ct The get-Hay- es life should be shaped and That he knows only goodnese-th- ats But I dont know the secret, And chances there can not be; So Im just coin' on and believin' The Presidents stoppin' with me. And I know its a Mg obligation And his nit 1 hbncsSar InTisurley " Happy NOVEMBER out the balk door to put garbage out because the d was swollen. tl to public efforts to educate and Inform on what an area has to offer. Hatao said that the area must maintain wnd If pos- -' Improve the both present and asw Industry, mas noMubstdlaed hosiasss, and mast cooperatively for to good of ML All of this .points up, vary vividly, growth that can come to Cade for Ml of DECEMBER plantwhkh picked! attest . Omnia -- Della Keller, Marimu Hansen, Kaye Beckstead, Hugh Mfiader LoMont, . yon got twsaiyP We A The television At Crowd Attends Stake Choir Festival their m. CLEVELAND-GRAC- E for the large crowd attended the dlridad his men after in Salt Lake City ing to reach such Important and touchy IsRobert G. Bodily, Udi sue! as the Interstate reciprocal licensing of cars and ktason, Ruth Ann Alder, farm trucks. . dene Porter, At- An- - W KARMA aroand to rome up the creek go around the down the Bear jliffHr. andN craw he attacked from - SMTIH BELNAP Chief MEANWHILE, Hradronhlswarr-de- - gJvJUe JTCote StetSTSate Tltensor. Mari- - to rode into Franklin Hansen, tbem-The- re Sincere Dwight Poets Comer sacks tota8 11 of flour. Bishop Preston Tho- - THE SOLDIERS swwd him ordered It given to ftm. togetner, anarstng on au The Indians then demanded three sides. Soon the bra for- more. The bishop refused. E-- ces were locked In deadly combat Leri Wright, Sherilyn Man- tthig tarlMng war wlmms tosa-- hand combat For two hours ring, PMUp A. Nelson, Bev- erlv Clayton, Sarah Greddes, hautoTtoudans begun to the slaughter raged the sol-Phlllilp G e d d e s, Beverly war dance around his house, diert with their bayonets, the Scott When 1m didnt give in, they gjtons with tonhawks and Leon finally tired and rode away, Tims, Lynne Lewis, Bergeson, Rboda Anderson, The squaws ami cuum Margaret Anhder, Diane . The next day Chief Bear as fenx twe fought wd squaws again Hatch, Jessie Wall, Larry returned for Even the braves. Smith. children tried While it was wounded soldiers when they Colonel Csaaers x seen crossing over spath of THE SOLDIERS WHO had . . The Infantry inarched into crossed the river were fight-np Franklin where they set ing in their wet clothes In the the camp. During o night weather, and most of moved In. Ithad those who fell wounded Guess what," said the cavalry bitterly cold march from to Hnafi. on weatherman nlvtag Fort Douglas and most of transfer- - soldiers were home, Tve At the battles end, n red to Chcago.1 some severely. ally Ml of the Indians said Thats good,1 been annihilated. Only wife- - Tva noticed the wea- 81 were believed to ' ther here doesnt agree with you. best wishes, Jensen evening time Aa the day cornea to a dose, The little ones are tucked In- to bed; And I think of each little rose And remember what God has two-bush- el Bair, said: These are my little Take care of them well; Teach the priesthood to my sons; Keep my daughters clean, pray ten. y sub-zer- frost-bitte- to - to U' tot to to to to to to to i a to ISM eutaida tha wAnn in' msLii - j. lUpraaiatad by tha Aaarlaaa Mawapapar Rapraaaatatiraa, MS Fifth AraauaL . wauis Wdw'York.ia'Vfaw-TMb- auuaUlaa" 'till .nd many years SSLSTm? gnta tin infwwrt, lM bad day school in the Cleveland pWnad to raid the settlement ward. fithespring. Jri SMrtev Keto: and WHEN THE cold and weary Mrte are vjsttmg at the soldiers returned to Franklin, M her parents Mr.and Mrs, the people opened homes Charles Forman, Cleveland. to them strsw was hauled to MR. AND MRS. LaFteaa to mhouw and mme beda were made there. The Johngon Freeman Raamusaon of A US IT ou OTre carMj for, and Bad nww Sunday In e)er wounded to ud mu w A Sunday dinner guest at valley settlements. Fourteen ssldlen were dead the home of Mr. and Mrs.' and 41 wounded. Colonel Con- - Leland Panter of Cleveland Oi Indians was his sister Vera Nielsen. Mr. Dale Panter from San HE was In a hurry to get his wounded men SSmdi In from the freezing weather, week. and it is generally believed Mr. and Mrs. Reed witnesses the next Gregor tay was more accurate. Wfl-- Sunday SalriShl?hroSS! HOWEVER, to Pt Mc-Frank- hfwMa k, npMM,.a,ba 'Hone Improvements MK-w- tbrM.nlM. Analyze problemi and decide on fadlitlea needed. Snccessfnl Contract your Local A to for a bid or estimate. Arrange your Financing at LEWISTON STATE BANK It hasvbeen.-oti- r raxperienee nthat to -- to toy Lewiston State Raiik ' . Ui Hake ( bama mt m, Mf- later when he was interview- rtjf- ed by S. P. Morgfm, he said Skinner. They attended 3 Steps To i , YOOTl BANK 'WUH d gNbwnbgg A small boy was bored on Did I teach them right from to urttay festival a long auto trip. Suddenly he turned to Us father and said: Mom I wish youd let thoughtful drive It's more exciting. Was I patient, to For nd A nock Stake choir Ban- - pjve wanx pgrtidpated in " acvtty SrtapeB and Un Udrrla HOw- Mr Mn of and those was laupitei were among Sagwitch h fhnt Jest n Fun shoff Dtaba Mavaat , WhefclylleWliwbhr ' aanripy tha programs foolish fools who mJtouse g. Biisis ClmUid-i- c Franklin Ed. Nate: lav Committee: A group that the bManee. Shashi the m wrong? forth-Th- e wastes lers he everran la eeps minutes and hours. find wM eaeeanfor of they best friends must part. By my example eemtag they An eager young How to live with a song? lawyer, fresh outof school to Aloha out his new desk, noticetfSe my new made friends. will be shadow of someone behind Help me, Lord, that I AS WAS THERVAY, toy little justification for going af-- Honolulu will stay in my id mutiier that I ! P hto phone kneU In prayer. Thra. leaving ter railroad flrentoWhlle dreams. S?PPiig celver, he chirped to an im-- their wives and children In-firing on top of highest like stud- - go as each day closes youH lights Hergunenng men took their pla- of qualified aginary client: Yes, Mr. aide, fpOe yempehmtiy enM 080 111 to attend to ces fort They educated. gold bricks In agree Smyto, guard ocean rVe truly tried world. Perhaps Us phOosophy air, on best I cprpwatlon matter for you. stationed a line of men along I m busy with several otto: the. road from !ls to pump money through top of gleams. hut Ill manage to on the East bank'of Bear them when the economy n thaeds a boost Jennie Weaver Htft Devone Heggaa sandwich In your case with river to Franklin so that proto others. graas ortne fight could be ro-vis-- Owed to Excuse me, sir, fort. tele- ltor said. "Im from The soldiers reached nhona river ; at dawn. Tha connettyour were ywtyMbed about a mile to the. Northwest to a heavily Girl: wfll Daddy, (little which form. a story?" toubhed.ravtaa taRpu a perfoct natural'dsfonse. Vntanladar: "Dnca upon ttma and a half . . . vary Thunder by tha Cltliaa ove r his adder P. Bee SIC, 'Lawlatm, Utah, y d tfeaa uttar et tha Lawiatoe. Utah. Poat Offlaa uadar tha ear to'Charge,-ancavUryj 'fFonlJ'-diioute- d grifer, Ip lITIs JdU.andacr-- , woman swept downto .river. Withering r fire S.M ParYaer. 1.M far Sis Waatha IniroexeeuneTld no Mtan- - ou frem.tolnaans la Oaeha Oaunty, tJtah lw moronic rtranfo dK ant sS'b.'xa jsaas Back Glance hand-to-ha- to uSnjSsfc8 era. politician as slob should .be boycotted. The Steinbecks, whose 1m- - Americanright tobe aim dollar nfae or HI toB wife "Youll eitor taka Heroism which Kay Ivee thlslncnase, I hope ho legislature jyn Creger, Stephen we citizens show them a pr- this year, and it is good to Sam Dahle. per turnover to express our see laymen and especially old friends able to handle the stt-reelings, topsy-turv- ... fcOMyiUCkto. But Dixies several dovdy IF WE ARE to be consis- - languages will not .ask wqual tout in AwwawtUng objectivity time to repty: to their detne-and fairness, then the Faulk-- tors, ners who portray to South- - B Doris orton QUvertm, LaNae Roper, Luann THE EDITOR say-lowe- r i bibtov , look different, sound dinerqaaegfo says The meUMaoas ant, and react differently. Ian 8a, If we iatead to For-LeeGra- The fiscal temp country seems to on the public faith in stole government, 1 thy Institutions, and do not believe our u benefited by a Hank ease of governmental especially in the top ets. If Con gross votes to TRANSPORTA-tlon- , modern communication, and general homogenization, have modfled tdkmu and minimized pronunciation pethe aristocratic culiarities Vlrglnlan stm tandi to sound uk a soft hrean through THOUGH words is an affront to true Dixie dialect! TUs growth that Jy, Ekrise Kmg. Maurina Christensen, ipdPover, nil over, me place, ana we must Tom Bodily, Jr., be.prepared for tt. After all Is there a bet-- ; ter .place In which to live torn Cache McKay Spatig, Mkb-ae- l financial phun? If they are ' certainly responeble they they certainly I can hear Hawalians singing, responbile must that theta wagw J trum their job per- - 7; should Aloha! They are Aloha! formance. Let each billion their income by 5 per tag, cent If they are abteto hold Come back again some day. or reduce the debt, their pay could be geared accordingly. The leii they placed around The Representatives would my neck, ;foul for various reasons hue a few of which we may agree With flowers of love beof friendand with. All considered, I Bespeak illeva we must do ship somethhj to getireta on era! spending and Its serious ImpUcattons. Federal service ?bputo sttra(.t cHJjs want-- j cannot leave this paradise Without M hl in this ! byMdMta, .r e. Glad To See War" Settled to 80 1 Don Eg- pctatMipttejiecesaltf MarianCuSer, C. 0. bon, ty together In cornering some of this Waddo upa The fact tot Industry will locate to valley la evldsnced by to Qearfleld Wtfls-vill- 1 to that Jana Webb. toLn,0" -- others, raise rives pay almost half again from $22,300 to $32,500. OUt 01 meQ W1IO poUUcM office as a will Mo "organisation" seek subscriptions to correct this distorted Image. HYPER- - SENSITIVE Because If anything charac-crise- s the South tt is tadlvi-- ologlzlng. a Senate Boothe, -- 'pay raises jpMUIninty Into ap-- weeks, Terri Talbot, Flygaw. Lai Lewis, Gayle Bowles, , Man Opposes Pay Raise For U. S. Congressmen 'mink of n will be formed No "group Dr. Nabon sakl that Letters To The Editor Is not a man In the from Federal Government Post- oto President to the Man who Is not and should not be expendible as far as governmental function Is concerned. The latest These days when Committee h 1. STRICTLY BUSINESS Stenberg, Ross Andra, Della Whitman, Ladle tag taxes? COwh1U . y. effects of the IMokol Indnstiy at Brigham Ctty and Tremonton are felt In Franklin considers raising 'Congress Its own pay, putting the na- 'tlon further in debt, and cutt-- le, should be forced to recant. No, it will not happen. en If such la true, think of the effect this wfll have on the whole of Cache Valley, 'from Downey to WeDsvUle. Already the Thllnk not what the cow- try can do for you, but what .you can do forme country"? against lag tom to sasptetea ridicule. tain to pressure Van Orden, NUqr Hansen, Wallace The poet Drake told of the American VkU Kidd, dream, the American ideal, but this week Hous-leWalden Merrill, there was a aeqnsL Somewhere, in anoth- Lynn er mothers arms Is a boy or girl who may make that stoppin" seem quite NOVEMBER SI empty, at least for a time. Wlnward, Margaret wart Hernia, Clarence L. Spill-Ov- er Raymond And the effect is ven greater In the Cache county area. Dr. Nelson says that one of tba blg opportunities for devdopnient lies In whole- for the saUng enl West Coast, which northern Utdh can serve hr a hob with apakea raovernight freight dlaring at nearty equal dtetan te Fnrt-o- r hmd, Beattie, San Francisco Los An- - are criminals, which hurl ridicule at phony Protest that southern phrases and ac forimbat- - cents which never were pro-aw tbeheariags sentatlve of Dlx-Italians, subject; perly nmn Italians Clara White, Earl Jensen, Farrell Sparks, KristtBodfor, Elliott Larsen, Edmond M. Drake to an economist for the First Corporation, Dr. Elroy Nri-- I Northern Utah wm have to import a population of Dear Editor, - Pjy 2J-- - Birthday Im ik -- so. doin all that I can, up my little baby ig, brave, honest man. And you ought to think It over, Just as I do If you can. For that baby's some place today sir Maybe In your home or In mine. And Yall Object, Dya Hear ' (Not Necessarily News) Sylva Schvaneveldt and ton . . . Mu Chandler and staff getting in on the tax Derrlcott being ac-By PAUL HARVEY rush . . . Karla Rawlings ex- t peaette Porter some material . . . ing during the "U for the. South Stratford Uosle rounding up aUes . . . Lynn Fackrell out to rise again in righteous Mine Bds for a picture . f . collecting money again . . . wrath. (tortes Petersen and HWaee Albert Jensen and crew and discussing the death the wire up for the The crude, Inexpert of' the. President . . .Ted ting Christmas" decorations . . '. sometimes malicious b?!S . It Can Happen In America Today some place in this country, A mother la crooning to A wee Blip of a baby, Holding him close to her breast HIs namels just Little Baby, He may be In your home or In mine No one knows, bat hes some place And the secret will be out some time. And some day be will be President, According, as people decree And maybe the Creator has trusted That baby with you or me. And no one today could guess it. Whether Its your home or mine. But that Presfcfeut-elebabys soon pMbo And the secret will be out some t! Oh, but I wish that I knew It, Whether its your home er mine. For thats such a gras And. nothing Is swifter (ha And he should be raised with great cautkm, For bein President's big byonr Paul Harvey News Whozinit I i '4 IU553IC?. IS AS NEAR AS YOUR MAILBOX YOU BANK AT ZXWISTON 8TATX BANK |