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Show Ada Wright was the special guest for the Sunday evening meeting, singing a vocal sdo, Lord Let Me Live Fraaklia Biitb Unspeakables At Franklin Ward The FRANKLIN play The Case of the Unspeak-ablea- " wai presented Tuesday evening In the Franklin Ward. Itwaa under the direction of Darlla Noble. Harold Bradford conducted and welcomed the Mapleton Ward with Jeff Lowe and Kent Woodward on the program. A large audience enjoyed the performances of Scott Fuhri- . the Judge, and his assistances, Frank Lynn Womack, Sherman Packer, Ranee Alba, Steven Porter, Dal1 as Lewis, Oaron DnrranL. Val Castillo, Kent Porter, Kevin Morrison, Alan Kingsford, Garth Porter, Lana woodward, Donna Aden, Marian Johnny Owen, Candice Lowe, Shanma Woodward, Shanm Woodward, and stage Le-Fevr- e, YOUR HEALTH AND CHIROPRACTIC Hina OB. CHilSTINHN CHILD CASE 7 out of 10 children between the ages of six and sixteen show definite signal distortions and of 57.9 the Grace asslatants Clint Hobbs and Eddy Chatterton. n. . nations school children failed to pass physical fitness tests Until recent years little attention was given posture defects in children, the distorted, misshapen, and in some cases actually handicapped child was looked upon as fate of heredity. A spinal curvature, a head tilt, or a pelvic tilt was taken as an unfortunate but normal accident of nature. The neglect of minor falls, strains, sprains and dally Incidents In the life of an active child la the major cause of structural spinal disorders. Research has revealed that In many cases such defects are forerunners of many serious structural and organic illnesses I ! Kirk-brid- 1 ds w CHIROPRACTORS ARE SPECIALISTS IN SPINAL DISORDERS ! 1 ! Led-erma- Send questions to Dr. Stans Christensen, MB So. Main, SnUthfldd. Anderson's 38fli Animal Pre-Christm- as week Eve Andreasen, HERESM&ZPWlUfATiP Robinson. MR. AND MRS. Larrel attended Hobbs and family a farewell testimonial In Brigham City for Elder Robert Shelton, Jr. who leaves for the Central British mils-sloElder Shelton Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ShelMUSIC THE PRELUDE ton, Sr. for the Relief Society TuesClara day was played by Temple session was attend- Dean Morrison. ed by Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Packer, Mr. and Mrs. Roland President Alfonda Hawkes Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- conducted. Bertha Woodward uel R. Handy, Mr. and Mrs Phyllis Kingsford and RebJohn ecca Packer assisted Clara Mrs. Earl Skumway, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Dean Morrison with the LitHampton and William Biggs. erature lesson giving the book review of Huckleberry Finn. Recent dinner guests of A vocal solo Huckleberry son were Bradford her Doris was Finn Donald Bradford of Tooele Woodward. sung. by mi grandson tvwM BraiL ford, Junior. Tuesday Donald Stake Relief Society leadJunior returned from a mis- ers, Bflldred Ollverson and sion to Zelma Woodward made specLinrose and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mor- ial visits to the Mrs. diver-so- n wards. Mapleton made rison, Paul and Sydney musical the special gave a business trip to Salt Lake Huckleberry Fton. City Saturday . They were over night guests of Mr. and Airman and Bfrs. Russell Mrs. Terry Morrison. Edwards and family from Atwater, Calif, are guests of Laura Atkinson spent some Mr. Mrs. Victor Porter time In Ogden as a guest of and ana family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosser and family prior to the departure MR. AND MRS. Gerald of Elder David Rosser. While Wright, Myrtle Woodward the group was in Salt Lake and Gwen Gibson made a City Mrs Atfcltneon vtottql bualness trip to Salt Lake with Amanda Nash. City on Tuesday. AND MRS. MR. Stephen A few drama fans from Smith and family of Brigham Franklin attended the dramaCity were dinner guests of tic plays presented art the Mr. and Mrs. William Robin- Preston High School Friday son Sunday. venlng. Students Denton Harris, Wayne Haworth and Ear-ley Mr. and Mrs. Dalmaln Fuhrlman from Frankand family visited Sunday Scott lin were characters In Am In Paris, Ida. with her parplay. ents, Mr. and Mrs. seven Wednesday evening teaOfficers and Primary Mrs. of visitors Monday chers The met In Service RaNae Earley were sisters lesson was by leader Mrs. Bruce Peterson, Mrs. Sue Hawkes.given Gerrie S trees Ross Smart and Allan and conducted. Stake board visitCard, all of Logan. or was Jean Stockdale. Sing--t Was led by Rebecca e Estella Wright served rewith NaDean Davis at freshments to her guests following a quilting party at the piano. her home. Guests were Rebecca Packer, Nettie Lewis, Stella Iranian Briaig Kingsford, Phyllis Chatterton, Biggs, Laura Bfrs. Louise Heath and dauRuth Hill, Zina Albiston, Thelma Doney and Ruby An- ghter Leone of Salt Lake derson. City were Monday visitors of Bfrs. Lula Lott many evening Friday and relatives from Bfr. and Bfrs. LewP. Allsop lends and relatives from Franklin attended the wedd- accompanied Bfr. and Bfrs. ing reception in the Fair-vie- Marie L. Godfrey and two Cultural Hall In honor sane to Idaho Falls Sunday of Bonnie Burnett and Lynn morning where they spent B. Burbank. the day with Bfr. and Bfrs. Margaret Adamson direc- Blaine Godfrey. ted the singing for the Junior Gary Reader Is home from Sunday school. and children on the program Janet Jackson, Wyo., where he has Mylorie, Kevin Atkinson, been employed with the road Atkinson, maintenance crew at YellowMylorie, Kevin Tammy Chatterton and Alo-n- a stone National Park. Olsen, with Gwen Gibson Stockdale Wednesday Bfr. and Bfrs. In charge. Reed was In charge of Aw Senior E. N. Butler took Miss and BBss Rltamaim Sunday ochod where Verlene to Lake Salt Brenda City where they Butterworth, Smith, boarded Jet Steven Porter plane for Kay Corbridge, and Susan Nash participated. TO SPEED THE SEND YOUR CHRISTMAS MAIL Hod Leader , ZIP COOE...J2 s G1I1-e- 6 L Shop Early.!. Mail Early! Testimonial leberry Finn. Heldllecenlly At MIA TRENTON Snday evening Elder Ben L. Read, son of Bfr. and Bfrs. Rex Read, waa honored at a farewell Testimonial in Trenton Ward prior to hla departure to the Texas Bfission. The following program waa given: Prelude ana postlude was played by Norma Reeder. Opening song, Ye who Are Called To Labor by the choir, directed by Melva Cottle, Norma Reeder accom-nyininvocation by Lin Sacrament user; song More Holiness Give Me. g; re. Jay Andreaien. Tuesday evening the prayers were gives by Patricia Andrew and Norvd Humphry!. IJnde Reeder lead the Theme and a piano solo was played by Marie Spackman. Stake board member!. Sisters Pond and Cunningham were present, and also two recent converts to the church from Switzerland, a Margaret Ritzmann and Ledennawn, who each bore their testimonies. Bfaf-ald- Unspeakables Given By Slake Bannock First speaker was Julius CLEVELAND P. Jensen, followed by a duet Stake MIA drama officers Flossie Atkinson and Clestoii and cast presented their usPayne," Jems Lover of Bfy ual stake play Tuesday ev- Soul. Remakrs were given ening November 19 at the by an uncle, Blaine Hickman Stake House in Grace, enand Bishop w. S. Holt Piano ticed, The Case of the Vivian Unspeakables. solo was playedby Those in Hickman followed by re- the cast from Cleveland are, marks by Rex Read and the LeGrande McGregor, Eddie response by the missionary. Panter, Darla Condie, Bart and Bennett, Steve White, song waa Ill Go Candice Garbett. A full ou Want Me To Bmediction br B. J. BMdjjK1 Out of town vftitorslncludedT THn Bfr. and Bfrs. Blaine Hickman and family of SnowvUle.Utah Csnplstes Cram Bfr. and Mrs. Ted Arave of GRACE Tex A. Hansen, Ogden, Bfr. and Bfrs. Herman son id Bfr. and Bfrs. Ralph Hauser and son Lin of Logan Hansen of Grace, and aviaBfr. andBfrs. Fired Karren of tion electronics technician Lewiston, and many college airman, USN, recently com-- a friends of Bennie. coarse In General the thematicel,' through mission He entered the United States Armed Forcea IlfflHf Wfimitey mopilng Institute, at Bfadlson, Wii. Cleston and Lynn Payne He Is continuing his educahosts to a group of tion while In the sendee frienda In honor of Benuaon through the voluntary worldSaturday night at the home wide education program for of their parents, Mr. and Bfrs. members of the Armed Cecil Payne. Those present Forces. i the guest of honor Hansen Is a graduate of the were Susan Head, Barbara Grace High School. Gergory, Glenns Andersen, GailHibner, Arlene West, SUPERVISOR VISITS Ignm Butters, Dee Andrew, THATCHER State School Cleston and Lynn Payne. Elementary Supervisor from Bfrs. Favell Plant of the Boise visited at the Thatcher stake relief society was a spe- school and also the school In cial visitor at the' Trenton Grace. I Ixll $8X0 Value Eitahdriwdln PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY ) Chevrailisollees give you both. Fkst theyre Msndsd for your climate; to glvs you tatsr Thay con- Preston-t- STUDIO HOURS 11 - to step up octane performance locoed, they haw DMerietiMdion, the cartarelte demine additlvi that dtaerives gums and dlrf deport protects the fori system against mat Thooefootem .eoat you nothing extrd Ethytr- i- 1 1B33 to first nfw antiknock compound rinse tain Methyl - - "T.'. I " . MB-19-01 SAVE 4x7 x PREFINISHED WALL PANELING V4 W - P nSoemlo UlFCIl Va" OFF g(Qj Reg. PriiroSMS TTmlosaomoouu IMS SL4I M-- Itog. Priee 9411 uanogaliy 9SJI $3dC3 4 x t 42c car ALL TREATED PERFORATED Per FL . . StePerFL Lawn tailing lower rael type TILE AS LOW AS WIDE $71X0 Sfe FL SI ROD ROLLS ONE OBfLY $8X5 - Per ReD Attention Farmers y to . t- COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK gverg PER THOUSAND BOARD FEET 6i3Jg&bSare5Ka j fmranyStandafd Oilfroduct, tall SE .V; CULL FADnrLUnDEQ . ptomeMJM Preston, Idaho 1. . Lee aad Arnold, Owners Phone H South First West warm-up- AUDECSOU'S PHOTO STUDIO i Preston Implement Co. 10c We will photograph anything, anywhere, anytime. We copy, graphs and able papers.'1 t rt or NM9S4 " aOSCEtHJBk ! '! Delay . . . Bring in year "lucky mover Today CONTEST ENDS Midnight, December Xlatl As Huch As r ... f.f . I HUS mere Hum 1,101 Xaipce Portable Pans Resists worth $IS9.M each to bo given away by Knipco Dealers! J en- velope you received with your Klover Fence Posts ... ... a e Many, many more valuable prizes listed on the DOT HOW ADD bmt ' ... me a STOCK HOST DE DEDUCED SOLID faction guaranteed. We also do expert kodak finishing, black and white or color. Bring or send your films to us for regular or king slse quality prints. . a a Orangeburg Sewer Pipe Take advantage of this special or ten your friends. Youll never get such a bargain for Libquality photographs at such a low price. eral selection of proofs, to choose from. Satis- ... o FINISHED WO(H) GRAIN 8HEE1ROCK Only $2X8 ... - All-expe- Man has always had a fall out problem baldness. 4 x 7 THIS SPECIAL IS FOR EVERYBODY! BABY BROTHER SISTER DAD MOTHER . paid trip to Disneyland or Washington, D. C. for family of 4 ... or $1,000 cash Hammond Electric Organ GJS. Color TV Set Tractor-to-hoRadio Kodak Movie Camera and Projector Outfit Huffy Rider Lawn Mower G.EL Putable Dishwasher R.CLA. Console Stereo with AM-F- M Radio 10 Knlpeo FV-2- 00 Ventad Portable Farm Haatars Deem A TREMENDOUS BARGAIN! NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ; ea the-youn- $290,000 WORTH OF PRIZES Bfr. and Bfrs. Lorin Hoopes of Thatcher had as guests her sister and husband, Bfr. and Bfrs. Truman Payne and daughter from Montpelier. Bfr. and Bfrs. Bfillen Mendenhall taught school at the Thatcher school while the teachers visited in Grace and attended the demonstration on the SAE Reading kite. to SI INCLUSIVE I . er 4 Only $2X8 II successful supper and bazaar Thursday evening. Supper was served at 6 p.m. followed by e program, with Reed L. Rawlins as. Blaster: of ceremonies. Helen Green and Mary Bingham accompanied by Nadine Butter, all-, of Weston rang several doeta. Delmar Derrlcott of Preston gave to comic readings. Two dancing numbers were given by Peggy Porter and Kevin Winn, accompan-le- d by Locna Larsen. by Prayers were offered Stuart H. Richards raid Blab-r- a Holt. Following the program a fish pond provided enjoyment far people, while art-idof clothing, quota and household lines were add. IN NLVERTONE $8X9 Value NOVEMBER Trades held e The TRENTON ward Relief Society QHCDdDCHD Bfr. and Bfri. Wendell Glover of Pocatello visited with her mother Bfrs. Helen Wll-kand family la Thatcher. Bfr. and Bfrs. Ellis Wright of Thatcher sprat several days fa gait LakeCtty. VISITORS AT the home of Bfr. and Bfrs. Harris Stephen-sen were Bfr. and Bfrs. Stan Bell of Ogden, Bfr. and Bfrs. Sheldon Kendall of Greco' end Bfr. and Bfrs. Theone Bfr. Kendall of Cleveland, and Mrs. Bell were weekend visitors of Bfr. and Bfrs. Sheldon KendalL 1 PODTDAIT SPECIAL A BEAUTIFUL Roliof Sodoty Holds Bailor Ba-no- ck ON TIME, AND SEND IT BV - ter of Bfr. and Bfra. Max Andreasen sang some vocal solos at the Idaho State Farm Bureau Banquet in the Lions Hotel In Pocatello. Bfrs. GRACE Grace Pat Smith accompanied Eve were hosts to district goverat the piano. nor M. E. Plcano of Idaho Melvin Falls, Cecil Scott of the IdaMR. AND BfRS. Weaver and son Frank spent ho Lions Club and zone a week In Grand Junction Col chairman James Benson of with their son Bflke who play- Grace who made their offied on the basketball team. cial visit on Tuesday even-ng- . Bannock Stake Temple day Harold Varley led the was November 21 at the Lopledge; prayer waa given by gan Temple. tt Samuel Smith and Val Bfr. and Bfrs. LloydBenn-et- t led the group singing. of Bnter took a load of furniture to Portland to their PTA SPEAKER daughter who Is living there. GRACE Wednesday evBfr. and Bfrs. Ezra HollingNovember 20, Tom BeU ening Las la week a sworth sprat of Bancroft who recently reVegas, vacationing with their turned from Europe wai the eon and wife, Bfr. and speaker before members of Bfrs. Bill Hollingsworth. e PTA at the Gracp eleBfrs. Dick bm has re- mentary schooL turned to her home In Groce after enjoying a visit to Monte Vlata, Colo, with her dau- ter and family Bfr. and tOADl CHRISTMAS THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Ufah 1W Grace Lions daugh- 4x8-- 14 INCH PHOTOGRAPH November M, Tuesday evening of the pest by accompanied Speakers were Airman Bruce Chatterton and Reed Jamison. Rebecca Kirkbrtde presented Bryon Chatterton and Terry Chatterton to the Bishop Robfrom inson for graduation the Primary and then toAaron-1c ward members for Priesthood. Monte Woodward was advanced to a teacher, Wayne Corbridge was released as assistant Scout Blaster. Today, Blilb Clgvtlind-Cra- f ESTIHATESUIVIBERCO. I. HMM.t NOTHING DOWN- ,-i PHONE' YEARS TO PAT |