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Show Vf ' ' A. vt"-S- . .j '"',-- '. 1 -, . N f Cm Brisk 1 November Minnesota Convert Makes Home In Cove Miss Fayth Marty Logan Temple doing COVE sealof Minneapolis, Minn., Is mak- ings. ing her home with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hang Mrs. Orrlan Rich. She Is a aard and family of Brigham convert to the L.D.S. Church City visited her parents on through the labors of their Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Treson Kent, who served two vor Richards. years In that area as a misMr. and Mrs. Kenneth sionary. Kent is now attend Moosman and family of Roanother son ing USU; viBountiful were week-enland attends BYU. sitors of Mr. her parents Mrs. Eunice Rich and and Mrs. Alden Cornish. Fayth Marty drove to Salt Lake and City Monday spent two days visiting relatives and places of Interest They took the Temple Square Tour. THE RELIEF SOCIETY The MIA Girls members held a work and COVE business day Tuesday with groups received their awards many articles completed. Vi- Sunday evening In meeting. olet Larsen displayed holiday They were presented by Bihobbles. Garnet Cornish and Larsen. All girls Wanie Allen served a hot shop Claytor dinner. Vetta Mae Egan gave received individual and stake awards. Beehives were Carol the work day lesson. A large group of parents Allen, Nancy Cornish, Lanls attended the parent- - teachers Kingsford, Patricia Lewis, visiting day at North Cache Marlene Rawlins, Sherry High School Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Hen- Rodebush, Rosalie Durrant, dricks attended Sunday Meet- Bonnie Eskelson and Darlene ing in Franklin, and Mr. Hen- Taylor. MIA Maids we dricks assisted In the Mess- Louise Cornish, Sharon Corning of their granddaughter, Jensen, Lynette Patricia, who was Messed by ish, Kathy Tamara Lewis and her tether Jerry Hendricks. Kingsford, Others assisting were Orvll Sheryl Miller. Durr ant, Val Dim Durrant Laurels, Myma Allen, andthe Bishopric. Family Cornish, Kay Hendricks, members enjoyed a dinner at Cheryl Kingsford, Vicky Jo the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Judy Shumway. Lewis, Jerry Hendricks after the Bene Kartchner, a gleaner, meeting. MISS SHARON Hendricks received her seventh year of Salt Lake City and her Lanls and Lynette friend Nancy Jones were Sun- Kingsford and Vicky Jo Lewday afternoon visitors of her is also received pins for 100 parents Mr. and Mrs. Fenton per cent attendance. Speaker Hendricks. for the evening was Jay RodeFireside was held Sunday bush, recently returned from the Texas Mission. evening at the home of Cornish. Gay and Lanny Gunnell of Logan were there Kecard and Lanny showed slides of A Sncctts Mission. his Australian served light refreshCOVE The Benson Stake ments. Record Hop was held SaturMr. and Mrs. Alie Bow night in the recreational cut of Franklin visited his day hall. Disc jockey Gary Evans sister Mrs. Bertha Cornish of KLCN was master of cere on Wednesday. monies. The Jauguars of LoAND MRS. MR. Alton gan entertained with guitar, Kingsford and Mrs. Rosella and drum. Ailene Jensen ana Kingsford spent Saturday in Lloyd Lewis were In charge. 28, 1963 THE CITIZEN, Lewiston, Utah Our annual bargain sprot Is here.. .the 2 big days after for starting Thanksgiving I Its the "official" kick-o- ff your Christinas shopping with truly outstanding buys I ffliratraffiap ALWAY8 FIRST QUALITY d CoveGi Given Awards LONG WEAR COMFORT IN Al-de- ne JUNIOR BOYS' SPORT SUITS "FOREMOST" VELOCIPEDE! Sbea PENNEV8 SAFETY FAVORITE 4 to 19 777 888 Al-de- ne look! luxury lip Al-de- ne to delight the boy or girl Ball mind! bearing front wheel gives easier pedaling, smooth ride, precise steering! Bright red enamel finish triimmed In white. 1 58 3 sixes: 10, you have In gift-giv- ing sweaters! CARDIGANS! diameter 12, 16" tires. a value! Soft, models In turbo Softer, smoother care-for . . . to Orion acrylic, easier Choose rugged looking Imported Shetland crews, with added Penney extra of elbow patches! Give him the classic cardigan In Orion Sayelle acrydl thats got the costly Alpaca look. Hurry ll save! .a nt Sixes S, M. L, XL BOXED CADDY SPECIAL!! AD milk CHERRY CHOCOLATES Chocolate with Belt cherry eexters of CREAMY MINTS with dark Chocolate Cover. 2 boxes for $ J, ah, the fabulous Dow Huh "Dacron 88" POLYESTER PILL SUPER SIZE applied to this precious RED PILLOWS! Women's little purse dispenser Tigress perfume from France sheathed in filigree'd golden metal with the look of 5.00 and first time Loy-Pric-ed a rajah's ransom . . . Flambeau . .jT Sharp JOHHSOirS Drag Sion Excellent for Driving. A REAL SPECIAL BUY. So plump! ... What value! Clasdc sleek styles, smart simulated leathers, sporty Belgian linen! perfect gift for gals of al1 ages! phu U Fed. tax 1 proof COAT - 2 for Glove Nop-allergen- lc, e! refillable Also Aphrodlsia . . Woodhue Ores polyester Oil, striped cotton HcMg cover, coord-edg- - for the very NEW TEXTURES! AND VINYL comfort! dust doves Stretch $3 filled with purry, provocative mLUPOUK IN SMART CLOSE-OU- T -- quilted nylon ski parkas Trust Penneys to save yon the moost on the seasons most wanted style! AD rugged nylon taffeta inside and out, with brand Improved polyester fiber-fi- ll in between. Yes, lighter and wanner Dacron 88 from Dupont. Styled with every Important detail . . . tip pockets, rollaway hood, more. new, mens small, large, .extra large ?88 Bays 19 WMUO Beys 4 to women $2535-i9&$1- 2 OPEN TIL 8 p.m. FRIDAY and, SATURDAY 1 ,. :f : w' ts 588 u FREE PARKING dap-abl-e Jacket of .wool acrydl. Cratrasting rayon acetate slacks have self belt. Talkrlag extras tee! In favorite Colors. Shop ' Save! CREWS! ZIP-FRONT- S! dp-fro- 10" What $6 . I IS |