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Show UtahNovcmber 28, THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, 1963 II HOB OF Bl'S FRANKLIN tOUN MD & SUM fi MAKE THIS YOUR DINETTE HOLIDAY from DRUDGERY CHRISTMAS... whk Iron rife Conferring briefly befyn tte meeting In Salt Lake Sen. war Reed Bullen, Gov. George Clyde, Golden Buwen State over the bonier City of Cache nuaiiw Commerce, and Mayor O. Sherwin Webb of tton, president of tbe CONFER BEFORE MEETING Hie Pmtoa. BROTHER DIES - Dairyman COVE and Mrs. Mr. Grover Allen drove to Provo To Hear on Wednesday to attend the funeral of his brother, Dr. to Allen. They, then drove Redman to visit their daughEdris ad ter and Clifford Michelso and fam fly. Clifford recently suffered a heart attac and is critically ill n the hospital. hu non DR. MARION F. BRINK mums sn Cliftiii Bridls Art CNsby, a deaf man from Minnesota who has without good hearing fer ever nine years, has Invented a new wireless and the tiny heiuing aid Instrument has been perfected by an electronics engineer. Crosby could hear but could not understand words, and be designed the midget instrument to help people like himself. In spite of its operation, the device proeaMev-- d vides excellent so that tte hearing wearer can pick up sounds of speech, television and radio AT Ms ear, rather than thru a transmitter located la the clothing. The remarkably small aid weighs Just 310 of an ounce and is worn entirely in the ear. It Is smaller than a postage stamp and has no cords, plastic tubes or dangling wires, Information about this new wireless hearing aid for the deaf is now available to the public. For complete details, write to Crosby, care of our new address, 4 North Broad-waBillings, Montana. ben low-co- st y, Inning wHh IronrHe you brawo d dwugh all dm family wash In the Him It tqkes to hand Inn. Just rit and relax . . no heavy no No achy musdee MMng. foee wrinkles" or yeur Jn 'Inning handle Cheese dothee. yeur your Lady Honored In Logan Dairymen of Cache valley are invited .to hear Dr. Marion F. Brink, Chicago, asafe, date director of nutrition research of the National Dairy Council, at the annual membership meeting of the Amerof ican Dairy Association in Salt Utah Hotel at Utah, Lake City, November SO. According to A. W. ChamCache Smithfield, bers, county, president of the ADA of Utah, the membership session will begin at 1 p.m. Utahs Dairyman of the Year, an honor awarded annually by Future Farmers of America, will be cited at the meeting, together with dairy scholarship award winners for chibs. FFA and Dr. Brink is a native of his Illinois, and received B.S. and M.S. degrees at the Unversity of Illinois. He was awarded his Ph.D. degree in nutrition and biochemistry by the University of Missouri. of As Assocate Director National Dairy Councils Department of Nutrition Research, Dr. Brink is concerned with two major activities the conduct of NDC grants-in-ai- d nutrition research program and the interpretation of research findings of interest to the dairy industry. Interpretation of research by NDC applies to more than findings from nutrition research projects. Its scope indudes contad with research investigators and the study and application of information on dairy foods from the entire field of nutri tion research conducted ann ually through grants of millions of dollars from both private and governmental sources. ' DEEP CUSHION 6 CHAIRS WITJI FORMICA one-Mr- v TOP TABLE Lj f- CHRISTMAS &. OPENING " 5 SPECIAL.... l. .1 - i A. CHBISTMAS DELIVERY EVEB iiiiMi i 4-- H CLIFTON Mr. and Mrs. Croshaw and family of Gary Pocatello and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Croshaw and family all went to Logan last Saturday afternoon for a family get together honoring their mother Mrs. May Croshaw on her 85th birthday anniversary, A All met at her home. luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. Lewtt Hadley of Pocatello, Mr. and Mrs. Ver nal Croshaw and family of Mr. and Mrs. Pocatello, Floyd Field of Orangevale, California, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Croshaw and family of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Croshaw and family of on, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Croshaw and family of Pocatello Mrs. Rose Reid and daughter Renee of Pocatello and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Croshaw and family of Providence. After lunch, the group was entertained by a boys quartette, who sang barber-sho- p harmony. o - NDC-sponsor- ed The Preston Citizen All Brand New WesSnghouse Af THESE APPLIANCES ARE FULLY GUARANTEED SOME Q SLIGHT YOU HAVE TO REALLY HUNT TO FIND THEM. fir Deluxe 23" Console TV BY WESTINGIIOUSE Has The Widest WITH 75 LB FREEZER LARGE SIZE Testimonials - REG. $299 BY WESTINGIIOUSE . . . REG. BY WESTINGHOUSE $299 - REG. . - BY WESTINGHOUSE REG. $419 . 3 Refrigerator WITH 75 LB. TRUE FREEZER - REG. $241 Frost Free Refrigerator . 1 With Separate 115 Lb. Home Fn Frost Free Refrigerator . $ BY WESTINGHOUSE REG. 14' With $339 Separate 115 Lb. Home Freezer Comer Cabinet BY WESTINGHOUSE Kfeetrie THE CITIZEN PHONE 852-01-55 $ $399 REG. $74 ... REG. $339 Super Deluxe Clothes Dryer - $ Refrigerator Super 21' Chest Type Freezer $ Wood In The Valley - Chassls-R- eg Deluxe 21' Home Freezer 14' Missionary - $ With Soper Fringe Deluxe Built In Oven 12 Selection Of - 14' Wcslinghouse CHEST TYPE STOP IN AND SEE ROCHD BUILT FOl AUTOMATIC INONIR Leader son-in-la- w our Citizen Photo TV I Spd. Heat. Automatic Drying Dial 23" Westinghoue Console TV SUPER POWER CHASSIS $ REG. $ REG. $2N Westinghonse Refrigerator WITH 75 LB. FBI I -- REG. $249 $ |