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Show girls and how she enjoyed1 THE CITIZEN. Lawtitoa, Utah November 28, INS working with them. The girls who were being honored then Dayton Briefi sang Starry Way". A talk was given oy Twila Phillips on requirements necessary to obtain an individual a ward. He'en Henderson spoke on DAYTON The MIA girls first council in the bishopric, vice, the time was given to Priviledges and opportunitYNVMIA. 100 per cent honor award conducted the hi ee ting. Open the ies the Gospel offers the MIA Jean Balls, President, bore night was held In connection conducted the meeting, of girl". A talk The law of also her spoke testimony, with Sacrament meeting on MIA the of her appreciation November 17. Perry Phillips Girl Award Winners Honored' - given by Lois Beutler. Song I Have a Testb; the girls, imony". Sheleen Page gave a talk on Blessings received Through Observance of The Word of Wisdom." The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. Eva Lynn Casperson, first council in the Stake their leaders. was by the song congregation, ter directed Carry On" with Vivian Schvanerveldt, Virginia Griffith accompanying. Closing prayer was by Louise Closing Page. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Mary J. Jones YWMIA. was her daughter Alta and Remarks were given by husband Bus Stewart of OgBishop Moser. He presented den and her granddaughter Madolyn and husband Dannie Goodfellow vin. and little so Kestu- FUND RAISING PfO--' Friday night gram was heldCultural Hall Ward the in Gerald Dailey, pres, of the YMMIA was master of cere A Maryanns Winward, a dent at USU spent the weekend at the home ot ner parA musical pragrom ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thayne monies. by the Rob was presented Winward. from Logan and binson MIA family Tuesday night the at a ventrloqulst, Miss Smith, The Unspeakables' play The proceeds so from ward Logan. was presented in the are to be Cultural Hall, under the dir- of funds taken in In various purposes for used ection of Mrs. Blair Hender ward. the son, ward drama director. Gifts For The Home Are Always High! .. Foss Fnmitare Has Hade Special Purchases .For This Big Gala Glowing Early American In Hardrock Haple WHEN YOU WANT THE FINEST D, Choose 6950 MR. anil MRS. authenWing back sofa, with curved front and tic Maple trim. Foam SWIVEL ROCKERS Designed for personalised comfort with esdueive super oft rOAM back, the new Mr. and Mm. Swivel tuckem am both available iu U. & Naugahyde, leather-lik- e Premier Baatic, or 100 DuPont Antnm Nylon . . . both colon. available in mix or match of S jewel-lik-a The high back atyle feature! a reversible foam rubber finger-ti- p EASY It'a a handaoma leather-lik- e expanded Vinyl. Your man wiU appreciate the head to toe luxury of tha fuU foam back and Double dreuer and mirror. yllliN Cheat of drawera. , . $127 Panel Bed $MJI 044.10 Cracker bin lamp table Step table, Spicebox front Ovlctail tabls with drawer 0 48,00 Night stand HIH SOLID MAPLE TABLES feel Jf $9950 chair yea'll afrae in any of fi new colora of euper-aof- t, vslvet-lik-o through years of use. $18950 swivel rocker in tweed or patchquflt CrazyquHt cricket rocker. Solid Maple. .959.10 Maturing footstool, in tweed or Craxyquilt $19.05 drawers on rubber control for ig. Tha beautiful natural finish glides, retains a rich, warm, TV RECLINER Matriiinf SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM crafting of this gram eat cuanjon. Think Of His Comfort! back, 3 reversible foam cushions. Sofa only. . 000-0- 0 019.50 flllJt Bookcaaebed rcdOa YOURE SURE TO FIND THE RIGHT GIFT FOR YOUR HOME! til the foam oned, neat. cushicoil Hiring Ceentry Squire Daak 088 BIG DINETTE TEMPTING LOW PRICE! 7-PIE-CE Thie traditional raUaitn, kick piaet mriyel mekar offer, you the bat hfideh Sananahina contort. Kaw d mat; fouo-Slle- pillow beck. Now for Mom er Dad aake a choice in 4 eoramia tom oa tana Matalamm THIS ELEGANT AND VER8A-TIL- K CIIA1R offwi away inUr-aatipomihilitia, to mis or match Hohfcor Tah-tar- n. with ootu. long marina 100 NYLON dcccrmtcrtkbrtaL ream nnhioncd, hand tufted fcaeka. taa ... $79so $89so THE NUMBER ONE SWIVEL ROCKER BUY! $49so XL SEVEN PIECES So practical it withstands heat, SOLID WALNUT tews and arms, fins 100 NYLON cover plus FOAM CUSHIONING fat both asst and back. V I... man ar 96 wide.' Modara Maple finhh. Your choice er traditional, ataad. Bright bram plated with rontraetlngWUnni amber ghua aril tnyfoctudad. tabbed wood stoat ID ftamUng B Thmi Hied amtee a mmfnrteW)rnnhlniiiirl rWe frith la mb extra seat, Cal in neutral Geld wmbebie ptaatic glfjg Large riafomoua LANK CEDAR CHESTS with traya. Chain of OB WUuut er Colonial Mepla flahhea. Bit-lev- mkiietma apilb, adds, panpl ration, collisions and scuffing. Walnut grained Melamine plastic top, $0 x 60 x 72 has bonded feather-touc- h steel glides. 6 high curved-bac- k in d textured Beige piaatio: eelf-ndg-a, Cloth-backe- I Daks 4 king else i TMS9J& , Doom WU el soivg vow Your choice folding card table act bar Coscsl Tut bum Stybabt with Mocha plaatic upholstery. Inductee table and 4 contour-curva- d back chain B Foie Lamp . . . polhhed fcram efoted top and bottom. Laminated Wunut Vinyl center. Tranriuewt rtflectore; 919.80 central awitch SPACE PROBLEM plated magaiina rack with easy cany haadlui Imdo keep your leading material handy rack. Braaa finhh, metal liner ; carry handle Solid1 B Record storage cart Offers unique New HUE-VIErecord filing ajntem b y odor. Bram end Walnut flniah with 911.SS Bmnxatona lags V5960 i of apace to W i Mia-ol- ii ROCKER PLATFORM Your favorite, comfortable highback atyle I A real "tad" in heavyweight frieao eombinad with oturdy piaatio at pointa of waarl 19BB New SWIVEL ROCKER, FOAM back... SOLID WAL? NUT frame. Wide Color choice ba long wearing 100 Nyhm Taaona. Nylon cuahiooadlav-alim- r glidm deek in ariactad Wtfnut veneers In combination with Sdid Walnut. Large top 44 x 83. Fin jehed B Bne quality bSCkee H Matching duk chair fiber body provides 4 Beige wi itching ventilating. 05 itopa. BOSTON ROCKER, authentic Colonial design. B ChOda Smoothly fiaMied in Salem Maple. AS hardwood IVs perfect for any kitchen or dining ana. fin-p- -nt 30 x 40 table grows to a full 4 feet, accommodates 6 persons with ease. Almond Beige wood-grai- n ig top resists a tain;, bums, mars and acratcbas and ita any to keep dean. 4 matching chain. p1--t- $4450 FOSS FURNITURE 17 EAST ONEIDA weave B Ariatocrat Upright Hamper. Extra sturdy,Chooae bay Im White or Hundreds Of Fnrniinre Gifts THU IS JUST A BAMPUNG OF BARGAINS . . , AND BROWSE AROUND BE SURE YOU fYy ' |